no one ever answers my threads, and i really need advice :'(


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
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I had ovulation spotting on Dec 11, cd 10 and had sex from the 5th till the 10th. From the 12th to the 23rd I had so many symptoms from stingy nipples to mood swings, nausea. From the 20th thru the 23rd I had brown spotting just enough to notice it. Then on the 23rd I broke out like crazy, it was like I had a allergic reaction it was that bad. Then all symptoms stopped. Then my af appeared on the day(30th) it was supposed to but for only 2 days with barely any clots and since Jan 1 my symptoms came back, the nausea, mood swings, headaches, but with a few extra like cramping, bloating, and slight pain in my left and the worse leg cramp at night. Before my period the pain was in the right ovary. I took tests at 11 and 13 dpo and both came out negative. I would dismiss it but today I read about decidual bleeding and leg cramps at night as a pregnancy symptom. Please help!!! And also I drank new years Eve because I figured I wasn't pregnant
From what you posted, it's been a bit since you tested you could test again just to be sure. Your period may have actually been implantation bleeding or your body could be making itself think it's pg even if your not. I know my body is really cruel about that and in the past has given me loads of pg symptoms because I had wondered if I was. The more symptoms I had the more I thought I was in an endless viscous cycle to only come up with BFNs. Good luck to you and I hope your body is nicer to you than mine is to me.
I understand the wanting to be pregnant so your body makes you think you are thing but my guy actually picked up on the little changes and everything first. I dismissed everything as something else. Like the whole nipples on fire thing I thought because of my recent piercing it was doing that. And I just charged the moodiness to my guys tendency to be a buttmunch and people just doing stupid things like sitting 2 people at a table for 4 lol. And even after he said something I didn't starttthinking I was until the weekend I had the brown spotting. Then everything disappeared but I broke out.
You can symptom spot all you want, it won't give you any answers. We cannot give you any definitive answers from across the internet. Take a test, it is the only way to get an answer.
Hey I'm not ttc but seen this in new posts and didn't want to read and run, I had a similar experience with my first pregnancy I had tender breasts etc and ended up taking a test but it came up negative and that very night I had what I thought was the start of a period but it was so much lighter then normal and lasted two days if even that (mine are usually heavy and last much longer ) anyways at the time I just assumed it was my period and didn't think about it again for nearly two months , at the time we had a horrible loss in my oh's family so I hadn't really noticed that I hadn't had a period in two months and then oh pointed it out and I thought wait a second I haven't had a period since late October ( I only even remembered the date then because I was away at a wedding when I took the negative pregnancy test and then got what I thought was a period) and it was now January. Went to the doctors worried because at the time I was a bit underweight and wasn't eating enough at all so I thought the worst and that my period had stopped because of that ... Pregnancy didn't even cross my mind again tbh because I literally had no symptoms anyways the nurse made me take a test just to rule that out and sure enough I got a :bfp: I was stunned! Turns out I was infact pregnant when I got my :bfn: in October and the bleeding was implantation bleeding and now I was over two months pregnant! :dohh: :haha:

So anyways to get to my point it could be possible and I would wait a week then test again, I mean this time round I tested at what would have been five weeks and got a :bfn: only got a :bfp: at seven weeks! I would also say don't get your hopes up too much though, I know how dissapointing it can be to get a :bfn: oh and as for the drinking thing if you are infact pregnant I wouldn't worry about it too much as with my first I didn't know over Christmas and New Years and I had a few drinks and my doctor told me not to worry! And my baby was and still is fine and healthy :flower:
You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!! :)
Hey I'm not ttc but seen this in new posts and didn't want to read and run, I had a similar experience with my first pregnancy I had tender breasts etc and ended up taking a test but it came up negative and that very night I had what I thought was the start of a period but it was so much lighter then normal and lasted two days if even that (mine are usually heavy and last much longer ) anyways at the time I just assumed it was my period and didn't think about it again for nearly two months , at the time we had a horrible loss in my oh's family so I hadn't really noticed that I hadn't had a period in two months and then oh pointed it out and I thought wait a second I haven't had a period since late October ( I only even remembered the date then because I was away at a wedding when I took the negative pregnancy test and then got what I thought was a period) and it was now January. Went to the doctors worried because at the time I was a bit underweight and wasn't eating enough at all so I thought the worst and that my period had stopped because of that ... Pregnancy didn't even cross my mind again tbh because I literally had no symptoms anyways the nurse made me take a test just to rule that out and sure enough I got a :bfp: I was stunned! Turns out I was infact pregnant when I got my :bfn: in October and the bleeding was implantation bleeding and now I was over two months pregnant! :dohh: :haha:

