You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!!
Yes that is true but it was like pms symptoms at least 10 days before my period and I only get them like 2-3 days before and it's just cramping which I didn't have this period. And if I was in high school my name would've been pizza face or zit face it was that bad. And I figured it'd be too early for symptoms that's why I never really thought it was pregnancy but eeh, they're back. My SO even wants me to test again
I feel like I should point out that your symptoms are caused by the increase in progesterone in your body after ovulation. The more progesterone your body produces, the more symptoms you'll have. And these symptoms will be there from ovulation to AF. It doesn't matter if you're pregnant or not, you will have some symptoms during the tww from the progesterone. You will probably have some main symptoms you always get during your TWW and then there will be some that pop up on different months based on how your body is reacting to the progesterone.
These symptoms are also the same as preggo symptoms because progesterone increases in your body when you're preggo, along with HCG. So, it can get so confusing during the TWW sometimes.
It's very likely that you had symptoms throughout the two week wait before, you just didn't notice them because you weren't TTC. It's like that for a lot of us.
Like everyone else said, you should test again. If you're not satisfied with that, then you could go to your doctor and request a blood HCG test. That would be definitive...
But it is also likely you just had a weird cycle. I've had weird periods before too, where it was super short and light and not at all like my regular AFs, but got a BFN. So, if I were you, I'd be BDing with my SO, since ovulation could be right around the corner and you don't want to miss it wondering about your last cycle, but I'd also test again.
I do hope you're actually pregnant though. TTC is hard and it has a tendency to drive you crazy. Things you would have normally dismissed seem to be something significant when TTC...and then you find it's not. BFNs are the worst.
I think you should keep track of the symptoms you have during your tww, so you know what's normal for you and what's not. That will help in the future for sure.