New to breastfeeding..a few questions


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hi my daughter is 6 days old and we have had a lot of problems with her breastfeeding such as sore bleeding nipples so ive had to use a breast pump for the last couple days until I could bare to put her back onto the breast, my nipples are still very sore. I had a lc come out today and help me get her latched on correctly as I obviously hadn't been, the nurses etc in the hospital kept telling me different ways of doing everything so I basically had no idea and did a lot of things wrong hence the wrecked nipples! I just did our first feed on our own after LCs visit and it went very well, managed to get her latched on and hardly any pain! BUT she was on for around 2 hours, occasionally coming off and falling asleep but waking up a few minutes later searching for the breast again. I'm wondering if this is normal or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
I'm also wondering how much pain is ok? Whilst in the hospital I dreaded feed times :cry: because each time the pain was unbearable! I now know I obviously had the latch wrong. But could the dry, cracked, bleeding nipples also play a part? Because it seem to be having pain still only on one side. But I am sure she is latched on correctly as it looks right and she seems to be swallowing milk plus the other side starts leaking. But the lc said the best way to tell if latch is correct is by the pain. So a little confused. Hope this makes sense? Tia x

ETA.. Is it normal for baby to keep coming off the breast and falling asleep but then waking up again wanting more not long after?
I think the pain is from your sore nipples. Sounds like she is eating/latching ok. Use lots of nipple cream and possible breast shields if they are too bad, I had to do that for a week or so once as lo was pulling his face away from me with my nipple still in his mouth, left them bleeding during feeds after that,ouch! The pain should go away soon ;)
Oh yeah always wanted to say I think it's normal to feed for that long at that age. I remember feeling like all I did 24/7 was bf in the beginning weeks!
Thankyou I did start using nipple shields in the hospital but they started filling up with blood! So have stopped using them now as think they were causing my nipples even more harm!
I had to express for a couple of days and she was feeding every 2/3 hours and taking around 3oz. But today since I've started putting her back onto the breast she just seems to want to be there all the time? Also how can you tell if they are using you as a dummy rather than feeding as I'm sure she is doing this half the time!
A painful latch can also signal a tongue/lip tie which could cause ineffective latch or suckling. Can you have her evaluated by a pediatric ENT?

But, for the most part, the first 12 weeks are spent in a constant nursing bubble. I always tell new moms that if they can get through those first 3 months, that they then have made it through the hardest part (all of those growth spurts!) and from then on out, their feedings space out and it is smooth sailing.
Yeah she probably is using you for comfort half if the time, but they won't do it forever. Might seem annoying now but I miss the constant closeness xoxo
I've just done another two hour feed and my nipples and boobs hurt so much :( every time I latched her on it would sting but I am sure she was latched on properly! Her mouth was very wide, could see and hear her swallowing. Stupid question but if she was latched on wrong would the milk still flow? I'm exhausted and dreading the next feed :cry:

My nipples are quite bad so I am hoping this is the cause of the pain. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for nipples to heal?
A painful latch can also signal a tongue/lip tie which could cause ineffective latch or suckling. Can you have her evaluated by a pediatric ENT?

But, for the most part, the first 12 weeks are spent in a constant nursing bubble. I always tell new moms that if they can get through those first 3 months, that they then have made it through the hardest part (all of those growth spurts!) and from then on out, their feedings space out and it is smooth sailing.

Would the midwife or LC not have noticed if she had tongue/lip tie?
Firstly, you are doing great!!! The first few months of BF are so hard!

Your LO sounds like they are doing exactly what a normal BF baby does at that age. My DD used to cluster feed every night between about 8pm and midnight(especially in the first 4 weeks). She would feed for ages then I would give her to DH to wind thinking she was finally done but she would just start looking for boob again straight away! I remember being exhausted and also dreading every evening because I knew how sore my nipples would be by the end of the feed.

Lansinoh helped hugely in the early days with sore nipples! Apply every feed!

I can't remember when it stopped hurting but now I am so glad I stuck with BFing. It is so easy now, and I love feeding DD. One lady out of my group of mommy friends just switched from BFing to formula and seeing her faffing about with kettles and sterilisers while her baby gets more and more aggravated screaming for milk makes me really appreciate the ease of just being able to pull my bra down and latch LO on!

Honestly if you can get through the next few weeks you won't look back!
Snuffle pop Thankyou, I just wish I'd read your post earlier as I just caved and gave my LO some formula :( after writing my last post LO pooed then wanted to be back on the boob, so here we are almost four hours of her on the boob, my nipples feel like they are going to explode or fall off, was actually crying with the pain whilst feeding her :( And I'm exhausted I keep almost dropping off to sleep. So I went and warmed up the emergency bottle of formula we had in the cupboard, I would have gave expressed milk but she's been feeding practically all day so never got the chance to pump anything today. I'm feeling so sad and like a failure right now.
She wolfed down the formula and is now asleep so Im thinking maybe she wasn't latched onto me properly therefor wasn't getting enough milk? So maybe that's why she kept wanting back on?
I don't know if I can do this, it is so hard, I just want to enjoy my baby not dread her feeds and feel pissed off cos I'm exhausted :cry:
Please don't feel like a failure because you are certainly not! Your baby is warm and fed and loved and snuggled up sleeping so you are doing a great job!

