New Year's Eve Induction of Doom - Silas' birth story.


Triple boy mama
May 16, 2010
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FINALLY got round to writing this in Feburary :dohh:!

Very long, but informative if you're getting induced or want to have an active labour. I hiiiighly recommend an active labour and hiiiiighly do not recommend an induction :)

Here goes:

I was taken in for induction at term – exam showed cervix waaay back with 1cm dilated, me and my mum watched the heartbeat-recording machine with interest and watched my ‘tightenings’ control the ‘toco’ reading with some fascination. Mum left, I was given my first pessary and slept soundly in hospital. I awoke at 6am with some horrible and unfamiliar pains (baby being low and back to back) – feeling like I was severely constipated and having painful tightenings. I was convinced I was going into labour and getting quite excited about my exam.
By the time they had got round to giving me the examination I was in agony with the pain from the pessary and the back-to-back. I was assuming that this must be labour and hoping for at least 3cm dilated.

Well, they took my up to the labour ward (I was in maternity) for my 2nd exam, whilst I was on the verge of screaming in pain. I had an exam that was so brutal I actually had to shout for the woman to stop – which she (thank goodness) did. They couldn’t even reach my cervix to check it – it was way back and completely unfavourable. I was crying by this stage from the exam and the heavy, heavy feeling of pain. The sister ensured me that another lady the day before had been just the same – and that another pessary had put her straight into labour.

They then sent me home, where I remained in pain the entire day. The contractions were slowing down it seemed but remained horrible and full of pressure, they weren’t like the contractions I later got on the hormone drip – but in a way they were much worse. It may’ve just been the combination of the pessary pain and the fact baby was back-to-back – I’ll never know. During one of many baths that day I had a bit of bloody show and what appeared to be a piece of mucous plug – I was hopeful.

So, back in the evening (still in pain) for round two. This time the pessary kicked in straight away and I spent the night in pain with very little sleep. I paced about and swayed my hips, was given a ‘coping with pain’ talk at 4am and some breathing techniques a midwife went over with me and calmed me down (I was crying again and very frantic). I can do pain, but I can’t do ongoing pain – I think I have a threshold with the length of time the pain has me, rather than what it actually is. I had an enema that night also since I was convinced some of the pressure was coming from constipation – it seemed to help briefly but I was devastated to find the feeling soon returned.

Morning came, and with in another examination – this time done by a doctor. This one was even worse and I ended up screaming (they put in my notes to have Gas and Air for me at any future exams). The doctor concluded that my cervix was still way too far back to consider breaking my waters. My consultant came and saw me at this point to discuss other options, I could either have a break over the coming weekend then come back for a 4th pessary and I was sent home for yet another day of pain, baths and attempted sleep.

By the evening I didn’t even want to go into hospital – I had resided myself to having a C-section (previously my number one fear) because I was so tired and in so much unresiding pain. The previous two pessaries had done nothing in my opinion but cause me immense discomfort, I just wanted it to be over.
Jayne, the midwife I’d been seeing since the start of my pregnancy was to give me the examination and the pessary tonight. She bought me the Gas and Air as it was now on my notes and managed to give me the exam and the pessary. My Mum was standing behind the curtain and did hear me shout ‘stop’ twice whilst under the G&A, I also scratched Jayne (though I did apologise afterwards). It still wasn’t as bad as the last two ‘bad’ exams, but bad enough. It bought good news however, my cervix was mid-position and I was now 3cm dilated! Woohoo! I started to feel a tad more optimism but was still doubtful anything would be happening tomorrow. Jayne admitted she had ‘stretched’ the cervix slightly too – which may’ve been the reason she got scratched.

That night was rough but bearable, I’d gotten used to the pain of the pessary and managed to stay in bed most of the night. I had a bit more blood loss (probably from the exam) but generally I lay about feeling down and exhausted, I could no longer feel excitement for the morning, just dread of the pending exam.

I was allowed to finish my breakfast before the exam. Joyce appeared, which was nice as she had been at many of my appointments as well and was the midwife who’d first found my babies heart rate.
I scrambled to get a few things together for after labour and my phone. I didn’t think too much about it because I thought I’d be coming downstairs back to the maternity ward anyway. I was highly doubtful they would manage to break my waters.

So I was taken into the biggest delivery suite and I started to think that maybe something would happen. I had been told my consultant would come round to do the exam but when Joyce offered I jumped at the chance. She had given me a completely painless sweep at 39 weeks which was unsuccessful.
I got fitted with the two bands once again to monitor ‘toco’ and baby’s heartrate.
I had the gas anyway (just in case) but it was painless. I was barely aware of her breaking my waters but felt a warm, wet sensation gush. I stopped the gas and she walked me over to a waterproof chair to sort out the hormone drip.

Whilst she was gone to get the IV set up, I had a couple of large tightenings which squeezed out an enormous amount of fluid. I would describe it as a rather fantastic sensation and rather like weeing in a dream – very satisfying and liberating!
When she came back she couldn’t believe how much fluid was all over the floor, she reckoned there was at least 2lbs of it! I couldn’t believe it was going to plan so far, and that the waters had no meconium in them.

She got the IV in on the second attempt (I have bad veins) and the drip took action.

I held the gas and air but didn’t so much feel the need to keep taking it, as the tightenings currently weren’t painful. It was only when the liquid had completely finished being pushed out that the pain seemed to start (it may’ve been that this just considered with the drip starting to work). I sucked that gas and air for dear life, but it was manageable and short.
At this point I decided I did not want my dignity blanket or whatever it was called and flung it off.

