no af help


Sep 8, 2006
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i was 2 days late when i had 2 spots red blood but bit of brown,no belly pains ,no mood swings like usual as im usuall very heavy,

ive still got sore boobs,
what do u all think could i be preg or maybe no af this month

Well .... I'd do a test hon!! Have you got any?
The only way to be sure babe is to test......let us know how you get on xx
Like everyone else said, I would do a test and use FMU.

[-o< for a BPF :hugs:

Have you tested babe?
Ooooo emmsaando did you test?

Lots of luck x
hi all ive tested with poundland test yesterday it was negative,maybe af just not comming this month

i feel tired but could be down to amy having me up at 6 every morning
ive got sore boobs too

what would you all do now retest or leave it as neg

I would wait a few more days and test again! :hugs:
I would leave it about 3 days babe, your HCG (pregnancy hormone) doubles every 2-3 days, so if you are PG, you would stand a good chance of the test going positive every 2-3 days after last testing! :dust:
i bought some tests off ebay they came yesterday, i took 2 yesterday were def neg

just took one now and it has the faintest of lines on it have to put it to lightto see it.

will take another tommorow

af never turned up
12 days late should give you a whooping BFP if pregnant I would have thought.

Be careful with the strip tests they have a habit of showing faint but evap lines :hugs:

Good luck

awwww maybe you should go to the dr and let them test?? or just wait a couple more days and test again?? duno :) i'll cross my fingers for you tho :D:D

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