we are pagan in essence but we are quiet far removed from the wiccan ways.
I believe in the sun and the moon and the stars and in a higher power which is a connection of everything but not set to one religion or other
Mostly i believe that there are many roads that lead to rome and so that god may be celebrated in any and all ways x
We would have done something small for Imbolc, had a fire in the back garden, enjoyed a walk, explained things to Jasper but he is unfortunately ill with ear infection and we have not left the house for days (it just hurts his ears poor love
When we have our own garden, veggie plot and he is not ghastly ill, we will celebrate by planting the first seeds (indoors of course!) , preparing the garden, enjoy an evening by the fire and music and fun
I think its a lovely celebration
Unfortunately it just hasn't worked for us this year!
Our aim is to allow paganism to underlie the usual Christian celebrations, so we will do choccy eggs at easter with hunts and fun, but also discuss the changing of the seasons, the correct meaning of the 'returning of the son' etc
My favourite celebration is Advent, the month long preparations for the coldest days of the year, the decoration of the tree and the yule logs, the family and the booze and the companionship
I intend to teach the kids about the turning of the seasons and the shape of the stars, as a basic knowledge of survival, farming and love
I suppose thats what makes us pagan... I find Wicca a hard thing to understand as to me paganism is about not being of an order or being 'more connected' than anyone else and yet the Wiccas seem to shroud themselves in order and hiearchy...
For example we gave Jasper a beautiful naming ceremony using only our own ideas about a basic spell and what we wanted from the day, i intend to do the same with our handfasting but yet my Wicca friends seem keen that we have a more 'structured' plan for our wedding and its really not what i am about
I will write a plan, find people to perform various necessary parts of the spell or to call the earth the support us and we will find someone to marry us (we have found him now, actually)
I imagine it will be at dawn as is right (i think) for a wedding...
Hmmm i am babbling now i think! lol