Pregnancy - Mother Survey.


Call me Tammy :]
Jun 21, 2008
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Here ladies.. Something to help pass some spare time.​

Your name: Tammy.

Age when you got pregnant: 27.

Planned pregnancy with the father: No.

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: Just over 5 weeks.

What was your first reaction: Shock!

How did the father react: He was in total shock, too. Also very happy.

Did you get morning sickness: I got ALL DAY sickness.:cry:

What were your cravings : CHOCOLATE!

What books did you read when you were pregnant : Gosh, all kinds of pregnancy books, magazines.. You name it, I read it.

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Excited and emotional. However, I did puke during it. So I felt a little icky.

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: No. Sadly Kaida was too active during our one and only scan. - Hence why I puked.

Did you excersice when you were pregnant: I walked a lot and cleaned up constantly.. SO, I guess that's excersize.

How much weight did you gain: 43lbs. :blush:

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: No.

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: When my waters broke.

Where did your water break: In the hallway of our house. I thought I pee'd myself. :D

Did you have an epidural : No. All natural.

What were your contractions like : OH GOD! Not too bad at first. However, when my forebag of waters broke.. Yikes, it's pain I couldn't describe.

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal.

Who was in the delivery room with you: My other half, the doctor and two nurses.

How long were you in labor for: A few days. Active labour? 4 hours.

Did you cry during labor: No.

About the baby

Babys name: Kaida Mai.

Gender: Female.

Weight: 6lbs, 40z.

Length:19 inches.

Color of hair: Dark brown.

Birthmark: None.

Did you breastfeed straight away: Yes.

When did you go home: After 1.5 days.

Present time

How old is your baby now: 3 weeks, 5 days old.

Do you still breastfeed: Yes.

Do you give your baby formula: No.

What formula do you feed your baby: She doesn't.

What diapers does your baby use: Pampers or Mother's Choice.

Who does your baby look like: She's like both of us. However, more like her father.

Are you still with the father: Yes.

Has the baby been babtized: No.

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Eat, sleep and cry.

What is it like being a parent: Something you could never put into words. It's the most amazing feeling ever.. Also the scariest and time consuming period in your life. It's worth every sleepless/worrying moment.

Ready for another one: No. Not for a while..If ever..
Your name: Kaylie

Age when you got pregnant: 17 and 20

Planned pregnancy with the father: Yes

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: Carly nearly 3 months and ella 2 months

What was your first reaction: :happydance:

How did the father react: Carly was a shcok but ella he was just has excited!

Did you get morning sickness: Yes with both throughout the whole of the first trimester.

What were your cravings : Chocolate chocolate and more chocolate!

What books did you read when you were pregnant : Some disturbing ones which my mum gave me :| didnt like them lol , but read pregnancy magizines!

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Excited!

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: With carly she didnt show us but had a blled in late pregnancy then found out then woth ella we also did.

Did you excersice when you were pregnant: I walked a lot but otherwise no.

How much weight did you gain: God knows i didnt dare look at the scales..

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: Nope

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: Carly - I was having contractions early morning and got owrse throughout the day .. ella- planned c-section

Where did your water break: Had them broken for me

Did you have an epidural : Of course ;)

What were your contractions like : Holy shit fuck .. thats all i will say

Vaginal or Cesarean: Carly- emergency c-section .. ella- planned one

Who was in the delivery room with you: About 6 people , docters , consutants and of course OH.

How long were you in labor for: With carly 28 hours

Did you cry during labor: Nope! i just screamed!

About the baby

Babys name: Carly jade and Ella Rose

Gender: Females

Weight: 7lb 8oz and 9lb 10z

Length:I cant remmeber :blush: Carly was a very long baby and ella was a little shorter

Color of hair: carly - Dark brown Ella- fair Hair

Birthmark: Strawberry on both , carly - on her bum and a large one and ellas right hand.

Did you breastfeed straight away: No.

When did you go home: 4 days with carly 3/4 with ella

Present time

How old is your baby now: 3 months and 6 days

Do you still breastfeed: No.

Do you give your baby formula: Yes.

What formula do you feed your baby: Aptimal.

What diapers does your baby use: Nature babycare

Who does your baby look like: My OH they are the splitting image

Are you still with the father: Yes

Has the baby been babtized: No

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Eat, sleep ,cry, smile, coo, and go into her pram for a walk.

What is it like being a parent: Words cant descibe it .. its like :cloud9::cry::sleep::rofl::happydance::cloud9:

Ready for another one: Yes but im not going to anymore , 2 is a handful for now!
Your name: Sabrina

Age when you got pregnant: 19 and 29

Planned pregnancy with the father: No.

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: about 5 weeks.

What was your first reaction: Shock!

How did the father react: Shock!!!!!!

Did you get morning sickness: Morning, noon and night sickness

What were your cravings : Ice-pops, beef curry and yoghurts

What books did you read when you were pregnant : every pregnancy magazines under the sun

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: MY first scan was a really nervous one it was at 6 weeks (due to bleeding) and I was terrified

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Yes at 22 weeks

Did you excersice when you were pregnant: Does walking to the chinese count!!!!:rofl:

How much weight did you gain: 28lbs

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: No.

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: When my waters broke.

Where did your water break: In bed at 1am in the morning

Did you have an epidural : No, spinal

What were your contractions like : All back labour well 1/2 of it!!!!! Not to bad

Vaginal or Cesarean: Cesarean

Who was in the delivery room with you: My other half, two midwifes,two surgeons, two nurses and anth.

How long were you in labor for: 2-21/2 hours

Did you cry during labor: No.

About the baby

Babys name: Declan Joseph Charles

Gender: Male

Weight:7lbs 3ozs


Color of hair: Black

Birthmark: None.

