Hey friends! I'm new here. My husband and I have recently decided to try to conceive...
A little history: my husband is a body builder and has previously taken steroids and pro hormones. Thus it affected his sperm count. He had next to none, and the few he did have were dead. Our doctor says his sperm should come up on their own, but we are not rechecking until April. He just stopped taking pro hormones a month ago. We have decided to try anyways.
I have been off of the pill for about 9 months now, we use no protection at all and my periods are pretty regular.
Maybe soon...
really just wanted to introduce myself
A little history: my husband is a body builder and has previously taken steroids and pro hormones. Thus it affected his sperm count. He had next to none, and the few he did have were dead. Our doctor says his sperm should come up on their own, but we are not rechecking until April. He just stopped taking pro hormones a month ago. We have decided to try anyways.
I have been off of the pill for about 9 months now, we use no protection at all and my periods are pretty regular.
Maybe soon...
really just wanted to introduce myself