New here, TTC #1, 1dpo Aug 31st


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Sep 1, 2014
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Hi All!

So I'm new here. I posted most of this in the TWW section but I figured I'd post here too in the hopes of connecting with more people and maybe finding some buddies who are at the same point in their cycle as me :)

I'm 29 and recently married. We're only on our 2nd cycle TTC our first, and I'm 1DPO today (Aug 31st). I have had wildly irregular periods since going off the pill 2 years ago. Went to the doctor back in June when we started TTC and the ultrasound showed cysts on my ovaries but two rounds of blood tests came back with normal hormone levels. The doc still seemed to think it was PCOS and wanted to put me on Femara but I don't feel comfortable taking that step yet, especially since my hormone levels seem to be normal. Frankly I found the doc pretty confusing and feel like he rushed to put me on meds. Not that there's anything wrong with taking meds! Just didn't feel right for me yet!

I have been doing fertility focused acupuncture for 6 weeks, and it's been a really great experience. I love my acupuncturist and if nothing else it is helping me feel very calm and relaxed most of the time about this business of trying to get pregnant.

I've also been charting, temping, and using OPKs so I'm 99% sure I O'd yesterday on Aug 30th (EWCM in the days before, +OPKs on Friday the 29th, and temp spike this AM the 31st) and hubby and I were dutifully gettin busy in the 5 days leading up to O day. So fingers crossed!

I'm going to start testing on September 10th...should probably wait until the 12th, but I don't think that's realistic! Haha. As I said in the other thread, this TWW business is really NOT AWESOME, but it does strike me that it's good practice for the extreme patience that being a parent requires!

I'm very excited to be on this forum and looking forward to connecting with other ladies :)
Hello And welcome! I am 5 dpo if that's not too far off for you from yours! I am due for af to show on Sept 10 and if she doesn't I will be testing that day too!

I am 27 and dh and I are ttc our 2nd and this is also our 2nd cycle trying and I agree the tww is not fun and I find myself impatient a lot lol.

I have not tried opks yet, I will start next month if we are not lucky this time!
Hi!!! :) nice to meet you!! How old is your first?

Yeah, I used the Clear Blue digital OPKs our first cycle actively TTC but never got a positive. So either I didn't O that month (I also wasn't temping yet so I really don't know if I did or not), or I missed the surge. The tests are expensive so I was only using 1 a day. This cycle I ordered the Wondfo OPKs online and because they are so much less expensive I was testing twice a day, and then 3 times a day close to when I guessed I would O. I like the Wondfo tests because for me I got a faint positive line that got darker and darker closer to the surge, and then a very clear positive the day before O. It helped to know that I was getting close and when to maybe test more frequently. Those strips combined with starting to temp let me know that I for sure O'd on the 30th, which I'm very happy about!

Excited to have someone to share the journey with! Mega baby dust to you!!!
My son is just about 4 and a half months old. I decided now is a good time to try for another.

Opks are expensive so I was thinking about buying online too. I was thinking about starting to temp but I don't know if i will or not.

Always exciting to have people to talk to and take the journey together with! Maybe we'll become bump buddies too! Haha
Yeah, I didn't temp last cycle as I felt like it just seemed too stressful or something, and I thought I'd keep forgetting. But I actually haven't found it to be as much of a pain as I thought! And it was really nice to confirm O this month!

I think a close age gap can be really great. I have a friend who has two little girls a year apart and they are just so adorable, totally best friends.

I saw that you were posting over in babydust1516's thread above also so maybe we can just chat over there to keep things easy and in one place? Yay for more buddies! :)
Hi All!

So I'm new here. I posted most of this in the TWW section but I figured I'd post here too in the hopes of connecting with more people and maybe finding some buddies who are at the same point in their cycle as me :)

I have been doing fertility focused acupuncture for 6 weeks, and it's been a really great experience. I love my acupuncturist and if nothing else it is helping me feel very calm and relaxed most of the time about this business of trying to get pregnant.

So, I was just browsing on here for people with similarly timed cycles.... But it looks like you already got your BFP! Congrats!! We'll be starting cycle #2 in a couple weeks, and I'm also planning to do acupuncture to assist with fertility, so hopefully we'll get our BFP just as quickly. I wish I had known about acupuncture benefits a few months ago and I would have started sooner, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :thumbup:
Hi All!

So I'm new here. I posted most of this in the TWW section but I figured I'd post here too in the hopes of connecting with more people and maybe finding some buddies who are at the same point in their cycle as me :)

I have been doing fertility focused acupuncture for 6 weeks, and it's been a really great experience. I love my acupuncturist and if nothing else it is helping me feel very calm and relaxed most of the time about this business of trying to get pregnant.

So, I was just browsing on here for people with similarly timed cycles.... But it looks like you already got your BFP! Congrats!! We'll be starting cycle #2 in a couple weeks, and I'm also planning to do acupuncture to assist with fertility, so hopefully we'll get our BFP just as quickly. I wish I had known about acupuncture benefits a few months ago and I would have started sooner, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :thumbup:

Hi Hammie! Nice to meet you :) I can't recommend acupuncture highly enough! I think it makes a difference to have a practitioner who specializes in fertility too. I was quite anxious about TTC before I started the acupuncture, I'd had a doctor diagnose me with PCOS and tell me I'd have to take fertility meds to get pregnant, and it really stressed me out to think it would potentially take a loooooong time to get the baby I want so much! But then I started acupuncture and 7 weeks later...BFP. So who knows, maybe it was that, maybe it wasn't. But what I know for sure is that the treatments chilled me right out, helped me to connect with my body and feel very positively towards it, and it's been overall such a wonderful experience.

You should come hang out with us in this thread and keep us up to date on how things are going as you continue to cycle #2 --


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