My Breast Feeding Journal...getting off top ups


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2009
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Hi everyone. I have a little boy who is 7 days today. I am in total bliss he is so beautiful. I have been having trouble breast feeding (Im loving it btw, when he latches on and has a feed I feel so good and our bond is amazing).

Well anyway I wrote a post the other day in regards of having trouble feeding. Midwife wasnt very good in the hospital and suggested I was starving my baby which led to top ups. The thing is now my milk supply is rubbish.

Luckily I have a fab midwife and health visitor who have been helping me. I ordered online an electric breast pump to loan. It came an hour ago. Im going to read through the instructions and start expressing while offering feeds to my little boy. Going to try and express 10x day to up my supply.

I really want to get back to established breast feeding. Every time I go and give him formula I feel so guilty.

I thought by writing this journal it would help me achieve this and also help other mums who are having problems. Love any advice offered :thumbup:

Im lucky as my OH is home for the next few weeks so will have lots of support. Any mums want to join me, no problem we can support each other xxx
Congratulations on the birth of your baby :D

so happy for you choosing to BF and trying to make it work despite having trouble!

Just want to say you are doing the right thing getting people to suppory you and investing in a breastpump so early on! I am sure you will have sucess. I left it for weeks before finding proper help and support and it is taking a while to get off formula but each day I am having more success and it is such a great feeling.

I will be following your journal! Good luck!
Congratulations on the birth of your baby :D

so happy for you choosing to BF and trying to make it work despite having trouble!

Just want to say you are doing the right thing getting people to suppory you and investing in a breastpump so early on! I am sure you will have sucess. I left it for weeks before finding proper help and support and it is taking a while to get off formula but each day I am having more success and it is such a great feeling.

I will be following your journal! Good luck!

Thanks hun, the problem Im having is that Ioan is very reluctant to go on the boob, he latches on sucks and pulls himself off, he does this for a while before screaming and getting really frustrated for milk.

He had a feed at 2pm, he managed to fuss at the breasts for about 5 mins, tried on both breasts before I gave in and offered him formula. He took 2 n half oz.

I finally started pumping at 3pm, pumped for 10mins on lower session and theres was no milk so turned it up to half way and milk came pouring out of left boob. Stayed on for 10 mins and had one oz of milk.

He started looked for a feed just when I was switching over to the other boob to express at around 3.15, so I offered him my right breast.. He was not interested, tryed left but thats where I had been expressing so didnt think there by much in there. Started to get really stressed out so called OH to get him a bottle and he took 2oz. :( I felt really bad giving him a bottle but when his fussiness turns into screams I just feel the need to feed my baby.

Im going to be strong and carry on expressing. Even through it does hurt! A lot. But no milk is coming out on the lowest setting. :S

Which pump is it hun? I've tried a few of the electric hospital grade ones and may be able to help. Also it can take a wee while for your milk to let down when pumping, looking at your baby while pumping can really help. Even if you don't manage to get much out when pumping don't worry it will still be upping your supply xx
Which pump is it hun? I've tried a few of the electric hospital grade ones and may be able to help. Also it can take a wee while for your milk to let down when pumping, looking at your baby while pumping can really help. Even if you don't manage to get much out when pumping don't worry it will still be upping your supply xx

its the spectra double breasted pump. Im trying to pump every 2 hrs is that right?
I have the same problem with Ethan. We were in hospital fkr a good few days and my milk didnt come in until day 5 and he was getting su frustrated at the breast and would scream and claw at me until I gave in and accepted the bottle of formula the nurses gave me :( it was awful. And since then it was a downward spiral kf more and more top ups and less and less breastfeeds :(

What breastpump do you have? I would suggest getting a hospital grade one if you arent managing to get him to fully feed as the run of the mill shop bought ones didnt help me keep up my supply at all. I think they are good to use to relieve engorgement and to express after feeds to build up a stash but to actually maintain a supply they just arent up to it in my experience. But everyone is different I suppose.

Have you tried massaging your breasts before a feed and also doing breast compressions during a feed to encourage milk flow? When I express I sometimes get nothing until I knead my boob like theres no tomorrow and do loads of compressions.

Have you considered cup feeding so that your baby doesnt get a bottle preference? Not sure how tricky/easy that is with a newborn though...

Have you tried hand expressing first before offering your boob? Just to get the milk flowing ready for when he starts to suck. Or maybe use the pump for a minute or two first to get the letdown.

From the amounts you said you have expressed it doesnt seem like you have a low milk supply at all as a 1 week old doesnt need all that much... We were between 1-2oz formula at that point I think.but apparently babies dont need as much breast milk as they do formula so your amounts should be enough. That makes me think it might be an issue with your letdown rather than supply. Try the massage/compressions/expressing a bit before offering the boob amd see of it helps. A warm flannel on the boob also stimulates letdown so I have heard.