So anyways to get to my point it could be possible and I would wait a week then test again, I mean this time round I tested at what would have been five weeks and got a :bfn: only got a :bfp: at seven weeks! I would also say don't get your hopes up too much though, I know how dissapointing it can be to get a :bfn: oh and as for the drinking thing if you are infact pregnant I wouldn't worry about it too much as with my first I didn't know over Christmas and New Years and I had a few drinks and my doctor told me not to worry! And my baby was and still is fine and healthy :flower:

Wheeew you're a breath of fresh air lol and my period are usually heavy and major crampy with clots galore. .thanks :) still hopeful xx
You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!! :)

Yes that is true but it was like pms symptoms at least 10 days before my period and I only get them like 2-3 days before and it's just cramping which I didn't have this period. And if I was in high school my name would've been pizza face or zit face it was that bad. And I figured it'd be too early for symptoms that's why I never really thought it was pregnancy but eeh, they're back. My SO even wants me to test again
You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!! :)

Yes that is true but it was like pms symptoms at least 10 days before my period and I only get them like 2-3 days before and it's just cramping which I didn't have this period. And if I was in high school my name would've been pizza face or zit face it was that bad. And I figured it'd be too early for symptoms that's why I never really thought it was pregnancy but eeh, they're back. My SO even wants me to test again

I feel like I should point out that your symptoms are caused by the increase in progesterone in your body after ovulation. The more progesterone your body produces, the more symptoms you'll have. And these symptoms will be there from ovulation to AF. It doesn't matter if you're pregnant or not, you will have some symptoms during the tww from the progesterone. You will probably have some main symptoms you always get during your TWW and then there will be some that pop up on different months based on how your body is reacting to the progesterone.

These symptoms are also the same as preggo symptoms because progesterone increases in your body when you're preggo, along with HCG. So, it can get so confusing during the TWW sometimes.

It's very likely that you had symptoms throughout the two week wait before, you just didn't notice them because you weren't TTC. It's like that for a lot of us.

Like everyone else said, you should test again. If you're not satisfied with that, then you could go to your doctor and request a blood HCG test. That would be definitive...

But it is also likely you just had a weird cycle. I've had weird periods before too, where it was super short and light and not at all like my regular AFs, but got a BFN. So, if I were you, I'd be BDing with my SO, since ovulation could be right around the corner and you don't want to miss it wondering about your last cycle, but I'd also test again.

I do hope you're actually pregnant though. TTC is hard and it has a tendency to drive you crazy. Things you would have normally dismissed seem to be something significant when TTC...and then you find it's not. BFNs are the worst.

I think you should keep track of the symptoms you have during your tww, so you know what's normal for you and what's not. That will help in the future for sure.
Like others have said, it's possible you just tested too early. I'd definitely take another test, and if it's a BFN and you still feel like you might be pregnant, go get a blood test. And if that's negative and you STILL feel pregnant, schedule an ultrasound (though it's unlikely that you'd be pregnant without a positive test, it can happen... just know that's it's very rare). If it's a BFN, I know it sucks, but sometimes our bodies just have weird periods or cycles... even women who are normally extremely regular with periods that last exactly 4 days with predictable PMS symptoms can have the occasional one where PMS is much worse and they'll only have spotting for a couple days. Many times symptom-spotting can cause stress which is not fun or beneficial whether or not you are pregnant! Last time, DH asked me if I were pregnant because I was a complete basketcase, and 2 days later, AF arrived. Try not to get discouraged if people tell you "just test again"... many of us have been there when we don't know what to think when we get BFNs when our bodies feel like we ought to be getting BFPs. The only way to know 100% if you're pregnant is from a positive test or an ultrasound.

