So I'm new to this forum. Currently ttc baby#1. I have been trying for 3 years now with current partner and had infertility testing etc. According to doc my body is fine (yeah right!) I had a HyCoSy on the 25th of Feb, had a period week after and fell pregnant the following cycle. Unfortunately it was a chemical on the 7th April and didn't want to wait so we carried on ttc after bleeding stopped, which was 4 days like my regular period. Anywho, AF was due today and I got a BFN. I didn't take any opks, (though I should have!) so don't even know if I ovulated. I heard after miscarriages/chemical your body can be super fertile so I held out hope!
According to my app I should have ovulate on the 20th April so by that calculation Im currently on 14dpo CD 28. I have an average cycle length of 27.5 days
I'm getting very mild cramps but no other symptoms although I swear my nipples have gotten darker again like it did before my chemical.
so I'm confused. oh I have been nauseous on and off.
Anyone on the same cycle as me or in their tww as well?
So I'm new to this forum. Currently ttc baby#1. I have been trying for 3 years now with current partner and had infertility testing etc. According to doc my body is fine (yeah right!) I had a HyCoSy on the 25th of Feb, had a period week after and fell pregnant the following cycle. Unfortunately it was a chemical on the 7th April and didn't want to wait so we carried on ttc after bleeding stopped, which was 4 days like my regular period. Anywho, AF was due today and I got a BFN. I didn't take any opks, (though I should have!) so don't even know if I ovulated. I heard after miscarriages/chemical your body can be super fertile so I held out hope!
According to my app I should have ovulate on the 20th April so by that calculation Im currently on 14dpo CD 28. I have an average cycle length of 27.5 days
I'm getting very mild cramps but no other symptoms although I swear my nipples have gotten darker again like it did before my chemical.

Anyone on the same cycle as me or in their tww as well?