New NICU mom - lots of issues.. :(


Mommy of 1diva & 1miracle
Jul 27, 2011
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I went into preterm labor on 2/13/12 and had my beautiful son at 27 weeks - we are one week into a very long NICU stay and have already dealt with a grade IV bleed on the right side and seizures.

I was doing great pumping and now all of a sudden in the last two days I am lucky to get 10 ml all together when I was doing 50 ml easy before. Scared. Any advice?
Ah hon,

Firstly congratulations.

So sorry that little Isaiah is having these problems - big hugs.

I can't offer any advice but I'm sure someone will be along soon.

I am day 14 and still having troubles with expressing. I'm told so long as I'm getting what I need and pumping often enough it will all fall into place. Hoping so!

I would imagine the stress of being a preemie mummy isn't helping. I know, it's a little difficult to do anything about that. Especially with what you are going through.

Sending you lots of hugs Xx
Aww... first of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your sweet son! I'm so sorry he's had problems... from what I've been reading, unfortunately, things like this are common but don't necessarily mean your baby doesn't have a great long-term prognosis. I hope your baby doesn't have any more seizures or other major issues and surprises you with how well he does going forward.

As for pumping, I'm anything but an expert, but I went through something similar and these tips helped me get my supply back up (though I still have a long way to go):

- drink PLENTY of water
- take the herb fenugreek or drink a nursing support herbal tea that has it in it
- pump bedside in the NICU if that's feasible, or at least pump while looking at a photo of your baby
- massage your breasts while you pump
- pump for 20-30 minutes for a while instead of the usual 15
- my lactation consultant said to try this for a week: at night before bed, turn on an hour-long television show. Pump for the first 15 minutes, then after that, every time there's a commercial, pump during the commercials. She said this tricks the body into thinking you need more milk. I actually haven't tried this one yet but it sounded interesting!

Congratulations on your brave little boy. My daughter had a grade IV bleed on her left side. Like you were probably told we just had to wait and see how she developed and given worst case scenario's. We are now 2 years down the line and so far it hasn't affected her and she doesn't appear to have any weakness on her right side.

As for expressing stress will affect your milk supply so try and relax although I know how impossible that is. Some people have also said that chocolate helps but now sure how true that is because I eat loads of it anyway!

Good luck xx

Congratulations on your brave little boy. My daughter had a grade IV bleed on her left side. Like you were probably told we just had to wait and see how she developed and given worst case scenario's. We are now 2 years down the line and so far it hasn't affected her and she doesn't appear to have any weakness on her right side.

As for expressing stress will affect your milk supply so try and relax although I know how impossible that is. Some people have also said that chocolate helps but now sure how true that is because I eat loads of it anyway!

Good luck xx

Thanks - i drink tons of water but it doesn't seem to help - I must try chocolate!

I have been following some of your posts about your daughter. You have given me hope that this bleed is not the end of our world.

The doctors have asked us for a DNR due to the severity of the bleed - but tonight was a good night! I got to change another diaper and he is less sedated since the phenobarbitol is coming out of his system and being replaced with Kepra - he moves both sides of his little body - they say its not intentional but he stretches like a champ with all of his limbs so it makes me smile.
Hi there,

Congratulations! I also had my little boy at 27 weeks. We didn't have any bleeds but lots of breathing and lung issues. I struggled with expressing too and my doctor prescribed domperidone after trying everything pps have said. It's very stressful but you will get there. All the best little Isaiah x
Just want to say hi and a congratulations from another 27 wker mum! We have a lil girl who had a grade IV on the right, she's nearly 3 now and a lil nutter xxx
Congratulations on the birth of your little miracle. I can sympathise with the milk, I was doing well getting 50 - 70ml every 3 hrs then my lo took very very ill at 10days old he almost died and my milk almost died too :( Was lucky to get 10ml for 30mins pumping. I tried brewers yeast (herbal tablets ), Sweetheart stout (half a can at night) and then guinness (The drinks a lovely nicu neonatal nurse said to to try) and nothing, Stress really does play havoc with the milk production. In the end I had to be medicated and was put on domperidone from drs 10mg 3times a day and within 24 hours my milk has increased by 40 mls and then I was overflowing. The stress of my little one being so unwell and not sleeping very well etc etc all took its toll on my milk production. Please try not to beat yourself up about it tho, I made that mistake and would cry for ages after and whilst expressing and it makes you feel worse, As long as you are keeping up with yor lo requirements daily then thats all that matters, Hopefully when you relax into the nicu life things might settle and milk production will start back up xx Good luck xx
Hi there and huge congrats on the birth of your lil miracle :)