Also, don't worry too much about drinking on NYE! If you are pregnant, it's very unlikely that one night of drinking will affect baby :-). I'd only be concerned if you had been getting drunk multiple days in a row or something.
You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!! :)

Yes that is true but it was like pms symptoms at least 10 days before my period and I only get them like 2-3 days before and it's just cramping which I didn't have this period. And if I was in high school my name would've been pizza face or zit face it was that bad. And I figured it'd be too early for symptoms that's why I never really thought it was pregnancy but eeh, they're back. My SO even wants me to test again

I feel like I should point out that your symptoms are caused by the increase in progesterone in your body after ovulation. The more progesterone your body produces, the more symptoms you'll have. And these symptoms will be there from ovulation to AF. It doesn't matter if you're pregnant or not, you will have some symptoms during the tww from the progesterone. You will probably have some main symptoms you always get during your TWW and then there will be some that pop up on different months based on how your body is reacting to the progesterone.

These symptoms are also the same as preggo symptoms because progesterone increases in your body when you're preggo, along with HCG. So, it can get so confusing during the TWW sometimes.

It's very likely that you had symptoms throughout the two week wait before, you just didn't notice them because you weren't TTC. It's like that for a lot of us.

Like everyone else said, you should test again. If you're not satisfied with that, then you could go to your doctor and request a blood HCG test. That would be definitive...

But it is also likely you just had a weird cycle. I've had weird periods before too, where it was super short and light and not at all like my regular AFs, but got a BFN. So, if I were you, I'd be BDing with my SO, since ovulation could be right around the corner and you don't want to miss it wondering about your last cycle, but I'd also test again.

I do hope you're actually pregnant though. TTC is hard and it has a tendency to drive you crazy. Things you would have normally dismissed seem to be something significant when TTC...and then you find it's not. BFNs are the worst.

I think you should keep track of the symptoms you have during your tww, so you know what's normal for you and what's not. That will help in the future for sure.

I honestly had no clue about the progesterone factor and etc but I understand what you're saying but I've always had pretty regular cycles with no major noticeable discomfort until a few days before af and when I say I'm pretty regular I mean to a T cramping 2-3 days before my period full out flow from the first day gradually getting heavier . Tmi but on the 2nd day it's the heaviest and crampiest and the day ipoop and the cramps just die down along with my flow. But with this particular one it's all just haywire and I'm still having symptoms and this pain in my ovary 😭
Like others have said, it's possible you just tested too early. I'd definitely take another test, and if it's a BFN and you still feel like you might be pregnant, go get a blood test. And if that's negative and you STILL feel pregnant, schedule an ultrasound (though it's unlikely that you'd be pregnant without a positive test, it can happen... just know that's it's very rare). If it's a BFN, I know it sucks, but sometimes our bodies just have weird periods or cycles... even women who are normally extremely regular with periods that last exactly 4 days with predictable PMS symptoms can have the occasional one where PMS is much worse and they'll only have spotting for a couple days. Many times symptom-spotting can cause stress which is not fun or beneficial whether or not you are pregnant! Last time, DH asked me if I were pregnant because I was a complete basketcase, and 2 days later, AF arrived. Try not to get discouraged if people tell you "just test again"... many of us have been there when we don't know what to think when we get BFNs when our bodies feel like we ought to be getting BFPs. The only way to know 100% if you're pregnant is from a positive test or an ultrasound.

Also, don't worry too much about drinking on NYE! If you are pregnant, it's very unlikely that one night of drinking will affect baby :-). I'd only be concerned if you had been getting drunk multiple days in a row or something.

Okayy I'm definitely gonna test at the end of this week and I'm completely there with you on the whole basketcase thing right about now lol I had a professional massage the other week and came out angry and annoyed lol but still I appreciate it:)
You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!! :)

Yes that is true but it was like pms symptoms at least 10 days before my period and I only get them like 2-3 days before and it's just cramping which I didn't have this period. And if I was in high school my name would've been pizza face or zit face it was that bad. And I figured it'd be too early for symptoms that's why I never really thought it was pregnancy but eeh, they're back. My SO even wants me to test again

I feel like I should point out that your symptoms are caused by the increase in progesterone in your body after ovulation. The more progesterone your body produces, the more symptoms you'll have. And these symptoms will be there from ovulation to AF. It doesn't matter if you're pregnant or not, you will have some symptoms during the tww from the progesterone. You will probably have some main symptoms you always get during your TWW and then there will be some that pop up on different months based on how your body is reacting to the progesterone.

