Hi ladies my lil boy is 6 weeks old was born early at 37.5 but the doc thinks mayb he was only 35 as his oxygen dropped once when he was a few days old and they've done every test to find out why but still can't find anything. Anyway he's always been really slow at feeding the doc say he shud b taking 120ml every four hours now. He been taking 100 every three every for few weeks. Some feeds he'l take 120 ml in bout half hour then other feeds I'm having to keep at him to take the bottle and it can take an hour .he takes bout 60 in ten mins then I wind him and he's reluctant to let bottle back in. He's 8lb now but I'm so stressed trying to get feed into him. Thinking go giving him 60 every two hours. Anyone have baby that's extremely slow at feeding?