I am new to this thread and wondering if there is anyone else out there with a similar situation.
We have been TTC our 2nd for 14 months. I am charting and using opks. I get a positive opk and a temperature shift each month. My luteal phase lasts between 10 and 14 days, but I have between 2 and 5 days of spotting before my period starts. Also, my temperatures are fairly rocky.
My main gynecologist sent me for thyroid and prolactin tests which were both normal. She said if those were normal the next step would be a lap or clomid. She has been out sick since my appointment and will be out for the next month at least. I saw a nurse practitioner a couple of days ago and she said she wouldn't prescribe clomid if I was ovulating on my own. She gave me a prescription for 100 mg prometrium (oral) to take from ovulation to my next af. If that doesn't work this month, she recommended an HSG and sperm analysis. I don't know which route to take or who to believe. I don't really feel like it is a blockage issue b/c I have a 2.5 yr old and had a chemical pregnancy in May. I feel like it is more likely a hormone problem or possibly a luteal phase defect. I would love any advice or stories from anyone with similar issues.
Here is a link to my charts: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/161fa0
We have been TTC our 2nd for 14 months. I am charting and using opks. I get a positive opk and a temperature shift each month. My luteal phase lasts between 10 and 14 days, but I have between 2 and 5 days of spotting before my period starts. Also, my temperatures are fairly rocky.
My main gynecologist sent me for thyroid and prolactin tests which were both normal. She said if those were normal the next step would be a lap or clomid. She has been out sick since my appointment and will be out for the next month at least. I saw a nurse practitioner a couple of days ago and she said she wouldn't prescribe clomid if I was ovulating on my own. She gave me a prescription for 100 mg prometrium (oral) to take from ovulation to my next af. If that doesn't work this month, she recommended an HSG and sperm analysis. I don't know which route to take or who to believe. I don't really feel like it is a blockage issue b/c I have a 2.5 yr old and had a chemical pregnancy in May. I feel like it is more likely a hormone problem or possibly a luteal phase defect. I would love any advice or stories from anyone with similar issues.
Here is a link to my charts: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/161fa0