My Premmie's not gaining weight. Advise?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Hi everyone

My daughter is 10 months old (7 corrected). Recently she has been gaining merely 3-4 oz every 2-3 weeks. she is on 3 meals a day but its only the last fortnight that ive been really feeding her lots.

Her neonatologist advised me to really up her solids and not be bothered if she doesnt really take milk. since her increase in food she has between 10-16 oz a day maximum. She's lost 50g in weight since that advise and today the HV said there's more calories in milk than food?! so confused right now and worried.

Evie also has a heart murmur (open heart duct) from being a premmie so im worried this could be related.

Has anyone gone through the same, is going through the same? Any advise would be great

Sorry This Has No Relation to Your Question,But I hope You Do Get The Answer

But Was Just Wondering How Much Your Daughter Weighs?

Similar thing here but my preemie is younger, 7 1/2m actual, 5 1/2m corrected. She has been on solids for about 3m now on the advice of the GI doc and is breastfed. We were fortifying the breastmilk but have been able to move on to regular bfing:thumbup: Have you a strict feeding regime? We feed 2 hourly on top of solids and only in the last few weeks been able to let her sttn. Are the foods high calorie? As in theres less cals in pure fruit/veg than oatmeal with fortified milk. Feel free to pm me:hugs:
I have a high calorie weaning leaflet which I'll re upload for u today, it really helped us x
I'd love to see the high calorie weaning leaflet if you don't mind. :) xx
Sure, its on the other laptop but I will sort that tonight. It gave me a bit of confidence anyway!
She currently weighs 6.43g (14lb 3oz). That leaflet would be great where can i find it?

Mummy3 - i dont have a strict regime no just giving her about 3-4 hrs between solids but she isnt interested in her milk at the mo?

Im really bad with abbreviations what is sstn?

Thanks xx
If she won't take milk then adding calories to her food will help, although keep trying her with milk as it will def help her weight gain.

The high calorie booklet will help.

My lo was put on a high calorie milk to help with weight gain as she was on the 0.4th centile for her corrected age. It has taken about 6 months but she has eventually moved into the 2nd.

Sttn=sleeping through the night

Good luck
Thanks you everyone i feel much more reassured now. Definitely going to try all your suggestions.....let you know how she goes xx
My 26 weeker weighed about 12 lbs when she turned 1 (Corrected 8 1/2 months). She's 2 1/2 year old now (26 months corrected) and still weighs about 21 lbs. She still has an innocent murmur and we went to see the Pedi Cardiologist to have her assessed if the murmur is the culprit behind her slow weight gain, but there was nothing of concern.

I have tried feeding her more frequently, high calories diet, you name it! She just had her own pattern of growth and everytime I tried to feed her more, she just became fussy and didnt want to eat for hours after. I still have moments when I see a baby opening their mouth to eat, and I wonder why didn't she ever do that?

I was told that since milk digests quicker babies absorb more calories on a strict milk diet due to frequent feeding compared to solids. And they really do need more milk till they are atleast 1 year old corrected! However, it also depends on what the real motive is? Weight gain or more sleep? If you are trying to have her sleep through the night, the neo will recommend more solids.
Sttn, is sleeping through the night:flower:

If shes not interested in her milk anymore is that a new thing? I'd ask her doctor incase theres something underlying that but in meantime high cal food is a good idea. Definately check out the high cal food guide.

Eilidh, my dd will eat no problem and drinks her milk very efficiently so we have no problems getting the cals in her she just needs a lot and solids have made a big difference. Do you have a GI pediatrician? Ours has been amazing at helping with Eilidhs weightgain and has been very quick at getting all the different tests we needed. Hows her development other than the murmer?:hugs:
other than the murmur she's doing really well with her development. She babbles, grabs her toys, puts everything to her mouth, she can roll from front to back and is almost sitting up on her own, she does about 10 secs then wobbles to one side. She has recently just gone from nutriprem milk to ordinary cow and gate as doc said that once 6 months corrected there's no need to continue with nutriprem but im wondering whether to get some more and see if she takes that better still.?
Hey ladies

Since Wednesday i've been trying all your suggestions and Evie has gone from 14lb 3 to 14lb 13 in 5 days!! Really pleased.

Thanku everyone for your responses xxxxxxxx
Hi there, are you under a dietician atall? My LO is 16months and only weighs 18lbs due to being prem and a lot of surgical problems. Our dietician prescribed an extra calorie mix called duocal which we can mix into her food or drinks (even water) and it adds pure calories. Things like adding cheese to all meals will up calories. Avocado has LOTS of calories in it too.

Obviously every child is different but our team is not concerned about Ellas poor/slow weight gain as she has gone up from below the 0.4 centile to between 2nd and 9th centile, also when theyre over 1 its not expected for them to gain weight as fast. Is your LO more active now coz that could attribute to the weight loss too.

Hugs x
Atomic Pink, where can i view this document again. Evie has stayed the same weight again! x

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