My little Preemie Is A Big Girl Now :)


Expecting #3
Mar 7, 2012
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Hi there ,

I thought i would share my story to give support to other mum's nervously waiting a prem delivery or just had a prem baby.

I got my first leak at 26+5 and it came with regular contractions. I was hospitalised for a week , given steroid injections and was consulted about whether i wanted to try a natural birth or a c-sec . All VERY scary and overwhelming as they took me for a NICU tour. BUT my body had other ideas as the leak slowed to the occasional damp patch if i exerted myself. So i was sent home on bed rest at 28weeks and went in twice a week for swabs/bloods/ctg . At 30 weeks i went back in as started contracting again , this lasted 4days and then stopped . So off i went home back to the 2x weekly visits. At 32+3 i went to my usual check up and told my midwife i had had a discharge that was unusual so she hurried my swab results and bloods and i waited there for the results . They were still ok and nothing unusual showed up !!

That evening around 6pm i was waiting for my partner to get home and just happened to lift my top to admire my lovely bump !!! To my surprise my bump was RED !!! I called my mum as she was a nurse and she told me to call tricare . I called my laboursuite and they told me to come in VERY quickly so they could assess me . When i got there i was feeling hot & irritable , my temp was up to 37.5 (i was so happy they paid attention to my notes as i always measure at 35.5-36 so what is normal is high for me !!) and when they tried to get a line in they were not having much success ..... I was in a lot of pain when they tried to examine me but thankfully was only 1cm dilated!! I started contracting at around 7.30pm , by this point they had admitted me to labour suite and had been drawing up drug charts to induce me as it was decided i had an infection starting !! Due to labour being busy and me needing a midwife constantly they waited until 12pm to start my drip and i was feeling pretty awful at this point tired and fevery and wanting my own bed !! I had been given IV antibiotics at around 9pm so they were slowly starting to work ....

WOW then the syntocin came along .... Sheesh that stuff is wild , they upped & upped the dose until pretty soon i was on the full whack of the stuff and contracting every 2-3minutes .... I am happy to say i had NO PAIN RELIEF and spent a lot of time very quiet and focused . Knowing my baby was early and needed the least stressful labour as possible kept me very calm!! I had a few puffs of gas and air as 8am came around i was so tired and just wanted to sleep . They turned the drip down a little as i was having way too many contractions and they didnt want to upset baby . At 9.30am i had my second check to see what was going on . I NEARLY CRIED !!!! I had only contracted just under 2cm , i was so tired and disappointed. My midwife left the room and before iknew it my room then became full of Doctors , anaethetists and several other midwifes etc . It had been decided that after all these hours of labour and the signs of infection it would be best to do a c-sec !! By 1030am i was moved down to theatre and given my general anaesthetic and my daughter was brough into the world at 1105am on July 6th 2007. She was a very hefty 5lb 30z and was quickly whipped to NICU.

After being ok initially she started having a few problems ,she was resuccitated via bag & mask a few times and put on full oxygen cpap. Sadly her sats continued to go down whilst her oxygen requirements went up . So it was decided the cpap was not enough support and she was put on a ventilator . I was not allowed down to see her and finally my pushing and pushing worked i was allowed at 6pm to go and see her for the first time !!! It was so surreal seeing the machnes breathing for her and the lines everywhere and so many wires. We were not allowed to touch her as she was very unstable. As day 2 came around Ella came off of the ventilator and back onto cpap , by the end of day 2 she was only on the cpap unit with a minimal amount of oxygen . Day 3 the cpap came off and i started to (attmept) to breastfeed her. Day 4 she moved to intensive care & Day 5 she was taking small breast feeds so as not to tire her out . I was pumping so she was having this via a tube. By day 7 i left the hospital this was the Friday and went home, Ella had also moved to the low dependacy room!! And i was Going in to feed her during the day . On the Sunday , day9 i went back to stay in their special unit and Ella came into a room with me . She was still wired up as was a little monkey and had occasional sleep apnea . From day 9 she was fully breast fed and gaining weight nicely

Then on day 12 much to everyones disbelief , we were DISCHARGED !!!!! I was given a special nurse who came to weigh her everyday .... ON days 15-18 there was concerns as her weight gain slowed to nothing and she was still below her birth weight . But i asked for one more day and she started going up the scales slowly again .

It was a very slow battle to get weight on her but despite this she was a lovely sweet baby who rarely fussed and had next to no issues . We had a rut again at 6 weeks as she was still only 5lb 12oz , so i had to stop breastfeeding and move onto nutri-prem . I was so sad but knew it had to be done !!

So i kind of rambled on there , but my point is that we had so many hiccups and none of them really caused any problems ! I stayed so postive throughout and it helped greatly ..... Ella was a little behind on physical development , ie didn't sit up until 10months. Crawled at 12months. Walked at 19months. However she wasa little chatter box and very very bright . She does have issues with her tonsils adenoids etc and they will need removed at somepoint, and physically she isn't as steady or brave as the other children her age, but she does manage to keep up. Other than that she is a very bright funny little girl and it is hard to tell she was prem ! :kiss:

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