My birth story - induction, long and bad story


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Well due to having GD I was being induced early at 38 weeks. So Saturday 17th April @ 10pm I went into hospital ready to have my first pessary. I was put on a monitor and left for 30 mins, the MW returned and inserted the first pessary. She said tha i was unlikely that the first would work, but my cervix was in a good position and soft, so fingers crossed it might work....

At 6am the following morning, there was no sign of any labour. I was again monitored and a further pessary was inserted, this time I was told that my cervix had moved forward and was dialated to 1cm, so it was looking hopeful, it was even suggested that I might be down on labor ward by lunch time.... Anyway, I was getting mild contractions throughout Sunday, but nothing really progressed. I was monitored again and was told I was getting contractions but they were irregular. They would not give me another pessary for 24 hours as they wanted my body to rest. So I was left until Monday morning....

6am I was monitored and given a stretch and sweep to see if that would help to move things along and another pessary was inserted. I was told the same as before, still cervix forward and only 1cm dialated. I was told though that if things did not progress that they would be able to break my waters to get things moving, this should happen later that day... Anyway nothing progressed and the labour ward were too busy to break my waters. So I was given another pessary that night and left to see if that would work... being promised that if it did not I would be taken to labour ward first thing and my water would be broken.

Tuesday 6am nothing had progressed, I had dialated a further 1/2 cm, but nothing else had changed. I was taken to labour ward at 10am and my waters were broken. It was the strangest feeling, I did not feel the process just a warm flood, it felt like I was going for a wee but not able to control it. Everytime I moved it continued to flow.... The contractions started straight away and were intense immediatley. I was told to walk around for a bit, but I only managed about 15 mins, I was getting contractions lasting 60 sec every 2 mins, and oh my god they hurt. I tried for as long as possible to breathe through them and use the birthing ball to ease the pain. After a couple of hours I started with the gas and air. I didn't like it at first and found it quite hard to get it working for me, I felt quite drunk, I'm not sure it relieved the pain but it made me feel a little more in control.

This carried on for a quite a while, then I was made to move to the bed, I now needed to be monitored all the time, this made things very unomfortable and made it much harder to control the pain. I got to about 5pm and then decided I needed some extra pain relief I could not take it anymore. I was given pethidine, while it did not completely get rid of the pain it did really ease it. I was then checked and told that I had only got to 4cm dialated and they would need to think about putting me on a drip. They tried to put the drip in my hand and managed to blow my vein by not inserting it correctly and blood going everywhere and then deciding to check my blood pressure on the same arm.... normally I would have freaked out at this but with the pethidine I found it quite funny. After 3 further attempts they got it in my other hand. I was not given the drip straight away they wanted to leave me for an hour or so to see if I would progress on my own.

I did not... I was told at 7pm I was going to be given the drip at which point I requested an epidural, I really didn't want one but I knew I would not cope with the pain getting even more intense than it already was. The anestatist came in at 8pm to give me the epidural, it was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. I hardly felt the injection and the only thing I could feel was a nerve being touched as the tube was being put in, but it did not hurt at all and it was soooo worth it. The relief was amazing, I managed to get some much needed rest, and even had a little sleep, I was exhausted.

I was left for some time on the drip, hoping things would get moving. I was checked at 11:30pm and I was still only 6cm dialated and I was progressing so slowly, they increased the drip and left me again for a while. At 2am I was checked again I had got to 8cm, but now babies heart rate kept going up and down, so I was told to start pushing. The doctor had his hand trying to pull her out as I was trying to push, this was not helping at all so he decided to try a kiwi, again this didn't help either. I had now fully dialated (not suprising as his hand had probably stretched the rest) I was then told that as baby was distressed I would have to be cut, at this time I had been pushing or about 1 hour 30 mins. I was injected ready to be cut, when Babies heart rate had been lost, they also said that baby had turned back to back, which was why I was in much more pain and why I could no get her out now. I was told that I would now have to have an emergency c-section. So I was prepared to go to theatre.

4am I was taken to theatre and an emergency C-section was performed. It all seemed so quick. I knew they had got her out but I could not hear her. They did not show me her, she was just taken away. I was getting upset as I didn't know what was happening. My mum who was with me was also looking upset but trying to hide it from me. After what seemed like a lifetime, I finally heard my baby girl crying. I was not shown her, she was taken straight to special care. My OH was given a picture of her to give to me, but it was not the same.

After I had been stitched up and left to recover I was taken to the ward. I did not get any rest and was still not told what had happened. At 10am I was given a bed bath and wheeled down to special care to finally meet my daughter....

I later discovered that when she was born she had not been breathing and they had not been able to get her to breathe.:cry: They performed CPR and gave her oxygen, she finally started to breathe on her own after a few minutes. She was kept in special care for 12 hours, and was then finally she joined me on the ward.

It is so very true what they say, once you have them in your arms you forget the pain. I even said that I had forgotten the pain of every contraction inbetween them. I would do it all again for her, although I would rather have had a better experience and a natural birth, it was totally worth it. :cloud9::cloud9:

Sorry for the long story, well done if you made it to the end. :thumbup:

Born: 21.04.2010
Time: 4:24am
Weight: 6lb 6oz
Name: Talia Driza


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aaw shes beautiful, love the name. so sorry it didnt go like you hoped but if you have a healthy baby at the end its worth it :hugs:
She's a beautiful baby, so glad she is healthy and everything turned out ok

So sorry to hear you had a hard time, sounds like my labour! I just about managed to excape a C section. They also blew a vien in my hand too! Bless you, so glad all is ok now xxx

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