No advice on the bleed but r.e expressing as someone has already said, GP can prescribed Domperidone which will increase your milk supply. There was a lady in neonatal at same time as us and she went from about 10mls to about 60mls within a week or so. Also i do think a lot of it's comparable to how big your LO is, that's just my personal opinion anyway because my LO was 3lbs born and i could only produce about 60mls every 3 hrs initially but as she got bigger i managed at one point to be able to pump 120mls every 3hrs but never got more than this and my LO didn't really get to needing that volume of milk until she was about 5 months old and by that point i had lots stockpiled as there'd been lots of times when she wasnt allowed to be fed.

Stress does have a HUGE impact on milk production, on bad days when Ella was really poorly I hardly produced anything and yet days when she was well my supply increased loads, you just have to remember aswell to keep expressing every 3hrs so your body knows to keeps producing the milk and also remember that what you're doing for your LO is AMAZING regardless the volume and it's not the end of the world if the milk needs mixing with formula (we had to do this too for extra calories);

Big hugs and hope your NICU journey has some enjoyable times along the bumpy road xx
congratulations on your little one hun

we're 9 weeks and one day into our neonatal stay after my Connie was born at 26 +2 she suffered a grade 3 IVH on both sides and is being monitored for hydrocephalus. Its been a long road so far, with still a way to go but we're loving having the time with her now shes getting bigger :) feel free to pm me if you ever need to lend an ear :)

as for the expressing... stress plays a huge part in poor milk production. Now i know this cannot be helped but what does help is...

- express next to your baby, the bond really does help your let down!
- express frequently ... pref every 2-3 hours in day time
- dont skip the night pumping. You will find you produce more at night.. i used to pump before i went to bed 11pm, wake at 3 and then up again at about 7.
- take advantage of the industrial hospital pumps... so much easier than hand expressing

Hope your little one is doing well :hugs: xx
just to add... i expressed for 4 weeks before giving up.

My little miss was 1lb 14 oz born and from the milk i expressed for that 4 weeks... it kept her going til she was 8 weeks old x
Congratulations hun, hope he is doing well!
With expressing, make sure you are eating well balanced meals 3-4 times a day, keep hydrated, pump every EVERY 2-3 hours until you have nothing left, I know it's hard but try to minimize your stress levels as much as possible, pump while next to your LO, there's tons of medicines/herbs you can try, once your LO can get on the breast your supply should increase.
Anything you can get is helping, it may not seem like a lot but it is for your little baby. Just try not to give up! It's all worth it.
Hi there my little girl was a 27 weeker with a grade 3 and grade 4 bleed, one on each side. She's so far meeting all her developmental mielstones and no one is concerned so far. Fenugreek really helped my supply x
congratulations on the birth of Isaiah!! There are quite a few of us 27 weekers here, it`s a select club don`t you know :flower:

For expressing what helped me is bringing home a blanket from the nicu. It smelled like my son, I would cuddle with it at night. Other tips are fenugreek and blessed thistle (that increases the effectiveness of the fenugreek) and yes get a domperidone prescription if that doesn`t work.

I found pumping every 3 hours VERY hard and frustrating - did so for 4 long months. But it was sooooo worth it long term. It`s the best way to give Isaiah an immune system boost

:hugs: keep us posted! Glad to hear he is wiggling around and making you smile. Disclosure: when my son was 7 months old (4 corrected) we were told he had cerebral palsy, was paralysed on one side and might never walk. Fast forward a year and all such signs have disapeared. He`s perfectly normal and mobile. Isaiah will never cease to amaze you!
Congrats on your sweet baby!

The NICU can be very stressful, especially when dealing with the issues you are dealing with. My milk supply diminished a ton, and I was told it was due to stress. I tried to stay calm, but it is so hard when you are going through a situation like that.

Keep your head up, and be strong. Preemies may be tiny, but they are big fighters. And will shock you with how well they overcome things.

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