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Milk Question - Again - simple answers for simple Mum lol


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Who moved their babies from formula straight to full fat milk - no forumla in diet at one years old?

I am dying to get Caitlin OFF formula & want to know in advance.

Also at one how many bottles are they having & when?

Please and thankies

I did, straight to full fat milk

She had 3 bottles a day if I remember correctly, and is now on 2 a day (morning and evening).
I have moved Dec already, no formula just full-fat cows milk, started yesterday, he is loving it he took 2 bottles of milk yesterday and 1 beaker so I think he is getting enough. I got him some multi-vits from the doc just to make sure he is getting everything he needs. Just in case people didnt know (because I didnt) you can get multi-vits for kids on script from your doc.
Me! Moved Katie at 11 1/2 months and as you know she was very refluxy, she has threw up once since we made the change :wohoo::yipee:

Katie is still on 3

morning 7-8
lunch 12-1
evening 7-8
i cant wait to get callum off formula either. I must admit i gave him some ff milk the other day and dont know whether it was just coincidence or what but he had the runs all that day and the next, but then he's full of cold and teething so it could just of been that.
Me! Moved Katie at 11 1/2 months and as you know she was very refluxy, she has threw up once since we made the change :wohoo::yipee:

Katie is still on 3

morning 7-8
lunch 12-1
evening 7-8
How did she take to going from warm milk (formula) to cold ff milk?

Did you change her bottles over same time? Caitlins still on bottles rather than beaker (apart form juice) & I'm confused when I should do this as well :blush:
Katie doesnt do cold :lol: I have to heat it to the same temp...

Shes still on bottles too but can drink her juice water from a beaker so I'm not worried.

I wouldnt worry about her being on a bottle still, shes still so young:cloud9: As long as Caitlin can drink from a beaker, which she can; then dont sweat:happydance:

Hows Caitlin doing with the formula, still hate it?
Gaviscon worked for a while ...seems to have turned again and is back to sicky :( At a loss other than waiting for the day I can swap over.

How do you warm katies ff milk?

Silly Q but wondering ...when do they start drinking their bottles on their own I mean Moo has her juice bottle and drinks fine but we still cuddle feed her on her milk bottles.
Gaviscon worked for a while ...seems to have turned again and is back to sicky :( At a loss other than waiting for the day I can swap over.

How do you warm katies ff milk?

Silly Q but wondering ...when do they start drinking their bottles on their own I mean Moo has her juice bottle and drinks fine but we still cuddle feed her on her milk bottles.

I was worried about this to Dec will drink fine from his beaker by himself but give him a bottle of milk and it has to be held for him!!! he still likes his cuddles with his bottle. So I am watching this space.
Gaviscon worked for a while ...seems to have turned again and is back to sicky :( At a loss other than waiting for the day I can swap over.

How do you warm katies ff milk?

Silly Q but wondering ...when do they start drinking their bottles on their own I mean Moo has her juice bottle and drinks fine but we still cuddle feed her on her milk bottles.

back to the dr you go then hun, tell them gaviscon is no longer working and Caitlin needs ranitidine; hell if I had a prescription pad I'd write her up for it:rofl:

Yep I warm Katies ff milk, she wouldnt take it cold:shrug: I just heat it in the jug or if shes having ready brek/weetabix for her brekkie I put enough on for her milk as well :)

I too am still waiting on the bottle holding, but I think Katie will be doing it around xmas or there abouts.
I have started the training for this :D In the morning when madam is hungry I put her in her highchair with the tray on and put a cushion (I actually made a cushion for the purpose and stuffed it with jumpers :lol: ) on the tray and pop the bottle in and prop it. Katie will now drink half her milk this way in the morning and cuddle feed the rest (which I love anyway :cloud9: ) but its a start and she wouldnt do this a month ago. I'm basically just getting her into the habit of touching the bottle herself and actually drinking some and not just playing with it :)

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