My son is 17 days old and I'm breast feeding him. He went from 8lb 12ozs at birth to 7lb 6ozs in three days. So was admitted into hospital with dehydration, jaundice and high sodium levels.
I continuted to breast feed and expressed to cup feed under advice. He put a small amount of weight on and we were discharged. We carried on with that feeding plan but he lost some more weight and got taken back in hospital. Over the next week he gained then lost very small amounts.
He is currently at his heaviest since birth at 7lb 15oz. I'm still breast feeding and expressing once a day just to give me a break. He is feeding every hour to two hours and will stay on me for about 30 mins. Whenever he is awake he wants feeding or it could be comfort?? Breast feeding support have watched many feeds and said all is ok.
Would you be worried? please be honest
and should i introduce formula top ups?? My nipples are killing me, to the point where it brings tears to my eyes.
Please help me
I continuted to breast feed and expressed to cup feed under advice. He put a small amount of weight on and we were discharged. We carried on with that feeding plan but he lost some more weight and got taken back in hospital. Over the next week he gained then lost very small amounts.
He is currently at his heaviest since birth at 7lb 15oz. I'm still breast feeding and expressing once a day just to give me a break. He is feeding every hour to two hours and will stay on me for about 30 mins. Whenever he is awake he wants feeding or it could be comfort?? Breast feeding support have watched many feeds and said all is ok.
Would you be worried? please be honest
and should i introduce formula top ups?? My nipples are killing me, to the point where it brings tears to my eyes.
Please help me