My late, long birth story! (induced with gestational diabetes) Layla May- 08/07/2011


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Dec 14, 2010
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Birth story:

After my last few weeks of pregnancy dragging along, after 20 weeks or bad morning sickness (more like all day, all night sickness), Sciatica and gestational diabetes, I was so ready to be induced.

5th July
I went into hospital on the 5th July *my due date* for my induction, nervous as hell, but excited too.
I went in at 6pm, had an examination- 1cm, and was monitored for an hour. I was then induced via the "t-bag" method, (doesn't look like a tbag at all) and monitored for another hour. I was so naieve to think that something would happen soon after! Nothing happened all night apart from a few little pains. I was examined and I was 1.5 CM.

6th July
On the 6th, I was impatient, fed up. The girls that were in the ward with me had all gone into labour, and new girls had come in. I waited all day for something to happen. That night I had little stomach pains (nurses said they were from the pessary) initially I thought they were contractions, *I was sooo wrong*. but they were very very painful. At 6pm the propess (tbag) was removed as it had been in for 24 hours. I was examined and was then at 2cm, and they gave me a sweep.

However when my boyfriend came to visit at about 7pm, I had mild contractions, painful, but not unberable (Thought so at the time though) completely random in length and distance apart. We walked around the hospital as much as possible to speed things up. It was really hard when Jeff went home every night at 10pm. I felt so alone and terrified. I stayed in touch with him via text, and my mother because I felt so lonely and fed up. Time was going so slow. I text my boyfriend "I hope my waters break now. I've had enough of this pain. serious it's already the worst thing i've ever felt and it's only going to get 100 times worse. :( sad, sad, sad. You're gonna be a daddy soon. I hope I fall asleep and get woken up by my waters going or something"

The pains wore off by midnight so I went to sleep while I could.

7th & 8th July
I woke on the 7th to no pain. No contractions, gone, completely. So annoyed, frustrated and fed up. I went to the toilet at 9am and had my bloody show, which cheered me up immensley. A small sign, the only thing I had to show I was moving in the right direction. I went back for a lie down on the ward, 2 women went into labour, and the third was going in to labour. She went from 2-6 cm in an HOUR. I remember thinking "It's not fair, when will it be my turn?" 6 women had come in, and gone with their babies and I was still there.
at 10am I had another sweep, and more show, they told me they might break my waters in the afternoon if nothing happens, and at 11am I was given GEL method of induction.
My mother came to visit with my boyfriend at 2pm. I was bouncing on my ball for the whole of a minute when my contractions started at full pelt. Insanely strong- like period pains, times a million, but as if my ovaries were being squeezed. I had no back pain with it though. visiting hours were ending at 3, and my boyfriend had to give my mother a lift home. I didn't want them to leave. I was terrified! Jeff returned shortly after, and we decided to try and ease the pains with a bath. I was begging him to pull me out within two minutes of getting in. My contractions were so close together I could hardly have a chance for a break inbetween. I was making so much noise I pittied everyone on the ward who could hear me from the bathroom! After he helped me get dressed, I returned to my bed and begged Jeff to get a midwife. It was 5pm, and I was examined. I was 4 cm. She brought over the gas and air, which I loved for the first 20-30 mins, thought "I can do this on just gas and air, it's great!" I was laughing away to Jeff, convinced it would be so easy with just gas and air. Sadly that novelty soon wore off. I was seperated from my gas and air and wheeled down to the labour ward.

With each pain being so close, I couldn't talk. My boyfriend and mother would ask me questions and I'd tell them "Don't talk to me!" because I needed to concentrate. I had the gas and air, I was examined, and now at 6cm shortly after- 9pm, they broke my waters..

at 10pm I gave into the epidural. I originally planned not to have one but I was getting overwhelmed and a bit panicy. The epidural helped me so much. I could no longer feel the stomach pain, just heavy heavy pressure in my bum! Only an hour later,at 11pm. I was examined and everyone was in shock to hear that I was now 9cm. Time for me was going so slow and I just wanted to meet my baby! at midnight the midwife asked me if I felt the urge to push. I said "I could push, but I don't feel like I really really need to." she turned to the student midwife and said "I'm going to make a judgement call", and told me in half an hour She wanted me to start pushing. She told me my epidural had worn off, and if I wanted it topped up. I decided I didn't, I wanted to feel what my body was trying to do, so I didn't have pain relief. So at half past midnight, I started pushing, no gas and air, no epidural. So determined, so ready to meet my daughter. With each push came a long, loud groan. Gritting my teeth. Being so exhausted, but so ready.

"The babies head keeps trying to come out, but as you stop pushing it rocks back in" I remember that THAT, was my motivation to get her out. I was pushing hard anyway, but that sentence just made me so determined, I pushed for everything I had, and with one loud scream as the head popped out, a few smaller pushes for the shoulders, Layla arrived at 1;02 am, on the 8th July 2011.
The first time I saw her, I just couldn't believe she was there. I didn't cry- I thought I would, but I literally had no energy. They placed her on my chest, as she cried at me I was instantly overwhelmed with love. She was soon passed to Jeff, as I was given the jab in the leg to pass the placenta. The midwife was tugging on the cord and then said "I better stop, I can feel it fraying" :/ , the placenta soon came away on its own, not painful just a weird experience. Soon after the doctor came to stitch me up, Which I really did need gas and air for. Layla had to have a bottle of Cow and gate when born as they needed to check her blood sugars with me being Gestational diabetic. I had a temperature in labour and was given anti biotics.

