My formal complaint written to the hospital


Mommy to a Princess
Sep 16, 2010
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I decided to write my complaint about the care at the hospital. the last straw is now leaving c=garbage in samanthas bed and she had a major brady the other day laying on me and no one came over to help. i brought her back myself... so i've had enough.. i called today the nurse was a rude ass so thats it i'm done.

here it is if you care to read it it's very very long lolol

My daughter has been at Mcmasters hospital for 3 months now. I must say I am sickened by the care that she has been recieving at this hospital. not only are the dr's not forth coming with information about my daughter the nurse like to shove in their opinions on what may or may not be going on with her.

About a month and a half ago they suspected she had reflux as she was having a lot of desats and bradys and each nurse was saying oh she has reflux or no she doesn't have reflux and so on and so forth. It came to the point I requested for a dr to phone me at home because it just wans't making any sense. The dr on call at that time phoned me at home and said they were in fact suspecting she had reflux so i said why not try her on a thicker staydown formula or reflux meds to see if her condition will improve in some way. Whats the harm in trying. The dr instantly blew me off and said because they have no way to tell (um what?) that they won't do anything.... Skip forward to about 2 weeks ago. She has been spitting up and was still dropping her SATS. The Occuptaional Therapist came in to give her a bottle and my daughter spit up and aspirated! She was on reflux meds at this point because they said they would try it. When she aspirated they had to give her oxygen to bring her around and then finally switched her to a thicker formula....this is the second time she aspirated! Why would they wait until my daughter aspirates twice to change her formula???? she had been spitting up before that...Also why are the nurses going on and on about something they know nothing about? I asked the dr that he said ignore them they will all have an opinion.. well you know what they shouldn't be allowed to say anything at all then unless they have a report in front of them telling them exactly what is going on.

Also back then I had asked a nurse when my daughter was still in level 3 care to get a dr for me as i wanted to speak to them about her progress and see how she was doing. The nurse stood there for about 5 minutes hummed and hawed and tried to blow us off about getting a dr saying that it was a sunday so it wouldn't be her regular dr and they were so very busy that day ect ect.. Finally she wandered off after us saying we wanted to talk to someone anyway. The dr came by about 5 minutes later and said well i am so busy i have all the babies on this level today(um it takes 10 minutes to speak with us) trying to blow us off and when he introduced himself it was her dr! then finally decided oh maybe we should have a sit down and talk about her progress because I hadn't even seen or spoken to a dr in over a month and a half.

They were supposed to call me after her hearing test and let me know she had it and the results... no one called.. I had no idea she had it done. I went in and read her chart and saw it had been done with a note that said to tell us the results..

They had also done tests on her multiple times and never informed us of any results or even told us she had them done... She was in toronto before that and all the nurses and drs would tell us anything they were either planning on doing or had done and told us the results good or bad. we were informed of my daughters care.

I called one day to find out how she was doing that day and the nurse that had her said well did you call yesterday?? I said yes... Well did you call lastnight??? I said yes.. Well shes the exact same as she was yesterday! Is there anything else you want to know??? I'm like um yea.. did she have any desats or bradys, hows her feedings going, any tests planned.... and she was so rude to me.

The nurse last week left garbage in her crib! I was away getting a facecloth wet to change her diaper and I came back to her crib and there was papers and her old leads sitting in her crib and the nurse no where to be found....

Her leads had been not working properly and I told the nurse that they were not reading right and she blew me off saying if it keeps up i'll change them when right in front of her they were not reading properly saying poor signal or and then not working at all.. nothing on the monitor... really? they are that lazy they can't take 2 seconds and change leads on my daughter???

The same nurse that left garbage in her crib put her in her swing while feeding her and my daughter threw up!

They also were feeding her with a feeding machine because they said they didn't have the time to sit with her and gravity feed her so they would just pump her food in. They finally stopped doing that and the dr on call thought she needed the feedng machine until we informed her other wise and the nurse even had to tell her it was just because they were to busy to sit with her.

The nurses get rude with us if we want to hold our daughter telling us to leave her alone yet they complain that we aren't there enough to bond with our daughter. My husband works 5 days a week and we only have one car so I go when I can and stay as long as I can because I have to take a bus an hour back to my city.

