my induction birth story


mum of 1 :)
Dec 31, 2010
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i know im not a big poster on here but i love reading everyones birth stories and have a sleeping baby so i thought i would post my induction birth story.

After two attempted sweeps where i wasnt dialiated at all so i was booked in for an induction on monday 22nd june when i was 42 weeks. I arrived at the hospital at 10am and was put on the monitor- babies heartbeat was good but it was showing no contractions, the midwife (and student) checked me and i still hadnt dialiated at all. I was given a pessary which could stay in for 24 hrs. I was then transfered to one of the wards at about midday and started walking around the hospital to try and get things moving. When it got to 9pm i was having nothing but very mild back ache so hubby was made to go home. As stupid as it sounds i was in tears, it was quite daunting being left alone on the ward with other people.

At about 11pm i shot out of the bed with the worst back ache ever which peaked and went. They were coming every five or so mins. I could only get vaguely comfy standing or sititng on the toilet leaning back. As i was on a ward with other women i was trying to be as quiet as possiable but the pain was agony. The midwife gave me paracetemol which i have to say was a complete waste of time. I went to the toilet at about 2am and the pessary had come out. I went back to the ward and calld the midwife who checkd me again and said I was a fingertip dialiated but my cervix had softened so she reinserted the pessary and gave me some more tablets. Come 5am i was still in agony with back pain every 5 mins or so. I stil wasnt sure these were contractions though as i was waiting for them to start in my stomach. Another midwife checked me and told me i was still only a fingertip dialiated and to try having a bath. THe bath was nice but as i hadnt slept i kept on drifting off so i got out and went back to bed. At about 8am i was told to try and get some breakfast in the patients dining room, I managed to pour myself some cereal and then i had the most painful backache i dropped my bowl on the table and left before i cried out (the room was full of other women some with babies some without). I went to the toilet again and the pessary had come out again and dropped down the toilet. I fished it out and when i wiped the hugest glob came away. I was estatic as i was sure things were moving along. i called the midwife again and this time it was another one she said she would wait for a dr to check me again before deciding to re insert a new pessary. My hubby arrived back at 9 am to find me mid backache leaning out an open window. He came to the bathroom with me again and sat on the side whilst i had another bath and a little doze. He started timing my back aches and they were coming every 3 mins lasting about 45secs. My thighs were feeling a little damp but i thought it was where i hadnt dried myself properly or just discharge etc but when the dr came to check me at 11am she found that i was 2cm dialiated and she couldnt feel my waters and that she could feel the babies hair :thumbup:. She said we could go down to the delivery rooms when they had space but in the meantime i could have some diamorphine as by now the backaches were still every three mins but lasting well over a min each. THe diamorphine didnt stop the aches but it dulled them a bit so i was able to calm down a bit. I still couldnt sit down but managed to lie on my side a have a little chat with the hubby. I didnt manage to eat anything at all and finally at 5pm i was told there was room for me down in delivery. she explained that they were going to put me on a drip that would increase the contractions to 5 in ten mins. This terrified me as the pain was almost unberable.

Down in the delivery room i was hooked up and the contractions immediately jumped to 8 in ten mins and the pain was unbearable!! hubby kept on looking at the screen and the contactions were between 60-90. I was still only 2-3 dialiated so the midwife advised an epidural as she said the contactions were not going to stop. As this was my first i was completely open minded to pain reflief and jumped at the chance. She went off to find the anaesthetist and told me she was in surgery so i would have to wait. so gas and air it was. Hubby said i sounded like darth vader!! I was sick on him as well bless him. I could only stand up and lean over the bed. THe anaesthetist arrived at 8pm and hubby and th midwife had to hold me still with hubby feeding me the gas and air whilst she tried to do the epidural inbetween contractions. This was absolutely bliss!!! The drip was increased and i was checked again at 9pm and i was 6cm :happydance:.I had the spidural topped up every hour. At about 11pm two drs walked into the room and started looking at the print out . then went and discussed something with the midwife. This scared me a little. One of the drs then explained to me that the babies heart beat was dropping with each contraction and that the contractions were coming in clusters instead of contraction/rest/contraction/rest so that the baby had no time to rest inbetween contractinons. She said she would be back to check in half an hour and that if it was still the same they would have to get the baby out. She came back at half eleven and checked again and said she was happy to go ahead with the vaginal delivery.

I was checked again at midnight and was told i was fully dialiated. :happydance: I was advised to let the epidural wear off so i would know when to push but they would wait an hour before pushing to see if he would desend any naturally. So at about 1am i started pushing with each contraction and the midwifes were making encouraging noises and before i knew it i had been pushing for an hour. One of the midwifes suddenly left the room and came back wiht a surgeon, senior midwife and a baby dr with one of those table/beds for babies in trouble my midwife said that she was going to top up the epidural again as i was going to need assistance as his heart rate was falling, within seconds my legs were in sterups the surgeon was doing the episiotomy and using foreceps the baby was out within 2 pushes he was shown to me and taken away but stared crying immediately :) he was put on my chest and started feeding straight away :happydance: it took about 30 mins to stich up the cuts and tears during this time he fed and then did a poo on me :) i was given some tea and toast whilst hubby had a cuddle and then washed up and was on the ward by 7am wednesday morning. my iron level had dropped to 8.6 so i was kept in until thursday evening and dispatche with tablets. Baby is feeding really well and sleeping alot. I am very bruised and tired but im on :cloud9: everyone is in love with him and he has been very spoilt :)

Nathan James born 22/6/2011 @ 2.53am :happydance:
It was only when he was coming out that they realised he was back to back which explains why all my contractions were in my back and why things took so bloody long

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