This is where I add extra information to my birth story.
the main midwife was TEXTING her boyfriend throughout my labour. Not through essential parts, but still. She also left my catheter in, which Jeff said, he saw- it ripped me open when the head popped out. Jeff also overheard the doctor telling her the catheter shouldn't have been left in for the pushing as it caused me to have stitches. When Jeff asked her if she could come in so I could try and breastfeed, she said
"UGH, okay." and huffed.
Luckily for me, despite my bad experience with the midwife who was full of attitude , I had a lovely student midwife also there who got me through. She brought me some mini chocolate brownies after the labour too, with tea, and toast. And god it was so good. :)

The next few days in hospital Layla wasn't feeding properly. She literally did not sleep- so neither did I. She screamed, and cried pretty much constantly. The peadiatrician came to check her. He took some bloods and returned saying "Right I think she'll have to go down to special care". And my heart sank. I was so scared.. and as I went with her down there, went into the room with premature tiny babies in incubators, I burst into tears and had to wait outside the room. She was given an IV in her hand, and had to have lots of antibiotis and blood tests, for a few days. When I asked what was wrong, I only had "Well, she's fighting an infection".

It was my birthday on the 11th July, and I was still in hospital. Jeff brought me in some pate, french toast, and a birthday cake. :cloud9:

We were hoping we could take her home for my birthday but they said it wouldn't be until the 12th atleast.. her bloods came back healthy and we were able to leave on the morning of the 12th.

To this day we weren't given an explination, the midwife asked me why she was ill, when I replied they didn't say, just an infection of some sort she replied "That's very strange., and your waters hadn't been gone long either"

I went to the GP yesterday and was told there is no record of her being ill, no record of her being on antibiotics. So me and Jeff have come to the conclusion that the midwife buggered up by leaving the catheter in, and they're trying to hide something about the infection.

With that all said, she is now healthy and happy, and oh my god I love her. I know I said for the first week after I could never go through all that again... but, I would do it all again.

She is now 7 weeks old.

Breastfeeding didn't work for us. I had every intention of breastfeeding. I never thought I wouldn't be able to do it, never bought formula for back up. She had so many bottles in special care, and when she was born, by the time I tried to breast feed exclusively, she was starving still, I wasn't producing enough. And I was expressing, Breastfeeding, and topping up with formula and it became so emotionally draining. I was crying my eyes out because I couldn't exclusively breast feed, nothing I was doing was getting my supply up, she would be so hungry and cry so much that we just decided formula was better in our case. I'm still very sad but I couldn't let her go so hungry. One of my breasts was also very hard and full of milk but none was coming out when I expressed. :(

All in all. She has made my life. She has completed me. She is part of me.


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she is gorgeous hun, sorry to hear about your midwife and that you werent given a reason for your daughters infection, congrats thooo :flower: xxx
Rach, your a beautiful wee family :hugs2: I couldn't wait for your birth story even though I was texting you through it! You had a rough ole time of it but it was all worth it in the end. Congratulations again kitten xx
Congratulations, she's beautiful.
Sorry you had a tough time :hugs:
Rach, your a beautiful wee family :hugs2: I couldn't wait for your birth story even though I was texting you through it! You had a rough ole time of it but it was all worth it in the end. Congratulations again kitten xx

So glad I had you to text in those days before it all happened :hugs: Hope you and your beautiful Lucia are doing well sweetie xxx
Shes gorgeous! Im sorry to hear about what happened about the m/wife hunny, I really would follow that up. Glad ur all okay xx
Congratulations :hugs: Layla is beautiful like her name! Really enjoyed reading your birth story:thumbup: My MW with Skyla was a stupid bitch but the student that stayed with me was lovely if a bit nervous.
Huge congratulations!! Sorry to hear about your midwife and lack of care there :(

Layla is gorgeous!!!
Thankyou ladies. All in all, despite the rapid induced birth it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and is so worth it in the end.

What worried me is that one midwife asked what Laylas infection was, and when I said they wouldn't tell us she replied "that's very strange. Also it's weird she had an infection if your waters hadn't been gone for hours" So that did freak me out.. With the whole doctor saying the catheter shouldn't have been left in when I was pushing to the midwife, I mentioned it to a nurse at the hospital who replied "they tend not to take it out if it's been in and out more than three times to avoid infection" however, mine was left in the whole time, and when I asked other midwives they closed ranks and defended the midwife saying they would've done the same thing, but surely the doctor who told her she shouldn't have left it in was right. Blah.

Also went to GP to ask about her infection, and No record has been made about the infection, or that Layla was on anti biotics- nothing has been recorded so very suspicious..

Anyway rant over. Thankyou for taking your time to read the birth story ladies, and for those who are expecting, hope you have a wonderful birthing experience :) xx

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