“We need strong contractions lasting about a minute.”

Joyce informed me. I took the tube out of my mouth.

“We can do that”

I replied.

The next 4 hours are a bit blurry. I pretty much immediately wanted to stand, I held onto the canister but was quickly given the alternative of a handle that pulled out of the bed. I remember trying to get my mind away from the longer, more painful contractions by twisted the foam on the handle back and forth with aggression. I wondered if anyone else had done to concentrate whilst standing on a pile of sodden incontinence sheets. At the time I was quite sure that they must of.

We had noticed at this point that the bands around of stomach weren’t doing an effective job. They kept sliding off and failing to pick up the heartbeat. I was put back onto the bed briefly to fit a fetal scalp or ‘clip’ onto the babies head, that way they could keep an eye on the heartbeat whilst I remained mobile.

There was a midwife changed and a lady I didn’t know called Liz took over. I instantly decided that I didn’t like her as much, but also that I didn’t much care.
I had a couple of contractions on the bed before standing again. I was about 7cm by this stage and finding the contractions far more intense.
I made a couple of comments that this would’ve been a lot less painful in the bath, and was given the response ‘maybe next time’. Next time?! Yeah right!

I didn’t notice until I brushed my teeth the next day, that I had shoved the tube right into my upper gums and made them bleed. I also bit down strongly on the tube (in combination with the foam-handle-moving) to manage the pain.

Shortly before I started getting that crazy urge to push I said to the midwife, that if it got any worse than this I may need some more pain relief, but not yet.

I was still at 7cm before the first urge hit me. The most intense feeling to strain and push downwards. When you go with this urge, there are definitely endorphins or something good realised – it’s satisfactory and much less painful than not pushing.

Liz got me back onto the bed and got me to lie on my side. I had one leg raised in a stirrup.

With each contraction came that mad urge to push and resisting it was torturous. She explained why she was doing it and I said that I understood and knew why anyway, but it didn’t make it any easier! I had to concentrate on blowing down the tube and use my energy for that. That was definitely the hardest part for me, as I was fighting against my body rather than going with it.

Then the brilliant news. I was fully dilated! I was told ‘three big pushes and you’ll be there’ little did I know I still had 2 hours to go.
I stopped taking the gas, as now I needed to concentrate on bearing down. My mouth had dried up many, many times and I kept taking tentative sips of water to help. Do you know the feeling of waking up and wetting your lips, sometimes they peel a bit, like a layer of soft skin cells? The roof of my mouth kept doing at as it was so dry from the gas.
I started by standing again, swaying my hips with a weird rhythm that took over me. I was allowed to push and sunk down with the urge, squatting whilst holding onto the bed. It hurt, obviously, but was not as bad as a contraction without the urge.
After doing this for a few contractions (a mirror on the floor so the midwife could see) I felt a bit tired and sat on the birthing stool, which was uncomfortable but aided the process. It didn’t seem like I was on there for long before going back onto the bed (I was getting tired). I had a catheter at this point to empty my bladder, as apparently that helps? And Liz showed me with her fingers how much of the clip was left until I started to crown. About 3 inches, I was rather excited.

I bent over the back of the bed in the ‘doggy style’ birthing pose. I couldn’t seem to push for long enough as I kept needing to breath. I definitely felt that ‘three pushes’ line was a tad deceptive.

I really was trying my hardest but it felt a bit like I was getting nowhere. Exhausted, I now had my hair so wet with sweat it felt like I’d washed it. I lay on my back, but felt like it was now all I had the energy for, despite knowing it would be harder to push the baby out.

My legs were both in stirrups and I was pushing with all my might, I strained every part of me and held onto my thighs to help me push harder.

They (a sister had now come in adorned with plastic apron and gloves) said they could see my baby’s head and I was able to reach down and feel his head for the first time, I saw with a mirror too and found it fascinating, I remember smiling and being spurred on to finish this off!

I didn’t find the crowning the worst part in all honesty. I was on no pain relief at that stage and the burning sensation is a hell of a lot nicer than an induced contraction! It didn’t last long either. I did lots of little pushes (don’t remember being urged to pant) and the head was out. I did exclaim ‘It’s the burning ring of fire’ and they chuckled, one responding ‘oh, you know that song?’. :haha:

Once his head was out they offered to let me touch it again but I said ‘No thanks, I think I’ll just wait now!’

I pushed before I had a contraction, sooo wanted to get him out, but I did have to wait for one and it seemed to take forever!

The next thing I know there’s this purpley creature screaming with a funny shaped head (my first comment after realised that he was a boy was ‘why’s he got a cone head?’). I continued to get contractions whilst the placenta came away.
I couldn't believe when they converted his weight from kgs that he was 9lbs 14oz!
His cord was cut and he lay on my chest in my nightie (a Nightmare before Christmas nightie!), one of his little hands clinging to my strap or dear life! I kissed his little head.

“Do you have a name for him?”

“Yes…his name is Silas”.

And from then on we started our new and exciting life together.


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Well done lovey! Sounds like he made you work for his appearance! :haha:
That's a great story honey, not too long at all!

I was induced too but she was my third so 1 pessary did it. Know what you mean about internals, how can the pain vary so much between different people doing it?!!

Clare x
Wow great birth story! Congratulations and I just love his name :Dxxxx

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