Mam of one baby boy!
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After 2 failed sweeps I went for my induction on the 8th Feb.
Went into hosp at 12pm, and was weighed, given an U/S to check he was still head down and hooked up to the CTG monitor for an hour.
At about 1.30 they came in with the prostin pessary tablet.
My cervix was high, behind babies head and closed and getting that inserted was AGONY.
I was using the gas and air but it tasted horrible and made me feel sick and light headed.
But seriously that was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life (so far!)
I screamed, and cried, and nearly blacked out.
The midwife said my cervix was pretty much shut and she had to reach around babies head and force it open to get the tablet in, and that she hoped it would work and I wouldnt need another one in 6 hours.
Had to lie still for an hour while they could check baby was OK after the whole thing and after that was told to go on a walk.
We did a few laps of the hospital and got some dinner and then headed back, I was having a few tightenings and was getting uncomfortable.
Lay on the bed again for a few hours, did some crossword puzzles and chatted, contractions coming about every 5 minutes and pretty painful by this point.
This carried on, contractions got to 3 minutes apart and so painful they made me want to be sick, but because my waters were still intact I wasnt classed as in active labour.
It got to 7.30 and I had another examination, cervix still high and closed, the attempted to break my waters and it was HORRIFIC. I'm not sure why they attempted at that point if I'm honest as I was only 1.5 cm dilated.
Told they couldnt give another tablet because I was contracting regularly and they didnt want me to start hyper contracting.
They said they would check me again in a few hours.
Contractions getting pretty strong, couldn't walk through them or talk through them, just had to stop and grab onto something and breathe them out.
Went for another walk round the hospital but it didn't last long I was in too much pain and I felt like people were staring at me.
It got to about 11pm and I got told to go in the bath, It was the worst bath for a pregnant lady, it was tiny and shallow, but I filled it and and sat there with the shower jet on my stomach.
I didnt want to get out but knew it was about time I needed to be checked again.
Went back and was told to try and sleep, the lights in the ward turned off and my OH squeezed into bed with me, he fell asleep straight away and I lay there trying to be quiet through my contractions.
I was aware by this point they had slowed down, but were still very sore.
They came in and put me on the monitor again, and I was told I was probably going to have to have another pessary as my contractions had fizzled out.
It was about 1am and the midwife told me she was going to give me another tablet, she went in and I was in agony again, then she said I've given you a proper good sweep and made you a good 4cm, so I'm going to get you a private room and break your waters. (our induction suite is 4 bed)
At about 2am they came and said we have a room for you, and took me along the corridor to break my waters.
I remember thinking this is the room I will meet my baby in.
I was so scared. And tired. And sore. And excited. It was crazy.
I got on the bed and a new midwife came in, and broke my waters.
That was an odd sensation. Not exactly painful, but uncomfortable to say the least.
Hooked up to the monitor again and left alone with my OH.
The contractions came on pretty bad straight away, my god, they really were worse after my waters were gone.
I tried gas and air again, but it made me feel out of control, and sick, so I decided to ditch it.
I (really loudly) moaned/screamed through every contraction, for a good hour and a half, then the midwife came back and asked if I would like some diamorphine for the pain. I said yes.
I remember her saying as she injected me "In about 10 minutes you'll feel lush"
It was 6am.
I didnt feel lush. I slept between contractions, but the pain was unbearable. Each one hit me like a train and I screamed (Waking my OH up every 3 minutes or so as he was dozing on the settee beside the bed)
I couldn't believe the pain.
The midwife came back and said that diamorphine has done nothing for you has it, and I said no, crying.
She asked if I would like an epidural, and I said yes.
She went away (for a lifetime it seemed) and then came back and said everyone is in theatre, but they will come up when they are finished.
I was gutted. I just wanted the pain to stop.
Midwives changed shifts, and the new one examined me.
It was 8am, the diamorphine had all but worn off and she said she didn't want to give me more as it hadnt done anything really anyway.
She told me she thought my baby would be born around lunchtime.
I remember thinking I cant cope til lunchtime.
The urge to push was there, but she kept saying try not to push, you arent ready.
WHAT?! You have no control over it. It kept happening.
Heart radio was playing in the background. I remember trying to time my contractions and thinking it seemed like an eternity but I was having 2 or 3 to 1 song.
The midwife came and told me that they were finished in surgery and were coming to talk to me about an epidural, and went to examine me again.
Then I remember her saying "I dont think they'll give you one, this baby is going to be born in the next hour or so, and you're in so much pain you wont be able to sit still long enough"
About this time I got up off the bed, and because I was so scared I was going to poo, going and locking myself in the toilet. LOL.
I was sat on the toilet, thinking everytime I had a contraction I was going to have a big poo.
