I went to a routine appointment at 25 weeks - BP was 176/115 and had + urine so they hospitalized me then and there. Was on complete bed rest and strong medication - it went down to 150/95 and stayed there. They monitored BP in umbilical cord and placenta every few days. Baby had stopped gaining weight so at 27 weeks they decided to do a c section. He had the weight of a 23 weeker, in the bottom 2 percentile, due to lack of blood flow. Yish. Luckily even that small our bodies are amazing - what little blood he was getting he was using for the development of his brain and vital organs. That`s what saved him - he was born stick thin but his organs had continued to mature.
The irony is I felt great all throughout, never felt sick, not even a headache - I didn`t even develop pre eclampsia. The placenta probably didn`t fully develop.
I find it flabberghasting how very little modern medicine understands this condition. I was in a hospital specialized in premature births and the specialists kept talking about *theories*. Perhaps in a few years they`ll have figured it out and be able to prolong these pregnancies without being forced to deliver early...