These symptoms are also the same as preggo symptoms because progesterone increases in your body when you're preggo, along with HCG. So, it can get so confusing during the TWW sometimes.

It's very likely that you had symptoms throughout the two week wait before, you just didn't notice them because you weren't TTC. It's like that for a lot of us.

Like everyone else said, you should test again. If you're not satisfied with that, then you could go to your doctor and request a blood HCG test. That would be definitive...

But it is also likely you just had a weird cycle. I've had weird periods before too, where it was super short and light and not at all like my regular AFs, but got a BFN. So, if I were you, I'd be BDing with my SO, since ovulation could be right around the corner and you don't want to miss it wondering about your last cycle, but I'd also test again.

I do hope you're actually pregnant though. TTC is hard and it has a tendency to drive you crazy. Things you would have normally dismissed seem to be something significant when TTC...and then you find it's not. BFNs are the worst.

I think you should keep track of the symptoms you have during your tww, so you know what's normal for you and what's not. That will help in the future for sure.

I honestly had no clue about the progesterone factor and etc but I understand what you're saying but I've always had pretty regular cycles with no major noticeable discomfort until a few days before af and when I say I'm pretty regular I mean to a T cramping 2-3 days before my period full out flow from the first day gradually getting heavier . Tmi but on the 2nd day it's the heaviest and crampiest and the day ipoop and the cramps just die down along with my flow. But with this particular one it's all just haywire and I'm still having symptoms and this pain in my ovary ��

Oh, I know what you mean. Seriously, TTC messes with our bodies in ways you can't imagine. The stress of TTC or life in general can have so many effects on a cycle.

I was a regular 28-day cycle person pre-TTC, now it's anywhere from 21-28 days long and ov is all over the place depending on how my body decides to act during a particular month. I even had a 17 day cycle one month. It's pure craziness.

My AF was always 6 days (2 heavy 2 medium 2 light/spotting), now it does what it wants. I've given up trying to figure it TWW is the only consistent thing and I spend that symptom spotting. TTC is crazy-making for sure. lol.

I think the only way to settle this is for you to test again though. I mentioned on the other thread that I thought you could have ov'd again already and I'm thinking that could be what's going on with you and why you're having all these symptoms again....but there's always a chance. Where there's a will there's a way! ;) I hope you get a BFP!
You also have to bear in mind that those early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same as PMS symptoms. It really is hard to distinguish between the two. Honestly when I conceived I did not have any pregnancy symptoms short of excessive cervical mucus. The other textbook symptoms did not come until well after my bfp (at 6 weeks) and some not even until my second trimester.
It sounds to me like those two days was your period, but it's always worth testing again. Not all of us get our BFP at 5 dpo or sooner. I tested on 11 dpo and got a negative. Tested again at 17 dpo and got the faintest positive I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
Good luck!! :)

Yes that is true but it was like pms symptoms at least 10 days before my period and I only get them like 2-3 days before and it's just cramping which I didn't have this period. And if I was in high school my name would've been pizza face or zit face it was that bad. And I figured it'd be too early for symptoms that's why I never really thought it was pregnancy but eeh, they're back. My SO even wants me to test again

I feel like I should point out that your symptoms are caused by the increase in progesterone in your body after ovulation. The more progesterone your body produces, the more symptoms you'll have. And these symptoms will be there from ovulation to AF. It doesn't matter if you're pregnant or not, you will have some symptoms during the tww from the progesterone. You will probably have some main symptoms you always get during your TWW and then there will be some that pop up on different months based on how your body is reacting to the progesterone.

These symptoms are also the same as preggo symptoms because progesterone increases in your body when you're preggo, along with HCG. So, it can get so confusing during the TWW sometimes.

It's very likely that you had symptoms throughout the two week wait before, you just didn't notice them because you weren't TTC. It's like that for a lot of us.

