Clara was born 19/01/16 at 2:46am.
She made a dramatic entry! After being induced I was in pain for a few hours but told that it wasn't labour as the tightenings weren't long enough, which seemed to be right until all of a sudden i was 3cms! I was then sent down to delivery to have my waters broken. I opted for an epidural incase I needed a c section. I am terrified of general anaesthetic! Anyways, about half an hour after the epidural I was examined and still 3cms. Just after that a load of doctors flew in because baby's heart rate had dropped right down. They thought I was having another abruption (I had a stillbirth last time) so I was being prepped to go to theatre. As they were getting me ready the consultant came in and said to wait whilst she examined me and then announced that the reason the heart rate had dropped is because I was 10cms and baby was trying to come out! So 6 minutes later, out she flew! Literally flew as well as half of my waters had stayed behind her. The doctor topping up the epidural came into the room and was told he was no longer needed! Everybody was so surprised that it had progressed that quickly. 10 minutes before I was told to get some sleep as birth was hours away!
So a dramatic birth but well worth it, and I then had the best tea and toast of my life!
She made a dramatic entry! After being induced I was in pain for a few hours but told that it wasn't labour as the tightenings weren't long enough, which seemed to be right until all of a sudden i was 3cms! I was then sent down to delivery to have my waters broken. I opted for an epidural incase I needed a c section. I am terrified of general anaesthetic! Anyways, about half an hour after the epidural I was examined and still 3cms. Just after that a load of doctors flew in because baby's heart rate had dropped right down. They thought I was having another abruption (I had a stillbirth last time) so I was being prepped to go to theatre. As they were getting me ready the consultant came in and said to wait whilst she examined me and then announced that the reason the heart rate had dropped is because I was 10cms and baby was trying to come out! So 6 minutes later, out she flew! Literally flew as well as half of my waters had stayed behind her. The doctor topping up the epidural came into the room and was told he was no longer needed! Everybody was so surprised that it had progressed that quickly. 10 minutes before I was told to get some sleep as birth was hours away!
So a dramatic birth but well worth it, and I then had the best tea and toast of my life!