The dreaded morning sickness has finally hit me! As of last night I started getting it. I thought maybe last night was a one time deal since it went away, but nope, it's back tonight. I'm just glad it's not the all day all night sickness I had with my previous pregnancies. Fingers crossed that it doesn't develop into that. And I'm thankful that it's at night so far too because that means I can function during the day for work, but it might end up being a problem because I go to school at night. I'll just count my lucky stars though that it seems to be coming around 9pm, haha. Anyone else have "night sickness" instead of the morning or all day long? Any suggestions to keep it at bay? So far I bought some ginger ale, but that doesn't seem to help very much. It's just nausea so far, no vomiting. So I'm pretty happy about that too. I'm also wondering what took so long for it to show up? I was 6 weeks yesterday according to my LMP, is that normal? When did yours start?