New Mom - So many ?'s


A Mom At Last!
Mar 21, 2013
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I have been at this breastfeeding thing for 2 weeks and 3 days! Boy has it been hard.

I feel as though when she's nursing it's never exactly "pain free" and my nipples are so so sore and have been since the beginning. even when I use the nipple shield (she doesn't like my one breast and sometimes refuses to latch on) it hurts. I have been working on my latch and feel as though it is correct but she'll pull off and pinch the nipple or switch the way she is feeding and pinch the nipple. I feel as though I'll never get the hang of this. is it normal for them to pinch the nipple at times during feedings even with a good latch? Should my nipples not be so sore anymore?

Also- when she starts to pinch the nipple, I'll take her off (which is usually after she's been nursing for a while and somewhat asleep) but then she'll fall asleep and not latch back on which makes me feel like she isnt finished and I interrupted her.

Also- she never really wants the other breast. So I usually end up nursing from just one side at a time but when this happens she usually cluster feeds and wakes up to eat 30 minutes later.

Ugh so many questions!! I just hope i am doing this right. She is gaining weight and I'm pretty sure she is getting milk I'm just so unsure if I'm doing this properly.

Any help is appreciated.
Awww hun the first 3 weeks are definitely the hardest and as for nipples my gosh they take a while to toughen, two options I found helped ; lanisoh cream and breast milk on then leave to dry, air as much as possible to help them toughen, as for her latch have you tried different positions? I always used cradle and rugby ball hold when my little boy was younger and switched between as he had a preferance for the left breast so changing positions helped with that.
They nipple pinch A LOT! So normal.
If she's having plenty of wet and dirty nappies then you're doing fine so don't panic! You're doing brilliant. Xx
thanks for the encouragement! I feel a little better already haha

My one nipple is flatter than the other but with practice I think she'll draw it out more... it already is starting to draw out more it just takes some time to get her to latch properly on that side. And at 3am I don't have as much patience and end up throwing the nipple shield on (and feeling guilty about it) I've tried other positions but only feel comfortable with cradle:-/

What about only nursing from one side at a time? I've read so many contradicting things about "emptying the breasts" some things say you can never actually "empty" the breast bc it's constantly producing milk... others say to be sure they empty the breast to get all of the hind milk etc. If she falls asleep and lets go or stops swallowing does that mean she has "emptied" the breast?
Could you maybe get a hand pump and draw it out a little with that before you latch her on?

Also how about laying down to feed? There's a ton of YouTube videos to show you how, I've only ever felt comfortable with cradle too so I know that feeling.

The breasts are never empty I've been told by many lactation consultants, I've always fed from one side at a time due to having a large supply so never really needed to switch in between, she should just naturally just come off and go sleep when she's finished or had enough the only way you will know really if your supply isn't enough or if she's getting too much foremilk etc is if she's having green poos or she starts to not gain weight, she sounds like she's thriving though so don't worry :D
My girl has only had one side at a time from birth hun! Don't worry, there is just enough for her in one side, she is more of a snacky feeder and eats every hour or two in the day for about 5-10 minutes, unless going to sleep then she will happily comfort feed for half an hour and she's welcome (she fed for a lot longer stretches as a newborn but still from one side and often) :) She has always gone longer stretches without feeding at night and I think it is because she eats lots in the day, so don't worry it all balances out.

The pinchy nipple thing is normal and I agree with you it's usually when they are done with the feed and just playing/comforting. My rule with breastfeeding has always been she can feed as much as she wants but if she starts messing around and it hurts or she's been comfort suckling so long I'm getting sore, I just gently unlatch her. There is no harm, if they wake up and want to feed more then give more :)

You're doing fantastic! No guilt, no shame, your baby loves your milky and is getting everything she needs XX
I guess I'm going to be the one out here....pain is not normal with a good latch. Common in breastfeeding, particularly the early days, but not "normal." With an appropriate latch, the nipple itself isn't being chafed because it's the tissue behind the nipple which is being compressed to elicit milk.

It's hard for babies to latch well when they're brand new because their mouths are so tiny and we moms aren't as comfortable latching them on. If you're still experiencing pain and have access to a lactation consultant, see them! :)
Oh yes I didn't mention the pain issue, I also wouldn't call it 'normal'. I thought my nipples were still sore after a month or so and then I realised it was the let down feeling which I wasn't used to yet and it felt painful. It still does now but only a little twinge near the start of a feed :)
If the skin on your nipple is still raw and sore or it felt like she was bruising you while feeding then access some of the support out there.
In the first week or so my nipples were 'toughening up' and they did feel sore but that didn't last long at all. My girl had a perfect latch from the start and I was really prepared because I'm studying midwifery.
Everything you are experiencing is normal. If the pain is unbearable and you are getting cracked nipples then you need to seek help. Soreness to me is pain. So while I was sore I was in pain. The early weeks are the hardest for sure. With this baby I was sore every feed for the first month. Then the second month I was only sore right when she latched on. Now its never sore or painful. Although let down is still uncomfortable but thats normal for me till weaning :dohh: I havent done anything different so I contribute it to the tiny newborn mouth :haha: Every baby is different so not every baby needs both breasts. My daughter hardly ever takes both and thats been since birth and shes quite the chunk. All you can do is offer it and if she doesnt seem interested then shes not. Maybe try on the breast she doesnt favor first. That is also normal. My boys preferred one breast over the other where my daughter just loves both. Only problem that causes is lop sidded breast syndrome :haha: I personally dont like nipple shields as they are short term solution that can cause long term problems. Especially with a baby this young you dont want them on any nipple but yours. So ditch the shield. You can pump just to draw that nipple out more or wait till let down to put baby on it so its a little softer. Dont worry about the foremilk/hindmilk thing. If she is having enough diapers, her poop isnt a weird color and shes generally happy you are doing everything right! Our breasts are never really empty. Some babies are better than others at getting the milk out and dont need to nurse for a long time. In the early days my daughter would nurse for hours upon hours now she rarely nurses longer than 5 minutes. And thats just one breast, and thats every 2-3 hours!

So concluding :winkwink: youre doing everything right! Just keep trying your best and dont get discouraged, things WILL get better. The soreness will subside, if its truely too painful seek help. Dont watch the clock or other babies, just yours. You got this!

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