Most of the nurses are very rude with us over the phone and in person.

They lost my breastmilk when I was pumping for my daughter.. they found a huge bag of it a month later. My daughter was really premature and losing breastmilk is very unacceptable.

I called last week and asked about how my daughter was around 10pm and the nurse started talking about how she needs to get off that pump and start learning to gravity feed because she is almost at that age and baby whats her name is getting big enough... I'm like uh my daughter is not named So and so.. The nurse was like omg i am totoally reading the wrong chart and i'm at the wrong bed!! I even gave her my daughters id number...

A few days ago I had one nurse didn't even want to let me change my own daughters diapers... she kept coming by us like an obsessive twit to see if we were ok.. wouldn't let me check her temp myself and said oh i can change her diaper because i am here and i had to put my foot down and say no i can do it I have changed her diaper before. she quipped back oh I am sure you have...
I wanted to smack her. She didn't want us taking her out of her crib because she was sleeping.. why not it's my kid i can have her sleep on my chest and give her a cuddle.

A few days ago. She had a major brady while sleeping on me and no one came over to help I brought my own daughter back her heart rate was in the low 60's. No one even came over to check on her.

I have called multiple times and no one has asked me for her ID number just offered up all the info
I have walked into the hospital and said i was going to level 2 and no one asked to see my bracelet. so basically anyone can just call or walk in depends on whos working that day?
Also those braclets we are supposed to wear is the most unsanitary thing ever. you promote washing of hands but expect us to wear that braclet all the time when that metal attachment must get totally full of germs and stuff from being at home ect. you should really have people wearing badges like they do at sick kids in Toronto. I don't even wear mine i took it off and keep it n my purse because i may as well not wash my hands at all. that bracelet touches everything so there is more dirt on that then in my own mouth.

One of the nurses a few days ago was complaining about the baby inthe bed next ours because her alarms kept going off and saying well you just have to wait. while changing the baby on the opposite side of ours... instead of calling someone to go check..

they don't spend time with the babies if they fuss a little they automatically think they don't want to bottle feed when it sometimes just takes a minute and let them calm a bit and they will bottle. The are to quick to pump food in through the nose tubes. they do it with my daughter saying she is being fussy and doesn't want it. I read my daughters cues and when she is fussy give her a pat on the back and a quick cuddle let her calm a bit and then she eagerly will take her bottle. but if i told them that they wouldn't listen. they say they are stumped and the occupational therapist is stumped. No it's just the nurses being in to much of a hurry and being to lazy to properly try and sit and feed my daughter while I can't be there. Everytime I am there she takes no less then 40 for me because I am patient and take my time and let her do her bottle at her own pace. They don't look for her cues like her feeding sheet says to.

I was told a room would be reserved for me to sleep over one night and I got there in the early morning with mmy bags and no one had a room set aside for me... then the girl at the desksaid they were booked solid for a long time but would see what she could do. We went back to see her about 2 hours later and said they were booked. I said ok it's no problem. We left at 4:30.. 5:00pm she came to find us to tell us she got us a room.

On easter sunday I was there from the early morning and left at 5:45... at 5pm the girl from the front desk comes in and says oh did you know you have a room reserved for you??? It's been there all day ..I'm like no it would have been nice if someone had let me know this over the phone! Some one could have called me and told me. because 1. i have to leave to go back home and 2. i have no bag packed to spend the night.. so thanks for nothing...

The worst thing I have seen and it still makes me sick to think about. 2 weeks ago maybe 3 now my husband and I went up at night for a visit and were having a good evening with our daughter and the baby in bed A3's alarm started going off. Then it started to go off in the red saying major brady. We were sitting there and it just kept ringing no one was coming over to check on the baby. finally and i am not exagerating after about 30 seconds the dr peeked over and then came running. the baby in bed 3's heartrate was 0!!! So he started shaking the little one to try and her around and the started screaming for nurses to come help as he was trying to bag her and give her cpr.. no one was listening they were all at the desk talking away and 2 nurse were down at bed 10. Finally someone had enough brains to listen and came wandering over and by that point he was screaming call a code call a code and nurse quipped yes we did very rudely. No one was coming to help him and finally another woman came over and kicked everyone out of the nicu to work on that poor baby girl. just as were leaving about 30 people finally came flooding in. How can a hospital be so negligent? I'm happy that little girls mothers and father were not there. If I would have seen them I would have told them what happened. How can you sit there and ignore a red alarm?? Everyone but 2 nurses were all at the desk talking and laughing away very loudly not paying any attention. It's not a social gathering.

