Don't give up breastfeeding no matter how hard it is
it DOES get a lot easier! Just gotta persevere through it
I personally think co sleeping is a must for single parents lol especially when breastfeeding. Ensures you get a better nights sleep!
also I'd try and read up on and learn about baby wearing. That way if you have a baby who always wants cuddled like mine, you can keep them close whilst having your hands free to do things like cooking etc.
also only buy the bare minimum! You can always buy more but it would save you a lot of money to just get the basics. Make time for yourself, go to baby groups once you've recovered from the birth. Even if you don't feel like going. Because you won't but if you stay in all day you could end up with postnatal depression like I did. Also you could try and do sure start things like baby massage and sensory
they're a great bonding thing! Once you feel comfortable, (I didn't til Isabella could sit herself) then take baths with each other, gets you both clean in one, it's a fun play time and it really is a lovely bonding experience too
I'll add things if I think of anything more xx