Okay so i'm not married to my partner, and the other day my mum and sister were talking about if we ever have kids
oops: lol the dk we are wtt until february) they will get really bullied cause of his second name. I was really offended cause i know he has a pretty bad surname but i never really thought about it being an issue!
Now its got me thinking about it. Would you choose your surname over your partners just because his surname was a bit ''out there''.
Here are the ideas anyway!
First Middle
Joshua Keith (Keith is my dads name so its kinda special to me)
Charlie ?
First Middle
Emily Charlotte
Sophie Anne
Would love to know your thoughts!

Now its got me thinking about it. Would you choose your surname over your partners just because his surname was a bit ''out there''.
Here are the ideas anyway!
First Middle
Joshua Keith (Keith is my dads name so its kinda special to me)
Charlie ?
First Middle
Emily Charlotte
Sophie Anne
Would love to know your thoughts!