Like everyone else said, you should test again. If you're not satisfied with that, then you could go to your doctor and request a blood HCG test. That would be definitive...

But it is also likely you just had a weird cycle. I've had weird periods before too, where it was super short and light and not at all like my regular AFs, but got a BFN. So, if I were you, I'd be BDing with my SO, since ovulation could be right around the corner and you don't want to miss it wondering about your last cycle, but I'd also test again.

I do hope you're actually pregnant though. TTC is hard and it has a tendency to drive you crazy. Things you would have normally dismissed seem to be something significant when TTC...and then you find it's not. BFNs are the worst.

I think you should keep track of the symptoms you have during your tww, so you know what's normal for you and what's not. That will help in the future for sure.

I honestly had no clue about the progesterone factor and etc but I understand what you're saying but I've always had pretty regular cycles with no major noticeable discomfort until a few days before af and when I say I'm pretty regular I mean to a T cramping 2-3 days before my period full out flow from the first day gradually getting heavier . Tmi but on the 2nd day it's the heaviest and crampiest and the day ipoop and the cramps just die down along with my flow. But with this particular one it's all just haywire and I'm still having symptoms and this pain in my ovary ��

Oh, I know what you mean. Seriously, TTC messes with our bodies in ways you can't imagine. The stress of TTC or life in general can have so many effects on a cycle.

I was a regular 28-day cycle person pre-TTC, now it's anywhere from 21-28 days long and ov is all over the place depending on how my body decides to act during a particular month. I even had a 17 day cycle one month. It's pure craziness.

My AF was always 6 days (2 heavy 2 medium 2 light/spotting), now it does what it wants. I've given up trying to figure it TWW is the only consistent thing and I spend that symptom spotting. TTC is crazy-making for sure. lol.

I think the only way to settle this is for you to test again though. I hope you get a BFP!

Lols this is all just blaah lol but I'll test again in a few days and I really hope so too :) !
Jan 5th I was in the hospital with a kidney infection had blood work sent off but it was a crappy hospital and I haven't got any test back yet. Lastnight before me and my DH got in the shower he pointed out to me(because I've pretty much stopped symptom spotting ) that the skins getting dark around my already dark areolas like my areola is dripping pigment lol and Then when we get out the shower he points out that my veins are showing. On my boobs. It's no secret that I'm black or African American but my veins are never visual unless my blood flow is constricted and I personally don't remember wrapping anything around my boobs in the shower lol. Any incite other Then test again?
Sorry to hear about your kidney infection. I suppose that accounts for the pain you've been having?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% 'you're pregnant!' sign other than a positive pregnancy test. And there's no real way for us to tell you what's actually going on over the internet...So, that's probably why we're all telling you to test again. If you think you're pregnant, test.

I am also black and I have had my veins become visible after a shower. I was hanging out in the mirror doing stuff and then I was like, "Holy road map, Batman!" I did think it was a preggo symptom, but turns out it was a BFN cycle.

So, I can't say that veiny boobs are for certain a symptom of pregnancy...In fact, I read later that it's a technique your body uses to cool down after becoming overly warm. So, it possible they were more prominent because you had a really hot shower, the bathroom was hot and your body reacted. But when you're pregnant, your temperature increases and you have increased blood flow to your boobs as they change during pregnancy. So....yeah, that's another symptom that could go either way.

But it does sound like a good one. I hope you get your BFP soon. :)
Lol it was a pretty hot shower,.. but they're still there. I'm just looking for a reason other Then being pregnant and the only other thing I've found was breast cancer and I had a screening for that in november.. but I got blood work done at that crappy hospital and I'm gonna wait until that comes back.. or Friday.. you're extremely helpful btw lol
Lol it was a pretty hot shower,.. but they're still there. I'm just looking for a reason other Then being pregnant and the only other thing I've found was breast cancer and I had a screening for that in november.. but I got blood work done at that crappy hospital and I'm gonna wait until that comes back.. or Friday.. you're extremely helpful btw lol

I'm glad to help. :) I figure, I've got 3 years of TTC under my belt, I might as well try to help others while I'm on this journey.

So, what did your bloods say? Or did you test?

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