Keep up the good work.and perseverance is key!
I have the same problem with Ethan. We were in hospital fkr a good few days and my milk didnt come in until day 5 and he was getting su frustrated at the breast and would scream and claw at me until I gave in and accepted the bottle of formula the nurses gave me :( it was awful. And since then it was a downward spiral kf more and more top ups and less and less breastfeeds :(

What breastpump do you have? I would suggest getting a hospital grade one if you arent managing to get him to fully feed as the run of the mill shop bought ones didnt help me keep up my supply at all. I think they are good to use to relieve engorgement and to express after feeds to build up a stash but to actually maintain a supply they just arent up to it in my experience. But everyone is different I suppose.

Have you tried massaging your breasts before a feed and also doing breast compressions during a feed to encourage milk flow? When I express I sometimes get nothing until I knead my boob like theres no tomorrow and do loads of compressions.

Have you considered cup feeding so that your baby doesnt get a bottle preference? Not sure how tricky/easy that is with a newborn though...

Have you tried hand expressing first before offering your boob? Just to get the milk flowing ready for when he starts to suck. Or maybe use the pump for a minute or two first to get the letdown.

From the amounts you said you have expressed it doesnt seem like you have a low milk supply at all as a 1 week old doesnt need all that much... We were between 1-2oz formula at that point I think.but apparently babies dont need as much breast milk as they do formula so your amounts should be enough. That makes me think it might be an issue with your letdown rather than supply. Try the massage/compressions/expressing a bit before offering the boob amd see of it helps. A warm flannel on the boob also stimulates letdown so I have heard.

Keep up the good work.and perseverance is key!

:) Aww thats fab advice hun. yes I believe it to be hospital grade, Im renting it, as it worked out a lot cheaper than paying over £100 for a good quality one.

The thing is my left boob is so much heavier and bigger than my right, sometimes when Im holding Ioan, Milk always dribbles out of the left. Never the right. I know I got some milk in the right because iv just been expressing some. xxx
I unfortunately have no idea why one seems to get fuller than the other :( hopefully someone knowledgable will come along with answers!

It may just be an imbalance of breast tissue which is more obvious now you have milk... I have a slight size difference in breast size normally but its greater now I have milk... They are both tge same when it comes to leaking though :(
Sometimes, the milk ducts release a little more effectively on one side then the other. And sometimes more milk gets expressed from one side then the other making it appear as though one side has more. And the more you express, the more it makes right? I suggest just draining the less full one a few more times a day and the production will perk right up!
Hi everyone thanks for the great advice so far, you have been amazing.

Iv had a few ups and downs since I last posted. On the wednesday night, I started to get a little bit emotional. Ioan had a couple of feeds and refused me completely, getting really frustrated and being put straight on to the bottle. I started crying and told my other half that its not working and Ioan just doesnt want breast anymore. OH was really good with me and kept telling me Im not a failure (even through I felt like I was). He asked if there was any breast feeding groups I could join to and with a bit of research we found one, and also there was a lactation consultant there too. Only problem that it was on Tuesday. Health visitor has arranged to come out at 2pm that day and the group is 1-3. So really not sure if I should rearrange a different day with the HV or not go to the breast feeding group until the week later and get advice off the HV. Well anyway, my partner told me to stop getting so upset and we take it day by day. He said keep doing what Im doing and offer the breast before a feed, and try and relax. Also what I was expressing to offer that as a top up in between.

So at midnight he had started to root for a third time. I calmly told my other half to get the bottle ready. And was really gentle with the baby, instead of being stressed out, I spoke to him softly as he winged and put him to my breast (started stroking his cheek and singing to him). And amazingly he latched on, ok it was only for 5-10 mins and he fussed but didnt get to the point of screaming for food. My OH smiled and supported me and we came to the conclusion that maybe me getting stressed he wasnt feeding was being passed on to Ioan and he was picking up on the fact and getting fussy himself.

I do however know theres nothing wrong with my milk supply (ok more comes out of left than right :S ) because when I nurse in bed (I nurse topless, My other breast leaks out milk and theres a puddle of milk on the sheets after I nursed. ( lots of sheet changes lol).

On Thursday I had a good day, managed to give two little feeds without a top up (yay). I think he is having a growth spurt however (he was 8 days old!) and seemed to want feeding constantly. And I mean constantly, hes been latching on really well today... Ok still fussing but having a good go at the boob. :D
Me and OH took him to be registered in town earlier. We took a carton and bottle just in case. Theres no way we are ready to feed in public yet, as hes still being really fussy. So on the way back to the car (about 15 mins walk) he starts his hungry cry. Me getting worried, rushed into the nearest cafe to feed him. Thats really the only slip up I have had today.
Also I bought some nipple shields in boots. Not used them yet. Dont even know if I can use them myself as at the moment when I hold Ioan to my boobs, I support him with one arm and the other I hold my boob gently back so he can breathe (he cant breath if I do this and ends up pulling away from the boob).

I feel im slowly getting there. And happy hes having a little bit of growth spurt as that will help with milk supply?

