I rang a SALT helpline once because when we started solids, my LO used to sometimes sounds a bit congested afterwards. Then she would cough and it would clear. I was, of course, terrified she was aspirating.
The lady was really nice and said if it cleared with a good cough then it wasn't going down far enough for it to be entering the lungs, just lingering a little at the back of the throat. She also said if it were aspiration, it would be likely to make her breathing sound very junky and give her chest infections. She's never had one. She's not even had a cough. But she said if it went on for months and months, to get it looked at.
She seemingly grew out of it soon after. Then, coinciding with a bout of teething, it happened again. I realised that at the point we began weaning, she was also teething. She would sound randomly rattly and gargly at points during the day, but as soon as the teething stopped, it stopped.
She's teething again now and we're back to the odd gargly throat noise. She doesn't get it after eating any more unless she's particularly dribbly and it's something like a yoghurt but even then it doesn't happen every time. My theory has been that with thicker foods like the pureés we gave her to start with, the saliva gets thickened and sits in the throat.
If it clears with a cough or just goes away on its own after a couple of minutes, I really don't think it can be a sign of aspiration, though of course with an existing condition, I can understand why it is worrying. Absolutely gross I know, but I used to smoke before I had N and my throat would sometimes make a rank noise due to phlegm sitting there. Obviously I'd just cough straight away, but babies don't know to do that until it rises far enough to be irritating and trigger their reflex.
Is Alistair teething/going through a dribbly stage?