Migraines and TTC?


Expecting our жабка!
Dec 20, 2010
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So I have had migraines since I was 6.

They come and go for years at a time. Few years off then a few years on... not sure what really triggers them to go in these cycles but I'm used to it.

So I had about 3 years without much pain but the past 2 weeks have brought me back to the reality of 'they are never really gone'.... booo :cry:

So my neurologist said if/when they come back, to go back and see him and he'll start me on some preventative meds to see what works. The thing is I don't wanna be on any medication. I even stopped my allergy pills to ensure I was drug free while TTC.

I only take Advil when AF is on so that I can nip pain ASAP... tylenol really doesn't work for me, never has. But when I'm in the other 3 weeks, I take tylenol just in case... but it's not cutting it.

Does anyone else deal with migraines or chronic pain? How do you get around it? I'm cutting back my caffeine too so I really feel this bout is just the weather and there's nothing I can do about it until summer settles.

Would love some input. I'm getting enough sleep, trying to eat on time and limit my caffeine to one cup a day. I know my food triggers and avoid them.

Just thought I'd ask.
My migraines growing up were primarily food triggered, and once I figured that out I avoided the trigger foods as much as possible. Even now I avoid them but my body seems to tolerate them a little more so it takes a lot to trigger it. I will sometimes get random migraines though still. Usually the combination of tylenol and laying down and not moving until it's gone is about the only thing that works for me.

I would suggest starting a food journal and seeing if there are any patterns in the types of foods you eat that may trigger your migraines. Also, you can google "migraine diets". The worst offender for me when I was a kid was processed meats. There were a few other random foods as well, and I'm just attributing it to a preservative or something like that.
Thanks nevernormal

I guess I left that part out, I actually know my food triggers and I'm quite sensitive to what food trigger migraines feel like vs weather etc. So I'm lucky there.

Bananas, avocados, chocolate, peanut butter and aged cheese do it for me for sure. If I eat more processed meats I notice headaches but not full blown migraines. And I've pretty much lived without them since I had been vegetarian for 5 years, and now that I eat meat again I try and stick with unprocessed. Though I confess pepperoni pizza is a weakness of mine!

I don't find tylenol works so well for me, and it gives me a wicked rebound headache.

the worst part is I find if I fall asleep with the pain I wake up with worse pain so laying down doesn't solve anything for me.

I'll figure it out eventually I guess.

Thanks, glad to know there's another migrainure out there!
Pepperoni & Salami are the two processed meats that I like. I've actually outgrown my triggers enough that if I eat pepperoni pizza here and there it won't usually hurt me too much, but I do try to avoid it when possible.

Just going to sleep doesn't help necessarily. Like you, I'll wake up with a worse headache. Really, being completely still and not moving or seeing any kind of movement (TV, computer screen, etc) is the only thing that will eventually help my migraine subside. Moving makes it worse and also makes gives me severe nausea. That's usually why I lay down though, as it's easiest not to move that way. If I take some tylenol and then lay down, once I feel the meds kick in I can usually sleep and wake up okay. Otherwise, I'm shattered.

Ibuprofen also works for me, and probably better than tylenol. I just avoid it with TTC.

Have you noticed them being at any particular points of your cycle?
the nausea is the worst! When I went to my neurologist he asked me (first person to maybe connect them) if my IBS was triggered by my migraines and the nausea from the migraines. I said they happen independently of one another, and I've tracked them since and they are separate from each other and my cycles! so I have 3 separate calendars in my google calendar tracking IBS, Migraines and Menstruation!

I'm ok with some of my tirggers here and there, but avocados and bananas are essentially out for me, unless they are small and on a full stomach. And I adore guacamole and eating just a banana for breakfast. So easy, so simple. SO PAINFUL.

Once meds kick in and I sleep then I'm pretty good but if I don't do meds and try to sleep I'm useless the next day. I only had to go to the ER once for my migraines. Got a nice IV that knocked me out for 3 hours and I woke up groggy and pain free. But that was the day I couldn't keep my head up at work because I was so dizzy, they drove me home. And then I hopped in a cab and went to the ER within the hour.

I want to stick to tylenol but I also know how bad a migraine can be if left untreated. I'd rather risk some advil early on than leave leave it.

I figure with the migraines and IBS I'll never know if I'm preggers and which symtoms are which since I get all the 'classic symptoms' on a regular basis anyway! LOL

Are any of the migraine prescription meds safe when TTC? Have you considered going to a naturalist who might be able to suggest some natural/herbal remedies that would be safe? I am blessed to pretty much have my migraines under control at this point. Mine have really improved as I got older, but I know that doesn't happen for everyone. My dad still gets terrible migraines all the time.
mine are mostly weather related now that I behave and avoid my triggers

I was put on strong preventative meds before and I don't like how I feel on them.

I'm happy to suffer through the few I get now, it just seemed like those 2 weeks were extra bad, but they were extra stormy too.

Naturopath wanted me to do an elimination diet, and I can't do that because I don't really eat chicken or turkey, it makes me feel ill....so that doesn't leave much more than lamb and beans and I don't like lamb THAT much... and you can only eat so many beans and lentils.

I'll figure it out if they get worse. They are on both sides of my family so no hope for me avoiding them. I just hope my children can avoid them. OH doesn't have them so FX'd
They are only on my dad's side of the family. I was the only child to get them when we were younger, but as mine got better it seemed that my sister started getting them and they've gotten worse. Though I think hers may be hormonal as well. I've never heard of my brother getting them, at least not frequently. But my dad gets horrible ones frequently... I would say your kids have some hope, anyway, at least of not having them as bad as you!
I get migraines for blood pressure reasons.

I cannot take my meds when TTC or pregnant as they are triptans and highly dangerous.

The only way to prevent mine is avoid stress. Which is working fantastically as my other half is a saint.

For other pain relief I only ever take paracetamol and cocodamol depending on the level of pain. Ibuprofen and other NSAID's are not suitable when pregnant.

I find stress is a big one for me too. Triptans did nothing but make me worse!

Glad your OH is helpful. That is half the burden.
I was put on beta blockers for a while for them. It solved my migrane problems but as my blood pressure was already low normally it dropped too low and I suffered black outs and pins and needles in my hands and feet. Was awful.

My Nero took me off beta blockers cause mine is low too. Good luck with yours.

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