Cluster feeding is hard no doubt about it. I believe it is the babies way of building your supply in the early days but that doesn't make it any easier.
I remember feeling so frustrated in the first few weeks and almost resentful of DH because he couldn't help me with the feeding and after 4 hours solid it does wear thin! However I really wanted to persevere and this stage doesn't last forever!

Could you feed lying down so that you could get some rest while LO feeds? Could be worth a try?

To give you an idea of how quick things change I now feed DD roughly every 2.5-3 hours and it takes 5-10 mins per feed including a burp!
Learning to feed while laying down in bed was the single most useful thing I ever did!
I made our bed co-sleeping safe, laid a flannel waterproof pad down (she dribbles and I leak like crazy lol) and we sleep!!! Sanity saver...she pretty much nurses all night, I rotate sides a couple times at night and we both wake well rested :) *i don't think the all night nursing at her age, 4 months, is normal, but she's using it as a pacifier lol

Cracked, bleeding nipples are awful, so sorry you are going through that. Air drying (going shirtless, especially at night) helped mine a lot, and I used some lanisloh. And, changing positions that LO nurses in can help by putting the pressure on a new spot on the nipple, if that makes sense? The pain goes away after awhile
Lastly, a pacifier may help if LO just wants to comfort nurse (I know it is controversial) - if you are trying to let your nipples heal, I think it could help!
My little boy's latch was fine but feeding was still painful for a while as my LO nursed for hours at first... My LC recommended Polysporin for my nipples and oh my gosh, it worked wonders. I would put it on after feeds and before I went to bed, and it usually made me feel better by the next feed (not 100%, but still much better). She also said it was safe for the baby and that he would have to ingest the entire tube for it to hurt him, but that if I was worried about it I could just rub some milk on my nipples and wipe it off. I cannot recommend it enough as it saved my breastfeeding - I was so close to quitting before it!
I tried to feed lying down but couldn't manage to get her latched on properly. Plus I don't think I could sleep I'd be too worried incase of squishing her or something!
It's great to hear it gets better, i really wouldn't mind so much about the constant feeding/sucking if it wasn't so painful! Feels like my nipples are being cut open with glass!
Well she went off to sleep around midnight and didn't wake me until around 6 am! She has never went this long before?? She then had a feed for around an hour then dropped off to sleep I kept her on my chest afraid that I moved her she'd want more boobie!
She then woke up for next feed at 8am and had around 20 mins on each breast then fell back to sleep! So I put her down into her Moses basket and she is still asleep now at 10.25 but suspect it won't be long before she is awake. I admit I am dreading the next feed, how bad is that :cry:
I have noticed that when she is having really big swallows of milk she starts making random clicking noises and the pain starts to go up a bit. Does it sound like she could be latched on wrong or is this a normal thing to do when having big gulps of milk?
I did consider a dummy but I am too worried incase it messes up the breastfeeding even more!
I sympathise with you so much - I had dreadful nipple pain with my first child and many nights crying over it. It sounds like it's the cracking that us causing pain now - does it hurt all the way through the feed or just for the first few mins? I remember dreading feeding and crying out with pain when she latched onto my bleeding nipples. Once I had corrected the latch it took a couple of weeks for the cracks to heal completely and from then on in feeding was so easy. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Gang on in there, you're doing a great job xx
Maybe get your latch checked again just for peace of mind! If you were expressing for a few days, baby could just be increasing your supply!
Totally normal to dread the next feed when your nipples hurt :hugs:

My heart just hurts for one told me breastfeeding would be such hard and unforgiving work in the newborn days. I had cracked bleeding nipples and used to have to grin and bare it through the first couple of seconds of feeding.....and my LO's latch was okay.

Sounds like you have your latch issues under control and now they need to could make you insane how one bad latch can set you back. For me I'd get so tired at night the latch wasn't good and my nipples hurt the next day. You are doing great and in a little while breastfeeding WILL be easier! Apply cream to your nipples and make sure they get time to dry out too....keep seeking help from LC for help and support!
Clicking is an indication of poor latch, could be tongue tie. I feel really sorry for you, I don't understand why some mum/baby combinations end up in so much pain with cracked bleeding nipples. I've never had any pain or bleeding nipples. Can you call your LC for some phone advice? Is she an IBCLC? Could you call and ask if she checked for tongue tie?

My baby still feeds a lot more than others, she used to feed every 1-2 hours for about 40 mins at a time and cluster feed from about 6-10pm every night, once we started blw she feeds a bit less, maybe every 2-3 hours for about 20-30 mins, it is so easy though.
This is a helpful page from kellymom on latching
A painful latch can also signal a tongue/lip tie which could cause ineffective latch or suckling. Can you have her evaluated by a pediatric ENT?

But, for the most part, the first 12 weeks are spent in a constant nursing bubble. I always tell new moms that if they can get through those first 3 months, that they then have made it through the hardest part (all of those growth spurts!) and from then on out, their feedings space out and it is smooth sailing.

Would the midwife or LC not have noticed if she had tongue/lip tie?

No, not necessarily. It's additional education.

And clicking, during feeds, is another symptom of a tie.

I highly suggest an ENT, if not for peace of mind.

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