We have been TTC since September. I had several positive tests last month, only to end up with a weird period. This month my period started on 12/7. Ovulation happened on time, on 12/21. Since 12/26 I have noticed a lot of very wet cm. However, yesterday (9DPO) I woke up and had A TON of ewcm. Confused, I did lots of internet research, and went home and took another ovulation test. It came back negative. I took another one 3 hours later (because I just felt the need to) and it came back with a Similie face. (I am using ClearBlue Digital). So what does this mean? Could the ovulation test be wrong? I took two pregnancy tests today and they both came back negative. Today I am still having a mixture of wet and ewcm. Ive had really no symptoms but a crampy stomach that is more gurgly than normal and a headache the other day. Today I feel a little bloated and have mild cramps like AF is coming
.any insight would be greatly appreciated. Im lost on this emotional roller coaster.