Im ok, just frustrated with my gp's surgery, think im just going to book my own blood tests and blag it with the nurse when she cant see the docs recommendation as its really winding me up that they wont give me lh and fsh blood tests on cd3!! Just had them done again today and im going to get my af within the next couple of days so the levels are going to be wrong again! Im asking her on tues how the heck I can see someone private as I think shes patronising and rude and her opinion doesnt count as to how long she thinks its normal as Im only following nhs guidelines anyway! grrr rant over
How are you anyway lol x
Actually, pending any issues with your LH, both levels should be fairly near your '3 day' levels if not lower. During the luteal phase, your progesterone slows the development of follicles through the feedback loop that FSH, LH, and Estrogens are on, but this declines in the last week. You can get perfectly accurate scans of follicle counts in the late luteal phase as you can in the first week of menstruation, so it follows that the FSH and LH will follow the same trajectory. Any doctor worth their weight would be able to interpret the tests accordingly.
The main things they'd be looking for is too high LH and FSH, no?
The short answer is yes. Before I give you a longer answer, I'd need to know what you mean by PCOS, as it can cover a whole spectrum of symptoms. Women simply don't 'have' PCOS, they develop imbalances and disregulation of their endocrine system which affects things like their fertility. Doctors call this collection of attributes and symptoms 'PCOS' just for ease of diagnosis. In truth, it's not that simple.
A single set of blood tests isn't enough to say your cycle is normal. The test results may have been 'within range' but those same levels of FSH and LH need to behave in a certain way to trigger the right chemicals in the right places at the right time for a successful, fertile ovulation. Even the right range of progesterone is no indication of a successful ovulation. It just means your progesterone is high enough on that day to support a pregnancy. If they took it 2 hours later, it might be a lot lower, and that STILL doesn't mean you are lacking in progesterone. The body pulses it throughout the day, and most people aren't very receptive to having blood taken every other hour. ;-)