on demand or schedule?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2013
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I nurse my 7 week old on demand. I feed him whenever he seems hungry. Sometimes that's every 1.5 hrs sometimes he goes as long as every 4. I don't watch the clock, I just feed him until he detaches himself. Sometimes I notice he puts himself on a every 3 hour schedule, sometimes its all over the place and more frequently. He's gaining weight fast. He started small but is catching up at lightening speed. My last pediatrician visit the doctor told me he is gaining almost twice what he should and to space the feeds out. But I've continued to nurse when he wants it. I think he is continuing to gain pretty fast. Maybe I am sometimes nursing for comfort not hunger? What do you do? Feed on demand or on a schedule? Should I be more conscious of 10 minutes on a side or continue to nurse until he detaches himself? How often does your LO nurse?
I nurse my baby girl on demand. She goes about 7 hours at night without a feed and then varies between 1-3 hours during the day, she's still quite small though for a 6 week old but really long
I believe that if you're baby is hungry you should feed them especially at 7 weeks, they are still so young!
I've always fed on demand. When baby is young he has growth spurts every couple of weeks and you need to feed him whenever he wants to in order to increase your supply to fill his growing tummy. If you start spacing his feeds out all you'll end up with is a grumpy baby.
I don't think your baby will let you space the feeds out without being grumpy and sad. If you can't easily distract them I say feed on demand
I feed on a schedule, but only because he was born a few weeks early and doesn't wake up to feed.
Thanks! I thought I was doing the right thing but I second guessed myself because he is gaining twice as much as normal. Guess he just wants to be a big baby:)
We have always fed on demand and still do now. During the day, she is usually every 2-3 hours and then she sleeps 8-10 hours at night. I don't think it is possible to over feed BF baby as they just take what they need and as it is impossible to know how much they have had, I would be uncomfortable putting any kind of schedule in place.

Feed on demand but she has kind of set a schedule of every 2.5 hours (think we're heading for a growth spurt though)
Feed on demand... My LO is 14weeks sometimes he goes 3-4 hours other times feeds again after an hour but has started to go longer at night has decided himself that 8pm is bedtime then he will wake once I'm the night for a short feed. He's also gained loads of weight. :)
How long on each side does everyone do? 10 minutes? Or until they stop eating?
Yes feed on demand, let baby eat until they are done don't worry about the time. Your doctor is giving you formula feeding recommendations.
Seems strange to me that a doctor would be recommending a schedule. In UK the entire NHS advises demand feeding (for both breast and bottle fed babies) and schedules are frowned upon. That's an entire country whose national strategy says "demand feeding" is the way to go of healthy happy babies.

Also twice what is "normal" is an odd phrase - what's normal? Babies grow differently and although weight gain is a factor in measuring a child's health, it shouldn't be the only thing considered when deciding if a child is healthy, it is just an indicator when viewed over a period of time. One off measurements don't show a full picture.
Please feed on demand! They nurse A LOT in the beginning- it's a natural process to build up your milk supply. IMO- newborns/babies are not supposed to be put on a strict feeding schedule- it can affect their weight gain and your milk supply.
Another big mistake is keeping to strict time limits per side. They aren't as effective of getting milk out when they are really little- they have to learn as well as you. This could also lead to a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance- not allowing the baby to reach the fatty milk at the end of a feed. They may stay on the breast for a long time- some of this may just be comfort nursing as well (which is also recommended and just as important as bfing for nourishment). All in all I think most lactation consultants/breastfeeding mothers will tell you to let your baby lead the way when it comes to breastfeeding. They will eventually become more effective (perfecting their latch, etc.) at getting the milk out and will nurse for less time and less often.
My LO tends to feed from 1 breast for 10-20 mins usually only 10mins. And rarely wants the other boob. I did at one point get a blocked duct and he had green poo and was colicky and it seemed like symptoms of foremilk/hindmilk inbalance so I make sure the first one seems completely empty.
Seems strange to me that a doctor would be recommending a schedule. In UK the entire NHS advises demand feeding (for both breast and bottle fed babies) and schedules are frowned upon. That's an entire country whose national strategy says "demand feeding" is the way to go of healthy happy babies.

Also twice what is "normal" is an odd phrase - what's normal? Babies grow differently and although weight gain is a factor in measuring a child's health, it shouldn't be the only thing considered when deciding if a child is healthy, it is just an indicator when viewed over a period of time. One off measurements don't show a full picture.

He didn't really recommend a schedule- but thought his weight gain of 2 ounces a day was a lot and wanted me to stretch out the feeds if I could. But I couldn't and didn't. I didn't give it much of a second thought until multiple more people have commented on his weight gain, and how often I feed him- so I started thinking about it more. I just feed him when it seems like he wants it- even if he already ate an hour before. I just wanted reassurance that I was doing the right thing. I'm sure he will slow down when he is ready to.
You are doing the right thing! I second guessed everything in the beginning- but follow your instincts- they are almost always on point! Good job you're doing great!

P.s. Kellymom.com has great advice on all types of breastfeeding questions

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