They have basically all but lost my daughter.. i'm shocked they haven't yet...maybe that'll be next weeks problem.

I haven't said to much and I have tried and tried to be patient but I am finally at my wits end with the level of care. I also didn't want to say anything because of the fact that they may treat my daughter differently because of me complaining and I am scared they would treat her even worse then what I see going on now.
I apologize how all over the timeline all these things are it's just there has been so much I have seen and experienced and trying to get it all out.

I don't understand this hospital and how it is one of the top level 3 nicus in canada. Thanks for keeping her alive though.. at least you got one thing right.

I find the nurses are very over loaded having 4 babies to one nurse is a bit much because they have to rush around and get them all done so it doesn't leave the time to care for some of the older babies that are learning to bottle and have higher needs like that. In fact it ends up keeping babies there longer that don't need to be. like my soon as i can get her transferred closer to home she out of there. but like I said thanks for keeping her alive.

I do hope you look into all the points i have listed above and have a talk with your level 2 and 3 staff because I think these are real problems and these nurses need to wake up and get some bed side manner and realize the importance of taking care of premature babies. they are a little to comfortable with their jobs and need a good reality check. the dr's and nurses need to realize they are not working for a paycheck they are working to keep these little babies alive and safe and to teach them the things they need to learn. they are not objects they are babies that need special care and attention.
That sounds awful. I hate she has received such poor treatment. It's hard enough leaving your baby in a good NICU, let alone one like that.

I was very lucky that every single nurse/doctor that saw my baby was wonderful and very helpful. Makes me appreciate them even more.

So sorry yall have had to endure that. Hopefully Samantha will be home soon, and you can find a great pediatrician.
yep me to. i hit my wits end today... the nurse was also trying to tell me samantha just doesn't want to suck on her bottle.. i'm like thats a load of horse crap... she said the OT is stumped as to why she doesn't want to eat.. she wants to eat yall are just to dmn lazy to take your time with her bunch of stupid sows... Sorry I am infuriated.
Yeah, it sounds like those nurses have way too many babies. The NICU my little guy was in only had about 7 babies in it when he was there, and there were always at least 3 nurses back there with them.

I never felt like they rushed him or anything. And they all knew him, and me and my husband by name, and when we would call they would give us detailed updates on him. One of the nurses even knitted little preemie hats for all the babies back there.

I would cry every time we left from visiting him, and they were all so kind to me. I would hug the nurse that was assigned to Austin each time and thank her for taking such good care of him. I couldn't imagine leaving him with people who didn't even take the time to "know" him and what was going on with his condition.

I have even called the nurses after he's been home whenever I have questions and it's after doctor's hours. They are super nice and helpful. They have a "preemie reunion" every october and they invite every preemie they have ever seen back for it. There are 18 year old kids who's parents still bring them back for it.

I wish every preemie mom could have the hospital experience I did. It made a difficult situation a little easier.
Wow, what a horrendous experience for you and your daughter :( I really hope they take note and do something about it.

:wacko: Wow. Not sure what to say about that.....except I would wait until she is discharged to send it if it were me! I think I might think very carefully about branding nurses 'lazy' or 'obsessive twit' (although it did bring a smile to my face)! Once you lose your faith in something it can be very easy to pick holes in it, and you will see faults if you look for them. I am fortunate that the two hospitals that looked after Millie were exceptional in their level of care, and although there was the odd nurse that I found to be snotty and obnoxious, at the end of the day, they were looking after Millie, and they were doing it well, so I didn't get too wound up about it. Even when one nurse told me I was 'not allowed' to read my own daughters medical notes!
I think the nurses get very good at knowing when an alarm is belling but not an emergency and when an alarm is belling and needs instant attention. Certainly both the NICU I experienced were very loud places with alrms ringing all the time......I used to go home and hear alarms!!
The scenario you describe with the baby on red alarm with a heart rate of 0 is truly frightening, I don't envy you for having to witness that. I hope the hospital take on board this complaint and ensure it does not happen again, I hope the baby has made a full recovery.

