Hi, am on first round of clomid after miscarriage, 4th round altogether and am having, for the first time, spotting after taking the pills. Have taken soy cd1-4 (apparently it works WITH the clomid to cancel out side effects esp thinning lining etc) and then clomid cd4-8. Started spotting cd10 but only a small amount that never even made it to when i wiped or on knickers (only when went "in there" to inspect cm - sorry!). It probably seemed like more than it was if it didn't even make it onto the t.p. but it worried me.
All went away the day after but today it's back again, along with bit of ewcm and I don't know what to think. i was hoping it might be ovulation but have got very negative opks and am having mild cramping too. I feel so worried that i might not ovulate this cycle - anyone experienced this and can give me any advise????????
Thanks so much. x
All went away the day after but today it's back again, along with bit of ewcm and I don't know what to think. i was hoping it might be ovulation but have got very negative opks and am having mild cramping too. I feel so worried that i might not ovulate this cycle - anyone experienced this and can give me any advise????????
Thanks so much. x