Bit of update here! Its been awhile, so hectic!!
Firstly, I was recently diagnosed with classical ehlers danlos syndrome and the geneticist tell me this is why my kids are preemie, it causes the pprom. My 3 year old who had a preliminary dx of rett syndrome now is suspected to have my ehlers danlos and autism (she had a full speech regression and now is slowly regaining words
she also has extremely high pain threshold and has had seizures), she has been in early intervention since 4m old for her global delay and is very recently making alot of progress, we're down to a delay of about a year behind. She should be starting at special ed preschool in the school district next month when she's 3 just like her big brother did. That will be her off 5 days a week getting most of her therapy there so just the little guy getting his during the day.
The little guy is having a bit of a rough time. He's also low tone and has delays of more than 50% in everything except social which is ahead! He has also been in hospital the last week with his FTT and is fed via NG tube now. We're hoping when he can absorb more that he may get a bigger development spurt. He has OT and PT once a week, a infant educator 2x a week and 2 nurses visits all at home to fit in
Its crazy busy, always forgetting appointments until the last minute and trying to work the logistics
I do have a nanny though and she's a lifesaver because I physically find it very hard right now, my joints are just giving way constantly and I cant drive with having epilepsy. Will say that organisation is key, and its ALOT of fun having a big family
Crazy schedule aside its totally worth it!
Essie, do you have hyper or hypo thyroid? I have a hyper and for a little gland it can cause alot of trouble!
I read about your little girl, I need to not be a lurker
She reminds me of my 3 year old, they even have a similar name
You're very lucky!
They do make everything worth it
mummy2o Funny you should say that about autism being in the family, that seems to be the case here too. Do you know the cause of the autism in your family? Having someone else at home is a life saver it really is, even just knowing you have someone to fall back on
Organisation is needed, a very good organiser esp (unless you're like me and lose it
) What extra curriculars are you thinking for your son?
Blue, how stressful!
Even a normal school schedule is hard work! Thats brilliant your first son has his epilepsy under control
What kind did he have? I have left temporal lobe epilepsy. Whats involved in the deletion syndrome and mitrochondrial disease?
Sounds like you have an awful lot to fit into your days too
I like the whiteboard idea, less chance of losing it!! Its hard to occupy the others during appts, usually we pack toys and snacks or if its at home the EI therapists are good at letting Anja borrow toys that Eilidh/Alasdhair are not using
How do you do it?