Hoping to spend tomorrow in bed, OH has happily offered to look after the kids and the house, so I can concentrate on breast feeding, do some lovely skin to skin and also try and put him to the breast every hour or so, so hes not too hungry and doesnt get stressed at feeding time. Leading to being given a bottle.

I feel its going to be a long roller coaster ride, but taking it day by day. Will get Ioan back to EBF :Dxxx
Well done you for remaining so calm :) I know it can be so stressfull at times and it takes so much effort not to get yourself worked up. Im glad you have had some positive feeds though and its a really good sign that you will eventually get there!

Which nippleshields have you bought? I just got the boots own brand ones three days ago after havijg no.sucess with the stupidly shaped avent ones. The boots ones have worked so well and he has been.latching almost contantly since the first use! Its amazing! You can use a bit of vaseline or even lansinoh to help stick the nippleshield om to stop it moving/flapping about when you are trying to position the baby, it also helps make a better seal and stop leaks/dribbles.

So happy your partner is being so supportive as it really can make all the difference just having a good support base :)

keep up the good work! I also find it helpful having a bottle ready just incase he wont latch as it sort of takes the pressure off and I find it hekps me to be less stressed out as I know if h starts to fuss/get screamy I can just feed him that to calm him down. that is great that he is eating well! Even if he seems fussy. One thing that really struck me is that you said you need to compress your breast so that he can breath. That may be your issue! Try holding him by the back of the neck instead of by the back of the head. When he gets latched on move his little body down a tiny bit so that his head is tilted up a bit. His nose should come away from the breast no matter what. Also, try looking into a sitting nursing position *where he is kind of sitting on your lap straddling your leg* and an asymmetrical latch. Nipple shields can be very tricky. They are hard to wean off of, and sometimes women get the wrong size of shield and it ends up causing more problems. I would go to the group instead of the home visit. And don't be shy, all the people in those kinds of groups have seen hundreds of boobs and are more then helpful.

I am going to attach some good videos.

This video *below* has perfect positioning. Notice how the babies head is tilted back and she has a good mouth full of the bottom of the aureola.
Following :flower: mine was on top ups in the hospital due to hypoglycemia. He had formula when he was 2-5 days old and then we went cold turkey and EBF. It's wonderful that you are starting so early. It is really hard work but soo worth it, and EBF will feel blissfully easy in comparison!

I think one thing that helped us a lot was not giving the formula in bottles. We gave it to him via SNS. I don't remember how you said you are giving your LO the formula, but that might be something to check into because LO is getting everything at the breast.
We too are trying to stop top ups. The mws made me top up due to Alistair having low blood sugars and I've struggled since. The mws didn't help me get a good latch so we found it difficult. The community midwives have been a nightmare because he lost 10% of his birthweight so have told me I still need to top up but I really don't want to. We are getting better with the latch but it's taking time!
Don't let them pressure you into topping up. You know what's best for your baby and they have a professional responsibility to help you achieve the goals you have set. If they still pressure you maintain a firm hand and say "No. I will not feed my child formula."
hi there im hoping i can join i am having the same issues with my son thomas

He is 11 days old, and bron via c section, and hospital really didnt help me to get confident in breastfeeding, and ive now developed anxiety between feeds start thinking is he sleeping too much, is he hungry, when he wakes will he latch on

initially i was breastfeeding but he wouldnt wake for feeds and developed jaundice
the third morning in hospital i decided to give him formula, i needed to know how he would react, and he gobbled it up.

i started feeding on the breast at home but he just wasnt latching on and would just use my nipple as a teat, so in the end we gave formula to top up

by day 5 i was so upset mum and i talked and felt it better just to put him on formula a happy mum on formula is better than a stressed out mum on breast milk and baby not feeding.

2 days later my milk came in properly, and i found i was expressing more, so was pumping every couple of hours to build him a supply and giving formula at night time.

and then day 9 decided to retry breast feeding again, started out at 10 minutes, and now hes managing 25 minutes and i can see him swallowing and making noises.

last night we fed at 12am formula, he slept till 4am, i gave him breast, and he woke again at 6am again breast fed at 8am i gave him breast and topped up with expressed milk. hes had breast feeds 2 hourly, and is regularly pooping in his nappy and weeing,
however im still worrying that im failing

i never thought that i would feel like this, all the time i was pregnant my attitude was i would love to bf but if i cant or i feel stressed by it i will ff, and this is the weird thing, when i see his poo and its all dark brown from formula i feel sad. i have moments when i think just give up, give him formula and chill, but the other part says youve tried so hard dont turn back now.

thank you for starting this journal would be lovely to go through this with someone in the same boat
Atm I am feeding at the breast whenever he is hungry and he is on for about 30 mins each. He is still hungry when he wakes up about 10 mins later so I have to top up with formula. He's only taking 1-2 oz of formula so he seems to be getting more from me. Just wish I could stop the formula altogether! He's now 22 days

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