I must have been in there for ages, Dan came and knocked and asked me to come out and I said no.
I heard the epidural guy come in, but I was so convinced I was going to poo I just sat there and waited.
The midwife then opened the door and said "Honest you arent going to poo its babies head coming down you need to come back in here now"
So, off I went, feeling like I was going to shite all over the floor - trailing mass amounts of blood and mucus from my plug that had eventually decided to appear across the floor.
I got back on the bed and the midwife told me that an epidural wouldnt take the pressure/pushy/poo feeling away, and that she didnt think I could sit for one anyway.
It meant a longer stay in hospital, so I agree'd (In tears) that I would do without.
She handed me the gas and air thing and said - right, I want you to push now. Lets have this baby.
I handed the gas and air thing to Dan because it was awful and got my game face on.
I kind of lost track of time from here on out.
All I know is it hurt like hell.
Especially the crowning part.
She told me to keep going through the burning but it hurt so bad. He kept coming down the canal and then my contraction would stop and he would slide backwards. Excrutiating. Seriously.
She told me she could see the head and to keep going.
Dan stood up at the head end facing me, I was nearly pulling his hand off and screaming blue murder.
It felt like I was being ripped apart. (I guess I was haha)
When I thought the pain couldn't get any worse she said 'STOP PUSHING, thats the head out, worst part over."
my contractions stopped.
I seemed to be waiting for ages then I felt one coming.
With another push, and a pull from the midwife, my son was here.
10.44am Feb 9th.
She quickly rubbed him off and put him on me, and we just looked at eachother, shell shocked.
This was the human we had made. He was beautiful. And big! Ha.
She weighed him - 9lb 3oz (Deffo big!)
Delivered the placenta (gross)
And then dropped the bombshell I had a 3rd degree tear, and needed to go into theatre - which meant I was getting an epidural.
I had delivered with no pain relief (Diamorph had long worn off) and been told I couldnt have an epi, then needed one anyway.
I was so scared of dying but I said nothing, just let them wheel me away from Dan and my tiny baby and stitch me up.
The epidural was fab. Like sitting in a warm bath. Couldn't feel a thing.
Makes me wonder if it really wouldnt have taken the feeling away totally in labour.
The midwife came in when I was being stitched up and told everyone I was a star, first baby, 9 pounder, no pain relief.
Anyway - Jared Harrison Darbyshire Goodfellow - 09/02/14 - 9lb 3oz.
Went into hosp at 12pm, and was weighed, given an U/S to check he was still head down and hooked up to the CTG monitor for an hour.
At about 1.30 they came in with the prostin pessary tablet.
My cervix was high, behind babies head and closed and getting that inserted was AGONY.
I was using the gas and air but it tasted horrible and made me feel sick and light headed.
But seriously that was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life (so far!)
I screamed, and cried, and nearly blacked out.
The midwife said my cervix was pretty much shut and she had to reach around babies head and force it open to get the tablet in, and that she hoped it would work and I wouldnt need another one in 6 hours.
Had to lie still for an hour while they could check baby was OK after the whole thing and after that was told to go on a walk.
We did a few laps of the hospital and got some dinner and then headed back, I was having a few tightenings and was getting uncomfortable.
Lay on the bed again for a few hours, did some crossword puzzles and chatted, contractions coming about every 5 minutes and pretty painful by this point.
This carried on, contractions got to 3 minutes apart and so painful they made me want to be sick, but because my waters were still intact I wasnt classed as in active labour.
It got to 7.30 and I had another examination, cervix still high and closed, the attempted to break my waters and it was HORRIFIC. I'm not sure why they attempted at that point if I'm honest as I was only 1.5 cm dilated.
Told they couldnt give another tablet because I was contracting regularly and they didnt want me to start hyper contracting.
They said they would check me again in a few hours.
Contractions getting pretty strong, couldn't walk through them or talk through them, just had to stop and grab onto something and breathe them out.
Went for another walk round the hospital but it didn't last long I was in too much pain and I felt like people were staring at me.
It got to about 11pm and I got told to go in the bath, It was the worst bath for a pregnant lady, it was tiny and shallow, but I filled it and and sat there with the shower jet on my stomach.
I didnt want to get out but knew it was about time I needed to be checked again.
Went back and was told to try and sleep, the lights in the ward turned off and my OH squeezed into bed with me, he fell asleep straight away and I lay there trying to be quiet through my contractions.
I was aware by this point they had slowed down, but were still very sore.
They came in and put me on the monitor again, and I was told I was probably going to have to have another pessary as my contractions had fizzled out.
It was about 1am and the midwife told me she was going to give me another tablet, she went in and I was in agony again, then she said I've given you a proper good sweep and made you a good 4cm, so I'm going to get you a private room and break your waters. (our induction suite is 4 bed)
At about 2am they came and said we have a room for you, and took me along the corridor to break my waters.
