So it's been 5 weeks on Friday since my miscarriage & im still waiting for my period!! So annoying because all I want is my body to get back to normal so I can try again. I was only 6 weeks when I miscarried.. What's people's personal experiences and how long did it take for your cycle to return to normal??? I've had sore boobs last few days so it made me think my period was coming but today the soreness has just totally disappeared??? Me and my partner only had sex once after miscarriage it was around about 3 weeks ago and a couple of days later I noticed ovulation signs so I then decided not to have sex again until my period came & to be careful as I wanted to do as the hospital said & be careful until my period returned. Could I have getting pregnant off that one time??? I don't know what to feel or think. Im feeling slightly confused. Especially after the soreness of my boobs disappearing, they normally last until my period has finished.