Partners and HBs


Son, Daughter, 2 Angels
Apr 20, 2010
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Just wondering how "On board" everyone's partners are? Bit of fun really! (and I'm incredibly nosey!)
my oh wasnt keen at first and i was planning a natural hospital birth, but then he changed his mind and said he was ok with what ever i wanted. he wasnt totally into it, was happy to be instructed of what he needed to do pool wise. i was also doing hynobirthing and he wasnt into that at all ha ha, i just told him if i loose it during transition that he's to tell me to pack it in and relax and remind me its the baby nearly here. i didnt need to worrk though i didnt loose it at all, dont think my body had time to have that effect i went from 3-4 cm to her being born in less than an hour including an ambulance ride! actually the only people with me during what will have being transition was a paramedic and a midwife ha ha. DH is really on-board for a HB...he's actually really into it lol!
hopefully he'll be alot more into it next time now he knows the drill and whats involved and how well i coped at home compared to hospital with imm. the aim next time is to stay at home! he did do a good job putting up and filling the pool, just a pitty it went to waste (gutted!!!) xx
My DH isn't 100% yet, I'd say he's about 75% on board at the moment.

Although he was impresssed when I showed him the inflatable birthing pool, he did seem a lot more into it then. I asked "what did you think it was going to be like?"

His reply was "the same as the one you used in the birth centre!!" :dohh::dohh:

MEN!! :dohh:
DH is all for it, since his mom had her third at home and he remembers being woken up to see the baby!
Plus I've had two natural easy labors before - I think I'm more worried than him!
As you may have read when I started the homebirthers and hopefuls thread two years ago this month :shock: my hubby was not 100% about being at home. Sufficed to say we went on our journey and he is now the biggest home birth advocate out there! Trying to get partners who aren't sure along to a HB support group can be helpful too :)
I'm so glad I don't have to talk my DH into this! In fact, i think he may be more excited about it than me!! haha!
My DH is 100% on board. He is the one that suggested it for ds2 actually, but I had been thinking about it too just didn't know how to bring it up.
DH is pretty terrified about the thought of labour and birth full stop. He's happier we'll be at home than in hospital though as he'll have jobs to keep him busy. Last time he just watched (my natural waterbirth!) in horror, and was deeply shocked for weeks afterwards.
My DH isn't totally on board as he worries something could go wrong or that the MW might now make it in time for some unknown reason and he would have to deliver:dohh: but he is not trying to talk me out of it like he did with our last baby.
my OH is not at all into the idea of a homebirth he is all about the 'what if's' and i just dont know what else i can say to him to win him over! But at the end of the day it is my decicion he says he wont stop me but doesnt want me to :(
Mine has been supporting my want of HB so far (all being medically well too)

Everyone else I've mentioned it to, including my parents have looked at me as if I am crazy, and I'll be 'safer' at hospital - why?! 99% of normal low risk pregancies everything goes fine, in fact I think medical intervention actually makes it worse most of the time
Mine has been supporting my want of HB so far (all being medically well too)

Everyone else I've mentioned it to, including my parents have looked at me as if I am crazy, and I'll be 'safer' at hospital - why?! 99% of normal low risk pregancies everything goes fine, in fact I think medical intervention actually makes it worse most of the time

I told my mum I wanted a home birth, and she just said, "Well, when Tess had one, she said it was amazing, and she'd recommend it" I take it that was good?
mine initially said no (like he ever had a choice lol). then he said yes simply because he knows he needs to support any choice i make since im the one birthing. then i dragged him to a NCT homebirth group and hes now converted. he cant see why more people wouldnt have a homebirth and says it makes alot of sense to him.
i think the bit he likes the most is that he can sit at home playing on his Xbox while im doing my thang next door lol. his only concern is that well end up with the one male MW on the homebirth team and that hell have to share his Xbox!!!!:dohh::haha:
Mine wasn't into it at all when I first mentioned HB with DD so I settled on planning a natural hospital birth minus the pool (DS was born in that room and I really didn't want to be reminded of his birth when having DD) I got the Natal Hypnotherapy hospital prep CD and started it. Then around 23wks I looked into it again and book marked a few links for DH to read, this really put his mind at rest and he was happy for us to have a HB. He never got overly enthusiastic about it and had a wobble when his parents objected (yeah, like THEY get a say in where our children are born :dohh: )

When it didn't happen he was actually pretty gutted, now we're ttc again and I know he is 100% behind a HB and actually really excited. He talks about it, I can see him mentally planning it out as we speak. It's really sweet
mine wasn't totally on board. But given that i had a precipitous birth and would have very likely had scarlett in the car if i had planned a hospital birth, he obviously now agrees HB was right for us!
Mine is really nervous about it. I know he'd prefer that I'd agree to a hospital birth but I'm so sure a HB will be right for me! I've shown him so much research but everytime he starts to relax someone terrifies him ie. his sister ringing him after watching OBEM and saying I'm putting the baby at risk by not going to hospital. I'm worried that if the MW says that there's anything not going to plan he'll cave in and try to get me transferred asap. Not sure how I can help him relax!
BabyB have you thought about a doula? Him having someone there that he (and you) knows and trusts who can reassure him that things that are happening are normal may help him relax. Adrenalin is a secreted pheromone and so if someone in the birth space is anxious it's contagious....and there is a very famous obstetrician who remarked that the length of the woman's labour is directly linked to the adrenaline in the room. If there's a way to help him feel relaxed and confident, it's important to try to find it so he doesn't bring his anxiety and adrenaline to the space x

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