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Moving away from hometown



Is there anyone here that has moved away from their hometown? :) I'd like some insights into how difficult it was/how far away you moved/if you regretted it?

Thanks x :thumbup:
Is there anyone here that has moved away from their hometown? :) I'd like some insights into how difficult it was/how far away you moved/if you regretted it?

Thanks x :thumbup:

I have. It was easy, as my home town is full of inbreds who know each others business! Kind of makes it an easy decision! :haha:

Now planning on moving even further due to oh work (hopefully)

I guess it depends on what your current set up as to offer, vs moving. I'd ask yourself the following:
Are you close to anyone near by who you would miss?
What does your current area have to offer your family?
Why do you want to move?

If you have a specific place in mind, I'd research the hell out of it, for things like jobs, schools, facilities etc.

I enjoy going back to my home town for visits, and it's fun being a tourist. But I don't miss living there.
I'm moving away from my family in London to Ireland next week.. i'll get back to you!
I moved away from my hometown for the first time at 18 (I'm 32 now) for college, about 60 miles away (same state). After college I moved back home for four years, then moved 300 miles (5 hours) away to a different state and time zone for for graduate school and lived there for five years. Last summer we moved to yet another state (700ish mile move), but only about 150 miles (3 hours) from home. Before we moved last summer, I had applied to jobs all over the country. I had two job offers, the one I accepted and the second was on the complete opposite side of the country, 3500 miles from home. Honestly it would have broken my heart to move that far away so I'm glad we didn't have to.

I am very close to my mom and sisters and talk to them almost every day and Skype regularly. Regular phone calls plus Facebook where I can see pictures of my nieces and nephew are up to. Now we are close enough to make day trips and I love it.

I guess my advice to you is to be strong. It will be hard. You will cry. You will probably hate your new city at first. But get out, make new friends, and explore. The new city will feel like home in no time.
I moved to a different country so it's kind of the same thing. I moved from the south of UK (Southampton) to the heart Germany (about 15 miles from Kassel). Driving takes about 12 hours including a ferry from Calais to Dover. It can be quite cheap if I can get a cheap ferry and I can drive the whole distance on 70€ worth a diesel and still have half a tank. Flying home I have to go to Hanover and can get a direct flight to Southampton. So although it doesn't really take long to get home again it's expensive so it's something I can only do a couple of times a year.

I do miss the UK and I did regret coming here for quite a while because I didn't know anyone and I didn't know where anything was. The language barrier was also an issue but I'm starting to get more fluent now. I do wish I had waited and learnt German before moving here. I wish I had spent more time here getting to know the place before making a decision on whether it was right for me.

I do hate being here sometimes and I wish I could go back home but I've got too much here now to give it up. I can't call it home though and I probably never will.
I moved. About an hour away. Moved back home.
Now we are moving to hubby's hometown as that's where he works. It's only about 30/45 minutes away depending on traffic though, I will probably regret it but we spend so much on petrol :flower: x
I moved from my hometown in rural mid Wales to London due to my husband's job, he's military so I always knew we would move around, tbh I knew from a youngish age I wouldn't stay in my home town not because I don't like it but because there are few job opportunities there, it's hard to have a professional career there. I sort of moved away for uni but was always going back (as DH lived in said home town) this was the first time I had properly moved away. Best thing I did, namely because it meant we could be together as a family as previously DH was only coming home on weekends due to work so that is obviously the main factor, but it's exciting being somewhere new, making new friends, great job opportunities. That said I sometimes dream of one day being able to move back if we could have the careers we wanted as I miss my family and it would be a lovely place to raise the boys. Maybe, you never know, but right now enjoying the adventure of trying new places out!
I live about 200miles from my home town and have done for 9 years. I've loved it but now I have a lo I want to move back closer. I really miss my family. DH likes it where we are though so its gonna be a big debate in our future about where we end up.

Main thing is I miss seeing family regularly for meals or something. Being 200 miles apart its really infrequent and for full weekends.
When I first met FOB I moved but not exactly far like hours away but I didn't miss home at all it felt nice to break away. I only moved back for support and convenience when we split, but I've always said I'd love to get away from here and one day I will.
I moved from North East England to Northern Ireland in November 2009.

I love the country, the community and everything it has to offer but I am now in the process of moving back home.

The only reason for the move back is because I am expecting Little Man to arrive in October and I want him to grow up close to my niece and God-Daughter. Plus, we have more family and friends there and for the majority of the family that live away, it will be much easier for them to drive up rather than having to worry about ferrys or flights.

I don't regret moving, it was something I needed to do and I am very pleased I did it. My MIL, her partner and her other five children moved out six months after we did so we will still visit to see them and friends but we feel it would be better for our son to be where the majority of his family is. Especially as there will only be three of them around the same age, we feel this is important too.
I did. I needed to get away from my ex so gave up my home, job, family, friends, everything and moved hundreds of miles away to a city I'd never even visited before! I miss my family and friends a lot and it took a year or more before I felt settled but I am happy here now.
I moved when went to university and now live in a village neer where went to uni where met husband. It wasent particularly difficult. I made local friends when had lo where i live now. My parents are just over an hour drive away and in laws are same but opposite direction
we moved 200+ miles to Cornwall from Surrey in 2009 and it wasn't so bad, at first it's a bit lonely because you don't know anyone but the excitement more than made up for it for us. I don't regret it and miss it daily, we had to move due to dh's work but would have stayed had circumstances allowed it.
I moved 300 miles from my family in Yorkshire, I now live on the South Coast. My hubby is in the Royal Navy so it made sense for us to live near his work.
I miss my family lots, but ring almost every day and see them as often as I can.
You soon make new friends, the most important thing for me was to get a job, I really started to settle in then.
I wouldnt move back "home" now, I consider down South my home! I am sure it will work out for you x
I moved countries (though I wasn't intending to move permanently when I moved) and it was alright at first because I'd go back to visit my hometown and stay with my parents but then my parents moved away from our hometown so now I only get to visit for a couple of days whenever I visit my parents so not enough time to catch up with friends. But otherwise no regrets really about moving away, I love where I live now (small town in Finland) but some of the other places I lived weren't so great.
i moved when i was 15-- because my mother moved. I hated it back then because the youth here were very cliquey
now i like it better here because you can get into town quicker..

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