What is wrong with me? I've kind of just convinced myself that it's never going to happen. I've stopped trying properly just whenever we feel like it. We've decided to get two kittens and I keep telling people I don't want anymore children. When I'm busy I almost forget that I hate myself and that I'm a horrid person that even resents her friends. I never know which CD I'm on. I only know when I ovulate because of how much pain I'm in. I've not been pregnant since my last miscarriage in December.
How do you do it girls? How do you keep hope? I've already planned to go to college next September and spend years and years training to be a teacher without even giving having another baby a thought because that's how unlikely it feels.
How do you do it girls? How do you keep hope? I've already planned to go to college next September and spend years and years training to be a teacher without even giving having another baby a thought because that's how unlikely it feels.