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Lost my mukas plug and bloody show at 34 weeks


♡Praying for a miracle rainbow baby at 43♡
Sep 13, 2018
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Hay ladies hope u all had a great weekend.
I've been in hospital all weekend due to having contractions that got to 3 then 2 mins apart.
I was only 33+5 at the time so as u can imagine I was really scared and I really thought I was going into preterm labour. I've had kids all vaginal births b4 and trust me these contractions freaked me out because they got more and more painful and more closer together throughout the day. I tried the usual like drinking lots of water and resting but they still kept coming.
Anyway I ended up in labour and delivery and they did a swab to see if I was going into labour which came back negative. I was kept in and monitored and thankfully by Sunday morning the contractions and bad back had settled right down. And I was aloud home.

But yesterday I lost my mukas plug. I started losing bits of it throughout the day but thought nothing of it because it was only small amounts and no blood.
But then I lost a huge globe that looked like rubber. It was huge and had brown in the centre. After losing that when I wiped I had a load of normol mukas but with a reddish pink blood mixed in. I rand the hospital who said it definitely sounds like the show and I just need to rest and if the contractions start up again or my waters break I'm to go strait back in.

Nothing happening much now. No contractions no back ache nothing. I was told when u have the show it can mean labour can start soon but can be up to a week or even 2 weeks away so now I've just got to rest and keep an eye on things.

I have a growth scan on Wednesday and then I see the high risk pregnancy consultant and I shud get my induction date which will be around 37 weeks but I'm not sure I'm gonna make that date. I dont even trust my own body right now. How bad is that.

Babies head was completely free on friday but when they checked saturday he is now 4/5th engaged and my bump just keeps dropping. It looks sooooo low.

Anyway i guess it's just a wait and see and I'll just have to rest and take it easy like they said.
I packed my hospital bag yesterday so I'm feeling alot more relaxed now I know that's all done. Just hoping baby stays put in there until at least 36 weeks.
This was exactly what happened with my last baby when I went into labour at 30 weeks, I was contracting every couple of minutes, I wish I still had the pictures from the monitor to show you how regular they were the consultant at the hospital during my stay said he will more than likely not stay put and he said baby will likely be here by 36 weeks, not long after my had my bloody show it was mainly orangey in colour and quite blood streaked, I wasn't dilating at that time thankfully, but baby lasted until 40 weeks when was Induced, but he was more than ready to come, labour only took 2 hours and 20 mins from start to finish and instantly started contracting when the induction started, I think my body needed that push to get started but once it did, it happened so fast. The same may happen for you and you last until 37 weeks when you get induced
I feel so weird today hon. Really nauseous extereme tiredness. Pain and pressure in my groan. Baby feels like he is scraping my cervix like supper low and my pelvis is hurting. Huge increase in cm. No more orangy pink blood tho just clear and stretchy. I literally feel like my waters are gonna burst any minute.
I just do not feel myself at all I feel really off. Having shooting pains in my vjay and cervical area. Still getting the odd strong Braxton hicks and when I have them there is soooo much presure on my bladder and cervix. I just dont know what's going on.
20190901_194323.jpg 20190901_194350.jpg
These were the contractions I had in the space on Saturday when I was just waiting in the waiting room.
I do have a photo of the moniter but not of the first trace when I was having the regular contractions because I was in to much pain to take a photo.
But i got a photo of the second trace when the contractions became less close together
Oh wow how scary!! Glad the contractions calmed down and hopefully you can just rest until your induction date at 37 weeks!!
Thanks ladies. Kind of hoping now they start up again just had my growth scan and he is 6lb 13oz I'm terrified. He will be huge if I go much further

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