I remember thinking this is the room I will meet my baby in.
I was so scared. And tired. And sore. And excited. It was crazy.
I got on the bed and a new midwife came in, and broke my waters.
That was an odd sensation. Not exactly painful, but uncomfortable to say the least.
Hooked up to the monitor again and left alone with my OH.
The contractions came on pretty bad straight away, my god, they really were worse after my waters were gone.
I tried gas and air again, but it made me feel out of control, and sick, so I decided to ditch it.
I (really loudly) moaned/screamed through every contraction, for a good hour and a half, then the midwife came back and asked if I would like some diamorphine for the pain. I said yes.
I remember her saying as she injected me "In about 10 minutes you'll feel lush"
It was 6am.
I didnt feel lush. I slept between contractions, but the pain was unbearable. Each one hit me like a train and I screamed (Waking my OH up every 3 minutes or so as he was dozing on the settee beside the bed)
I couldn't believe the pain.
The midwife came back and said that diamorphine has done nothing for you has it, and I said no, crying.
She asked if I would like an epidural, and I said yes.
She went away (for a lifetime it seemed) and then came back and said everyone is in theatre, but they will come up when they are finished.
I was gutted. I just wanted the pain to stop.
Midwives changed shifts, and the new one examined me.
It was 8am, the diamorphine had all but worn off and she said she didn't want to give me more as it hadnt done anything really anyway.
She told me she thought my baby would be born around lunchtime.
I remember thinking I cant cope til lunchtime.
The urge to push was there, but she kept saying try not to push, you arent ready.
WHAT?! You have no control over it. It kept happening.
Heart radio was playing in the background. I remember trying to time my contractions and thinking it seemed like an eternity but I was having 2 or 3 to 1 song.
The midwife came and told me that they were finished in surgery and were coming to talk to me about an epidural, and went to examine me again.
Then I remember her saying "I dont think they'll give you one, this baby is going to be born in the next hour or so, and you're in so much pain you wont be able to sit still long enough"
About this time I got up off the bed, and because I was so scared I was going to poo, going and locking myself in the toilet. LOL.
I was sat on the toilet, thinking everytime I had a contraction I was going to have a big poo.
I must have been in there for ages, Dan came and knocked and asked me to come out and I said no.
I heard the epidural guy come in, but I was so convinced I was going to poo I just sat there and waited.
The midwife then opened the door and said "Honest you arent going to poo its babies head coming down you need to come back in here now"
So, off I went, feeling like I was going to shite all over the floor - trailing mass amounts of blood and mucus from my plug that had eventually decided to appear across the floor.
I got back on the bed and the midwife told me that an epidural wouldnt take the pressure/pushy/poo feeling away, and that she didnt think I could sit for one anyway.
It meant a longer stay in hospital, so I agree'd (In tears) that I would do without.
She handed me the gas and air thing and said - right, I want you to push now. Lets have this baby.
I handed the gas and air thing to Dan because it was awful and got my game face on.
I kind of lost track of time from here on out.
All I know is it hurt like hell.
Especially the crowning part.
She told me to keep going through the burning but it hurt so bad. He kept coming down the canal and then my contraction would stop and he would slide backwards. Excrutiating. Seriously.
She told me she could see the head and to keep going.
Dan stood up at the head end facing me, I was nearly pulling his hand off and screaming blue murder.
It felt like I was being ripped apart. (I guess I was haha)
When I thought the pain couldn't get any worse she said 'STOP PUSHING, thats the head out, worst part over."
my contractions stopped.
I seemed to be waiting for ages then I felt one coming.
With another push, and a pull from the midwife, my son was here.
10.44am Feb 9th.
She quickly rubbed him off and put him on me, and we just looked at eachother, shell shocked.
This was the human we had made. He was beautiful. And big! Ha.
She weighed him - 9lb 3oz (Deffo big!)
Delivered the placenta (gross)
And then dropped the bombshell I had a 3rd degree tear, and needed to go into theatre - which meant I was getting an epidural.
I had delivered with no pain relief (Diamorph had long worn off) and been told I couldnt have an epi, then needed one anyway.
I was so scared of dying but I said nothing, just let them wheel me away from Dan and my tiny baby and stitch me up.
The epidural was fab. Like sitting in a warm bath. Couldn't feel a thing.
Makes me wonder if it really wouldnt have taken the feeling away totally in labour.
The midwife came in when I was being stitched up and told everyone I was a star, first baby, 9 pounder, no pain relief.
Anyway - Jared Harrison Darbyshire Goodfellow - 09/02/14 - 9lb 3oz.