

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Have any of you got any names yet?

We have got

Dylan Lee
Michael Kinsey
OH likes Benjamin but my cousin is called Ben and he was sent down for drug dealing!

Francesca Louise (NN Frankie) This is my fav. OH is not sure he says it either sounds too posh or too chave!!)
Lucy Louise (NN Lou Lou)
Megan Louise (NN Meg or Meggy).

Let me know what you think!

Last name is Hackett


I like Dylan for the boys name, goes nice with Jonny

Am loving Frankie for a girl, but like Megan as well

the middle name Louise is just pure class because it's my middle name as well :D
My Best friends name is Louise and as she is going to be Godmother it just had to be.
My God daughter is Mya
and my friend's just called her new little boy Harrison.

Both names i love but now cant use myself :lol; so anyone else fancy them :D
I like Dylan & Megan too........

We are NOWHERE'S near having names sorted, we can't agree on ANY :cry: .........although we have middle names sorted!
i love frankie as well i think its a great name.....can't advise you on boy names tho as i seem to hate them all (well for myself anyways they sound good on other kids lol) my bf and i picked our daughters name by printing of about a thousand names (2 copies) and going off by ourselves and highlighting the ones we liked, we thought we would go through all of the ones we matched, and pick which one we liked best, well, lol we only picked one name the same alexis, and thats what we named her and it worked out perfect she suits it and we probably are going to do the same for this baby lol..... maybe you could try it?
My names so far are::

Boys Names.

Kaden Kevin
Kayden Kevin

Girls Names.

Keira Denise
Kazia Denise
Kodie Denise
Keri Denise
Kaira Denise
Kaiya Denise

As you can see it's a generalised list lol!! My Number 1's atm are Kayden and Kaira (pronounced KYRA).

Already got Kyle and Kelsey so i really want another K name :roll:
lexis_mommy said:
i love frankie as well i think its a great name.....can't advise you on boy names tho as i seem to hate them all (well for myself anyways they sound good on other kids lol) my bf and i picked our daughters name by printing of about a thousand names (2 copies) and going off by ourselves and highlighting the ones we liked, we thought we would go through all of the ones we matched, and pick which one we liked best, well, lol we only picked one name the same alexis, and thats what we named her and it worked out perfect she suits it and we probably are going to do the same for this baby lol..... maybe you could try it?

We di the same with ds and came up with James. OH lost his great uncle John later that year and James then became Jonathan without a second thought. Some names just pick you I guess!!

I find choosing name really hard being a teacher as some really good ones are ruined by badly behaved children. Last year I had 3 Jordans, 2 Jacks, 2 Jakes and a Joshua, this put me off anymore J names :roll: .


denisemcg05 said:
My names so far are::

Boys Names.

Kaden Kevin
Kayden Kevin

Girls Names.

Keira Denise
Kazia Denise
Kodie Denise
Keri Denise
Kaira Denise
Kaiya Denise

As you can see it's a generalised list lol!! My Number 1's atm are Kayden and Kaira (pronounced KYRA).

Already got Kyle and Kelsey so i really want another K name :roll:

i love kayden lol was gonna call braydon it lol
and *saulino* on here has a lil girl called kiara love that name to :lol:
denisemcg05 said:
My names so far are::

Boys Names.

Kaden Kevin
Kayden Kevin

Girls Names.

Keira Denise
Kazia Denise
Kodie Denise
Keri Denise
Kaira Denise
Kaiya Denise

As you can see it's a generalised list lol!! My Number 1's atm are Kayden and Kaira (pronounced KYRA).

Already got Kyle and Kelsey so i really want another K name :roll:

I LOVE Keira!!! I have been trying to get my OH to come round to it........................with no avail :(
since we're waiting to find out the sex until the BIG day, we have a name chosen for each.
i'm always leary about sharing tho, because so many people like to steal names they think are cute.
i have chosen GEORGIA for our little girl before we found out the sex we had a hard time coming up with boys names as my husband has got 4 lads and i have one and there names are RYAN, ALEX, ADAM, KYRAN, KYLE, as you can see we have a few kids between us
mommy23angels said:
since we're waiting to find out the sex until the BIG day, we have a name chosen for each.
i'm always leary about sharing tho, because so many people like to steal names they think are cute.

You party pooper :cry:

sharon001 said:
i have chosen GEORGIA for our little girl before we found out the sex we had a hard time coming up with boys names as my husband has got 4 lads and i have one and there names are RYAN, ALEX, ADAM, KYRAN, KYLE, as you can see we have a few kids between us

Georgia is nice babe, I liked Kyle for a boy, but OH aint interested in it :nope:
My husband and I just found out that we are having a little girl. Her name will be Kylie Elizabeth.
Awwwwwwwww thats a lovely name, had a lovely ring to it!!

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