My LO is 4 weeks tomorrow, hw was 8.8 when born, was 10lb 6oz at last weigh in a week ago. I feed him cow & gate milk, he drinks about 32oz per day. For last week he has been having loose, stringy stools 2-3 times per day, at least one of those nappies is very full.
HV feels he is just hungrier baby and suggested I make sure I'm not misreading signs and feeding when he's not hungry - I'm not. He is a very contented baby in the daytime, but wakens and stays awake for 2 hours or so overnight as well as waking for a feed around 12ish, 2ish and 7ish. His fullest nappy seems to be overnight after he has been awake, I think he may have a sore tummy, although he doesn't cry, just whimpers louder.
Would comfort milk help settle his tummy or do you just use that for colicky babies?
HV feels he is just hungrier baby and suggested I make sure I'm not misreading signs and feeding when he's not hungry - I'm not. He is a very contented baby in the daytime, but wakens and stays awake for 2 hours or so overnight as well as waking for a feed around 12ish, 2ish and 7ish. His fullest nappy seems to be overnight after he has been awake, I think he may have a sore tummy, although he doesn't cry, just whimpers louder.
Would comfort milk help settle his tummy or do you just use that for colicky babies?