Im going thru CSA at the minute, my ex earns about 1500 a month, frankly i dont give a shit how much he has to pay on rent, his car etc as CSA dont take that into consideration anyway. He fathered a child so by law he has to pay for it. From what they have told me they base the money the FOB has to pay depending on nights per year they have the child (the more they have the baby overnight the less they have to pay)
My FOB will not be having my baby overnight, he hasnt even tried to make contact to even as much as see her, and she was born a week ago.
So based on him having her 52 nights a year or less (which works out at once a week) He will will have pay 15% of his income per month once his tax, NI, and pension is taken out.
Cause he has father 1 child to u, by rite he has to pay 15%, if its 2 children to a mother its 20% and 3 children or more is 25%, but I dont think it will affect you the fact that he has children to different mothers.
Im also on benefits at the minute, so I wont get the full amount. CSA work it out that I will get £20 per month, outta the money that he pays. They take into consideration that the goverment is paying u to live as ur not working, so u either get ur income support (or whatever benefit ur on) then the £20 CSA or u stop getting beneift and get the full CSA. So it actually makes it more worth my while financially to stay on income support as I get more money in the long run.
Once Mollie is up a wee bit and Im fit for work Ill be going back to work and start claiming working tax credits rather than income support, which means I will then get the full CSA money that he has to pay.
It doesnt actually bother me that Im only getting £20 of what he has to pay, Im just glad that they will be taking the full money outta his wages so he see`s that he just cant walk away from his daughter and expect to pay nothing.
Hope this helps, but if ur confused the CSA website has a calculator where u can fill everything in and it gives u an approx amount u are entitled to, or just give them a wee ring, they are really helpful. x