Hi Girls I have been reading through these threads for months and felt that I should add on what I have been through. I was told I had PCOS at 16 and was also told I would never had children. For some unknown reason I fell pregnant at 21 although at the time it was a big shock it was a blessing. I have been trying to concieve number 2 since Dec 06. In june 07 got sent to specialist to help me. I had all the tests and my partner did too it confirmed that I did have PCOS no surprise. I also had a HSG which showed I had clear tubes. Was put on clomid in Feb 08 and had 10 attempts it never made me ovulate. Last month they gave me the injections they said I had 3 cycles and after that nothing they could do for me on the NHS as I already had one child, It is fair but I was also devastated because having a child should be every womens right. I did the injections for 13 days and was scanned every monday and thursday only one follicle grew to 23mm. They then gave me a trigger shot to make me ovulate the rest was down to me.... 3 days ago I found out I was pregnant and although I take the tests (5 of them) as what they are it is still very early....I am just glad there is something out there that makes me ovulate....Infertility is the most painful thing in the world but never give up.....I don't know if this Positive will follow through I am hoping and praying and wishing everyone the best in their own journey...xx