For ages now I havent felt like myself. I had PND after having JAck last year, I was put on Citalopram, which didnt seem to do much. I came off them in May and was ok for a bit. I was diagnosed with a Vitamin B12 deficiancy last November and since then been having injections every 3 months. I started feeling a bit better at first, not as tired or moody etc then the last few months Ive put on weight, feel knackered, have no energy, totally unmotivated, zero sex drive and achy all the time. Im at the doctors again tomorrow but they just keep fobbing me off. Im sick to death of feeling like this, Ive turned into a horrible person, snappy all the time, emotional, im a complete bitch to my DH, im surprised he hasnt left me yet! Its affecting every part of my life including work. Im so sick of being this horrible person. I was never like this before having Jack. Its seriously affecting my marriage. My OH has had enough. Has anyone else felt like this. Im hoping they will find something wrong cos this cant be who Ive turned into....
Please can someone offer some advice

Please can someone offer some advice