Mirena experiences UPDATE BFP


Mummy to two xx
May 6, 2011
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Hi ladies

I know it come in its own time but I had the Mirena Coil out yesterday and was wondering how long on average it will be before AF arrives?
The nurse said it will happen within the week but reading other forums it took some ladies months.
Also she said to use condoms for the 1st cycle as the lining of the womb will be to thin to sustain a healthy pregnancy.
Do you know anyone that has fallen pregnant straight away and did they have a positive or negative outcome.

Thanks for reading. Just feeling so impatient about it all xxxx
I had mine out last October, and got my period the next week. It was the WORST period I ever had! A super plus tampon only lasted about 45 min...I bled so heavily and it was very painful. Each cycle after that got a teeny bit better, but they were very heavy (not normal for me) until 2 months ago. We weren't ttc after I had it out, so I can't tell you about that, but they say you can begin trying right after. We're ntnp right now and this is our 2nd month of that. I think I just ovulated, so hopefully this is the month!
I heard Mirana was horrible...... A friend of mine was on it.. and had multi MC after getting it out... and TTC because the lining is so thin.. She told me that her Dr told her your supposed to wait at least 6 months to get pregnant , because the lining issue... Plus she ended up with cyst on her ovaries that haven't gone away
I took mine out because my hair started thinning horribly...and so far never came back :( and I was having weekly migraines and just feeling terrible. I thought I was losing my mind until I found tons of women online with all my same symptoms. I feel back to normal now, but I hope it doesn't affect my ability to conceive. I've had a saline infused ultrasound of my uterus (because I was having such heavy periods) and everything was normal, so I'm assuming I don't have a lining issue. This is only our 2nd month ntnp, and I have 2 kids already that were surprises so I'm not worried.
Thanks ladies.

Why can't I read some good stories about the mirena lol
Well one week on and no sign of AF...... argh.
I just want her to make an appearance so we can TTC.

Goodluck to all you ladies NTNP and lots of babydust xxx
I know, when I read all the horror stories about Mirena it made me really upset. When I tried to talk to my then dr about it, she said "no, it doesn't do that" Like I was crazy or something.
If it didn't why all the horror stories?
Right. She just dismissed it, and said if its not an official medical study than you can't really believe it. I'd believe real life experiences over a medical study run by the people profiting off the drug any day.
Well ladies , it will of been out 2 weeks tomorrow and no sign of AF grrrr.

I hate waiting lol I'm going to be one of the unlucky ones where it takes months for AF to appear, which doesnt help the TTC!!

I used Mirena for almost 4 years. I just had it removed in October. I chose to get it out because I never had a normal cycle of any kind and was having some discomfort that turned out to be a combo of a new ovarian cyst and irritation on some cervical cysts that I've had for about 10 years. I've used Depo, Nuva-ring and the pill as well. The pill is great if you can find one that works well for you, but I did not like Depo or the ring. So out of the few, I think Mirena was just fine. I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant while learning to be a Mom to two small boys. Now that they are 3 and 5, we are ready to have another. I really do want a daughter, but I don't want to rush it this time. With our first I charted everything and seemed like I had everything on a robotic routine. My 2nd, well, we just figured it would take longer than it did, so even though we weren't preventing, it still seemed a surprise only a few months after my first was born. I did go onto the pill for 3 months after taking the Mirena out. Mid December I threw away my last pack so, I have no idea if I'm ovulating or not yet, or if the Mirena/pill combo has side effects to anything. I have continued to have a normal cycle and so we're just going from here. :) Good luck! Try not to be impatient... I know that once you decide you want to be a Mom, it can't come fast enough...but don't turn into a robot :)
I had mine out during my AF and then started cycling 'normally' (its in quotes because I've never been super regular! 28-42 days) immediately and haven't missed any cycles since.

I of course also have mirena horror stories. I had a honeymoon of 2.5years with it and then FELL PREGNANT!!! and miscarried around 6 weeks. I only found out I was pregnant because of the miscarriage. My doctors didn't manage it properly and said that the IUD could stay in as it remained in place through the MC. Know, I find out that some sort of infection must of happened because of the IUD/MC as one of my tubes is horribly mangled and looks like a sausage, full of lots of fluid :( Now I've been told I will pretty much have to get the tube out before I can have a chance of conceiving.
I had mine out during my AF and then started cycling 'normally' (its in quotes because I've never been super regular! 28-42 days) immediately and haven't missed any cycles since.

I of course also have mirena horror stories. I had a honeymoon of 2.5years with it and then FELL PREGNANT!!! and miscarried around 6 weeks. I only found out I was pregnant because of the miscarriage. My doctors didn't manage it properly and said that the IUD could stay in as it remained in place through the MC. Know, I find out that some sort of infection must of happened because of the IUD/MC as one of my tubes is horribly mangled and looks like a sausage, full of lots of fluid :( Now I've been told I will pretty much have to get the tube out before I can have a chance of conceiving.

On day 15 and no sign of Af, I did have periods whilst on it and am about due but the nurse said I would have a withdrawal bleed. Ah well it will come when its ready.

Oh no thats terrible. You might be really lucky and the other tube will do its job. Hope it all works out for you when you are ready xxx
I had my Mirena out on 1/4/2012, and no AF yet. Very frustrating. :growlmad:
I had my Mirena out on 1/4/2012, and no AF yet. Very frustrating. :growlmad:

How annoying for you!! I hope mine comes soon but no signs of it yet. I will go mad if I have to wait that long. Will you go to the Doctors?? xx
Hi, I just had my coil out almost 3 weeks ago now and I got af about 3 days ago. First very light and weird, now very heavy and crampy! Good luck x
Hi, I just had my coil out almost 3 weeks ago now and I got af about 3 days ago. First very light and weird, now very heavy and crampy! Good luck x

Thank you for that, I actually feel like I'm going to see her soon. Quite excited to see her but hopefully not to heavy. Hope yours calms down soon xxx
Well finally the witch has arrived!!! Seems medium flow just now with no cramping but I'm so moody, poor hubby lol
I'll make it upto him in 2 weeks lol xxx
Woo hoo :happydance:

not get busy lady......


haha good luck!

Thanks, well Af was REALLY heavy for 3 days and now its finally over with no cramping so not too bad at all. Hubby is away the weekend I'm due to ovulate so fingers crossed before and after will do the trick xx
Well just a quick update as its early days but got my BFP!!! Fingers crossed for a sticky one.

Had the Mirena out 24th January didnt have any bleeding until 12th February then had a normal AF cycle. Used OPK's that month and got a BFP yesterday.

Goodluck to all the ladies TTC, WTT and NTNP xxx

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