I started on the evening with baby rice (made up with his usual milk) because he was still getting up once in the night at 5 months 1 to 2 times.
After having rice on an evening, night feeds dropped to one bottle per night.
I then introduced a breakfast, I just used the rice at first but it was never a roaring success so I tried a porridge, hoping a bit of flavour would get him going and it did, Cow and Gate banana porridge. I love this one particuarly as it can just be made up with boiled water rather than his milk. Then next I added some fruit puree with his porridge, and this went well.
I upped his evening meal to rice with a pureed veg. So at the moment we are running on a breakfast (bottle at this time too) and bottles in the day, then evening 'meal' with whatever milk he takes from bottle. He is no longer fed in the night. My next step will be a lunchtime meal but still feel confused at times with things!
My stressy thing now is about introducing sippy cups and getting him going with those and off the bottle! Have found a nice half way point in the NUK learner bottle/cup, but he still doesn't feed himself with it but has improved with holding it and getting it to his mouth.