Has anyone experienced low back pain, before bfp. Never get back ache before af??
Had 2 small spotting (just on tp) of brownish cm on 10 dpo and about 45 min of cramping. Have had sore boobies since 3 dpo and creamy creamy cm (sorry tmi) ANyways I am due tomorrow for AF. Waiting to test until after she doesnt show
Would love to hear if anyone has experienced this
Thank you!!!
Had 2 small spotting (just on tp) of brownish cm on 10 dpo and about 45 min of cramping. Have had sore boobies since 3 dpo and creamy creamy cm (sorry tmi) ANyways I am due tomorrow for AF. Waiting to test until after she doesnt show
Would love to hear if anyone has experienced this
Thank you!!!