Maybe sending the letter and letting off some steam will make you feel better, sometimes it is good to vent. Hopefully changes will be made at the hospital for the better too!
This is just awful and unacceptable!! What a horrific experience for you!! I hope you can get her transferred somewhere else soon. Well done for being such a good mummy and taking the time to care for your little one so well :) xxx
Thats such an awful thing for you to go through, we had these problems and some worse at the level 2 hopsital harry was transferred at 5 weeks old, including during a run of bad desats, the head nurse saying this is the problem we have when we are dealing with babies that shouldnt have be resesitated!!?!?!? Harry was born breathing and screaming!!!! She was also the same nurse who asked apon harry's arrival, where was twin 1? like i had left him in a shop.

I hope the hosital come back to you and i really hope that they change the way they work! xxx
Yeah, it sounds like those nurses have way too many babies. The NICU my little guy was in only had about 7 babies in it when he was there, and there were always at least 3 nurses back there with them.

I never felt like they rushed him or anything. And they all knew him, and me and my husband by name, and when we would call they would give us detailed updates on him. One of the nurses even knitted little preemie hats for all the babies back there.

I would cry every time we left from visiting him, and they were all so kind to me. I would hug the nurse that was assigned to Austin each time and thank her for taking such good care of him. I couldn't imagine leaving him with people who didn't even take the time to "know" him and what was going on with his condition.

I have even called the nurses after he's been home whenever I have questions and it's after doctor's hours. They are super nice and helpful. They have a "preemie reunion" every october and they invite every preemie they have ever seen back for it. There are 18 year old kids who's parents still bring them back for it.

I wish every preemie mom could have the hospital experience I did. It made a difficult situation a little easier.

It was like that for her in toronto. the level of care was amazing. but they had to ship her because she wasn't sick sick so they wanted the space for a sick premie. I'm just so angry that all that has happened and i never realized how much crap has gone down until i wrote it all out.
:wacko: Wow. Not sure what to say about that.....except I would wait until she is discharged to send it if it were me! I think I might think very carefully about branding nurses 'lazy' or 'obsessive twit' (although it did bring a smile to my face)! Once you lose your faith in something it can be very easy to pick holes in it, and you will see faults if you look for them. I am fortunate that the two hospitals that looked after Millie were exceptional in their level of care, and although there was the odd nurse that I found to be snotty and obnoxious, at the end of the day, they were looking after Millie, and they were doing it well, so I didn't get too wound up about it. Even when one nurse told me I was 'not allowed' to read my own daughters medical notes!
I think the nurses get very good at knowing when an alarm is belling but not an emergency and when an alarm is belling and needs instant attention. Certainly both the NICU I experienced were very loud places with alrms ringing all the time......I used to go home and hear alarms!!
The scenario you describe with the baby on red alarm with a heart rate of 0 is truly frightening, I don't envy you for having to witness that. I hope the hospital take on board this complaint and ensure it does not happen again, I hope the baby has made a full recovery.

Maybe sending the letter and letting off some steam will make you feel better, sometimes it is good to vent. Hopefully changes will be made at the hospital for the better too!

Actually no you see the laziness in them alot down there watching them with other babies, they are impatient with babies and she was an obsessive twit not only to me but to the other families.. constantly hovering over us coming by every 2 seconds.. i never heard the words.. are you ok repeated so many times in 5 hours.. no exaggeration.
I already sent it and they can take it for what it's worth. if they do anything it would be great but i won't hold my breath. i spoke the truth about everything i have seen and had happen 100%. i sent it anonymously as well.
I hope it changes things for the better then, poorly babies deserve better than that.

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