Lump found - Referral to breats clinic


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2009
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Hi, Yesterday I was seen by my doctor after I discovered a hard lump in my right armpit.
Upon examining my breasts she has referred me to the breast clinic for an ultrasound as the whole of my right breast feels different to my left, it's harder along one side and I have three moles on my areola which are all speckled black whereas they were previously just a light brown colour. She was able to feel the lump and confirmed it is hard and does not move when touched/manipulated.

I've been told to expect an appointment within 2 weeks but I was just wondering if anyone else has been in this situation? I'm worried sick and my mind just will not turn off. I don't know what to expect at this appointment or anything. I am 23 years old and only know my mums side of the family's history but not my dads as his own mother was adopted. I am also 30 weeks pregnant.

As I say just looking for advice, I'm trying to stay away from scaring myself with google but I just can't get rid of this worry!!
Hiya, I've been to the breast unit for lumps about 5 or 6 times now, I've also had one removed. The appointment should come through pretty quickly, I had my first one within the week. When you get there you will probably be asked to put a gown on, you will see the doctor who will do an examination and take information about family history and all that stuff, the you will have the ultrasound (although sometimes they do this the other way round). After the ultrasound the doctor will see you to go over the ultrasound result and to organise any further appointments and things.

Depending on the ultrasound you may have to go back for a biopsy at some point too and they may then decide to remove the lump or leave it for monitoring. But they will discuss it all with you in detail.

Oh and I've got 2 fibroadenoma's and have had one removed, I also have a lump in my right armpit that is still a little unidentified. It feels like a fibroadenoma but the hospital think its a swollen lymph node, but as its not gone down in the last year like it should have I have to get it looked at again. This has reminded me I need to make an appointment actually!

Thought I should add here I am 22 and found my first lump at 19, so you're certainly not alone in being younger and having this happen. I'm here if you want to chat :)
I have a big firm lump under my nipple. I was scared stupid, got referred to our local breast center by my doctor and had an ultrasound. It turned out to be a fluid filled cyst. Nothing to worry about, they actually found several more during the ultrasound which freaked me out a bit. I guess some of us have really lumpy breasts. She said it wont increase my risk of breast cancer. So try to stay calm. I know it's scary but It could turn out to be totally benign. I would have your moles looked at asap. Any change in pigmentation like that warrants a dermatologist visit. I had a mole change last year and it turned out to be melanoma. I went as soon as I noticed it changing to the doctor and it was diagnosed early.
Thank you for the replies.

My appointment came through today for a week tomorrow, The dr doesn't think it's a cyst at all as there is no give to it when pressed on, and it's bumpy feeling like small pepples instead of smooth which she was a bit concerned about. Since my appointment with her I've had my OH examine them to see if he could see what she meant about my right breast feeling a lot different to my left and he could and pointed out to me, there is a hardish mass to the right of my nipple about 3-4cm in size which isn't on my left at all.

Thank you for explaining about the breast clinic appointment, it's just good to know what to expect when I go in, my mum is coming along with me which definitely helps too!

She did ask about my moles too so obviously they'll be looked at again. Just hope this week passes quickly! x
I hope everything goes okay for you, I will keep checking back :) fingers are crossed x
I hope everything goes well for you at your appointment. I don't have any personal experience but something similar happened to my friend when she was pregnant and when she attended her appointment at the breast clinic, the lump was harmless and due to her pregnancy. xx
Well today is the day. Thank you for your replies :) Need to be there for 9.30am so leaving very soon. This past week has dragged and I'm just eager to know one way or another. Prepared myself for the worst mentally to help cope and so I have an even bigger reason to smile if they say it's benign x

Hope everything turns out to be just fine. XO Good Luck xo
It's definitely not a cyst, and it's not a swollen lymph node as too high and deep. They spent ages scanning it and took two biopsies from my armpit there and then. Said it's probably benign but as it's solid, unevenly shaped and 10mm in size they want to be sure that it's nothing to worry about so I can get on with the rest of my pregnancy worry free. I need to go back up on thursday for the results.

So happy they took it seriously and have decided to act with caution rather than fob it off as something and nothing. Bit sore today from the biopsies but feeling a little more hopeful now :) x
Good luck for your results on Thursday, glad the appointment went okay x

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