More produced on right than left...? Help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2013
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Hi there! I'm
New to this board, I just had my baby boy a week ago today. I noticed when I breastfeed him, sometimes he gets super frustrated on my left side.he doesn't reject it but it frustrated him. I kept thinking well maybe my let down was slow. Well this morning I pumped and in 15 mins I got nearly 2 oz from my right and .25oz from my left. Any advice? Will continuous pumping especially on that side stimulate my flow? I read sometimes one side has fewer glands this resulting in less milk production. He still seems happy on that side wants my milk lets down. It just seems more of a slow drip than the other. I'm curious as to how others have dealt with this. Any and all advice welcome.
hmm it is still very early so I would be careful in doing anything to regulate things (i.e. block feeding, or feeding more on the lesser side than the fuller side). You can try pumping on the lesser side a few extra times between feedings to stimulate more milk.

In my experience, I noticed at one point that I had a preferred side to put my baby on and when I wasn't paying attention I would end up feeding more frequently from that side. At one point the side that I (subconsciously) preferred got significantly bigger and had much more milk. Perhaps you could track your feeds for a few days to be sure you aren't doing this?

But I do believe different breasts may have different outputs, it's just so early that it would be hard to say if it's that, or if your supply just hasn't regulated yet.
It's normal to have asymmetry in supply :flower: you can pump the left side if you are concerned about LO rejecting it, but things will probably even out. My left is the slower flow/lower producing side too, and LO went through phases of preferring one side or the other. Sometimes they actually want less milk. Plus, as babyface said, it's early days if your baby is 1 week old, so things may change.
Thanks so much for your advice! I've been writing down each feeding and how long at each breast. I'm feeding him on demand so it's about every 3 hours or sooner if he wants it before then. Sometimes 4 if it's at night and he just keeps sleeping. I know he knows when he's hungry and he has plenty of wet/ dirty diapers to show for it. My LO has quite an appetite. I think he's playing catch up. He was a week late and only 6 lbs.
Yep, this is normal and its usually the right side that produces more! Its ok if baby only feeds from one side, but if you dont want to lose supply on your other side, i would pump from only that side. But only pump after baby has fed on that side:)
I have the same issue but my right breast is the under performer. When I was googling a solution I found a suggestion of offering the baby the slow producer first because baby tends to suck harder at the beginning of a feed. I don't always start on the right breast but I do tend to offer that one first more so than the left. It seems to have helped. I'm not quite as unbalanced as I was.
He hasn't been fussy on the left side for the last few feedings :) I've pumped a couple of times since then and it still produces less but LO seems happy :)
I'm noticing my left breast seems to stay empty longer. Or well doesn't get hard and remains soft. They both used to harden between feedings. Now just the right one does. I know the left one still produces enough because I've been able to squeeze some out. He does get frustrated close to the 10 min mark when feeding. I know it's still early on but I'm just curious.
do you have access to a lactation consultant? best to get any possible issues sorted out as early as possible. it be something like your let down is slower on that side and baby gets bored quicker or just a natural asymmetry in the breasts causing less milk to be produced. But of it were me I'd see a consultant for peace of mind. We have free weekly breastfeeding clinics here with lactation consultants so I go for every issue or concern lol!!
do you have access to a lactation consultant? best to get any possible issues sorted out as early as possible. it be something like your let down is slower on that side and baby gets bored quicker or just a natural asymmetry in the breasts causing less milk to be produced. But of it were me I'd see a consultant for peace of mind. We have free weekly breastfeeding clinics here with lactation consultants so I go for every issue or concern lol!!

We have la leche league here but I think they meet just once a month. I'll have to check on it.
that would be helpful for support but a lactation consultant is a professional specialized in lactation and must be registered with an international board. they are usually nurses! you can ask your doctor or inquire at your hospital about it
I have the same issue. I unconsciously preferred to offer the right for a long time, and it produces significantly more, even at this point. My overactive let down was way worse on that side as well.

I try and start with the low producer every time, although about half the time he gets fussy after a few minutes and we have to switch to the high producer side. Seems to work fine for us still.

Like this morning, I pumped 1.75 ounces from lefty, and 4.5 ounces from righty. (Pumping at work, so in place of a feeding, don't expect those amounts while feeding at the same time!).
I have the same issue. I unconsciously preferred to offer the right for a long time, and it produces significantly more, even at this point. My overactive let down was way worse on that side as well.

I try and start with the low producer every time, although about half the time he gets fussy after a few minutes and we have to switch to the high producer side. Seems to work fine for us still.

Like this morning, I pumped 1.75 ounces from lefty, and 4.5 ounces from righty. (Pumping at work, so in place of a feeding, don't expect those amounts while feeding at the same time!).

In between feedings does your breast that produces more get harder? My right breast gets so hard verses my left less producing that stays pretty soft and maybe have some harder spots.
I have the same issue. I unconsciously preferred to offer the right for a long time, and it produces significantly more, even at this point. My overactive let down was way worse on that side as well.

I try and start with the low producer every time, although about half the time he gets fussy after a few minutes and we have to switch to the high producer side. Seems to work fine for us still.

Like this morning, I pumped 1.75 ounces from lefty, and 4.5 ounces from righty. (Pumping at work, so in place of a feeding, don't expect those amounts while feeding at the same time!).

In between feedings does your breast that produces more get harder? My right breast gets so hard verses my left less producing that stays pretty soft and maybe have some harder spots.

In the first few weeks, yes, but by 8 weeks or so they no longer get hard. My right is larger when they get full, but not hard. My right has always been larger though, about a cup size.
I read somewhere that this is very common. I too have more milk in the right boob, my son has his big meals from that one.
btw pumping is not a reliable indicator of milk production.

my left boob is naturally bigger, so now that I'm bf they look the same lol!
I read somewhere that this is very common. I too have more milk in the right boob, my son has his big meals from that one.
btw pumping is not a reliable indicator of milk production.

my left boob is naturally bigger, so now that I'm bf they look the same lol!

My left side us naturally bigger too and with my right so engorged it looked smaller now. I've been doing warm compresses on my right engorged side and pumping it to relieve it but stopping before it lots down and it feels so much better. It's not like a rock anymore. Yay!! A lady from church had the same prob as me and so far her tips have helped.

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