Did you breastfeed straight away: No

When did you go home: 2 days

Present time

How old is your baby now: 9 months

Do you still breastfeed:No

Do you give your baby formula: Yes

What formula do you feed your baby: Cow&Gate 3

What diapers does your baby use: Pampers

Who does your baby look like: His daddy

Are you still with the father: Yes.

Has the baby been babtized: Yes

Whats your babys favorite thing to do:Crawl

What is it like being a parent : Amazing!!! A feeling you cannot put into words , it is like all your dreams and wishes rolled into one !!!!

Ready for another one: NO. Dan was suppose to be my last but 9 years 9 months later another little surprise!!!! Even if I did want one I couldnt hubby had snip-snip when Dec was 2 months old!!!!
Your name: Kirsten.

Age when you got pregnant: 18 and 19.

Planned pregnancy with the father: Yes both.

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: 4 weekswith both.

What was your first reaction: Happy and Shock!

How did the father react: Kieran- happy, Paige-didn't believe me!!:hissy: .

Did you get morning sickness: Yes both till bout 7months.

What were your cravings : Kieran-Mint and brown sauce, Paige- crunching ice cubes

What books did you read when you were pregnant : Pregnancy mags, birth to five, emma's diary

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Excited and with Paige nervous to find out whati was having! Wasn't bothered with Kieran

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Yes both but cautious about buying clothes for Paige

Did you excersice when you were pregnant: Walking everywhere and running around after a toddler

How much weight did you gain: No idea wasn't worth the extra stress!

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: No.

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: Contractions started,no show or nothing, Just going to bed with Kieran, was in a restaurant with friends with Paige

Where did your water break: Hospital, midwife broke with Kieran and Paige they broke with a contraction:hissy:God it hurt!!
Did you have an epidural : No. Diamorphine with both also had gas and air with Paige

What were your contractions like : Painful:dohh:

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal.

Who was in the delivery room with you: My other half and Midwife
How long were you in labor for: Start to finish-10 hrs and 6hrs

Did you cry during labor: No.

About the baby

Babys name: Kieran Alexander Samual and Paige Katharina Ethne

Gender: Male and Female

Weight: 8lbs 1andhalfoz and 8lbs 15oz

Length:53cm and 52cm

Color of hair: Dark both

Birthmark: Kieran none, Paige on forehead and loads underneath her hair at the back

Did you breastfeed straight away: Yes, but 50/50 with formula for 8wks

When did you go home: 2.5 days and 14hrs later ish

Present time

How old is your baby now: 2years 1month and 6 and half months

Do you still breastfeed: No

Do you give your baby formula: Yes

What formula do you feed your baby: Sma white for both

What diapers does your baby use: Boots for both

Who does your baby look lile: Kieran looks like my mum and brother, Paige looks more like her dad

Are you still with the father: Yes.

Has the baby been babtized: No.

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Play Seep and Smile

What is it like being a parent: Amazing but sometimes stressful especially with a terrible two's toddler:muaha:

Ready for another one: Yes now but house isn't big enough!! Goin to try when implant runs out in a couple of years. Hopefully will be in bigger house by then!!
Your name: Stacey

Age when you got pregnant: 19

Planned pregnancy with the father: Yes

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: Just over 4 weeks

What was your first reaction: Shock,, Extremly happy!

How did the father react: He was in total shock, too. Also very happy.

Did you get morning sickness: I got ALL DAY sickness. Never sick tho.

What were your cravings : Chewing on a sponge!! Smell of pine disinfectant

What books did you read when you were pregnant : Gosh, all kinds of pregnancy books, magazines.. You name it, I read it.

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Excited and emotional. One of best days in my life!

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Yes,, but the sonographer was only 70% sure. So we had a 4D scan.

Did you excersice when you were pregnant: No.

How much weight did you gain: 2 & half stone!

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: Yes.

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: I had my bloody show the night before.

Where did your water break: When i was 10cm ready to push on the hospital bed.

Did you have an epidural : Yes.

What were your contractions like : OH GOD! Not too bad at first. Yikes, it's pain I couldn't describe. Very unbearable.

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal.

Who was in the delivery room with you: My other half,, midwife. My gran also made a quick appearence while i was waiting to push.

How long were you in labor for: 3hours Active labour? 4hours

Did you cry during labor: No.

About the baby

Babys name: Olivia

Gender: Female.

Weight: 6lbs, 15oz

Length: 20 inches.

Color of hair: Brown.

Birthmark: None.

Did you breastfeed straight away: No.

When did you go home: After 2 days.

Present time

How old is your baby now: 30 weeks, 6 days old.

Do you still breastfeed: No.

Do you give your baby formula: Yes.

What formula do you feed your baby: Cow & Gate no 3 (6months +)

What diapers does your baby use: Huggies super dry

Who does your baby look like: Like her father.

Are you still with the father: Yes.

Has the baby been babtized: Yes.

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Sleep, sit up, scream, giggle, smile, eating, standing up, playing.

What is it like being a parent: Something you could never put into words. It's the most amazing feeling ever.. Also the scariest and time consuming period in your life. It's worth every sleepless/worrying moment.

Ready for another one: Yes,, straight away!!
Your name: Natasha

Age when you got pregnant: 18, 19, 21, and 22

Planned pregnancy with the father: Yes, Yes, No, Yes

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: 8 weeks with Morgan, 6 weeks with Naomi-Mae, 20 weeks with Honey and 4 weeks with Kaysie

What was your first reaction: Happy, Excited, Complete shock, and Petrified

How did the father react: Happy with the first two, complete shock with Honey, scared with Kaysie

Did you get morning sickness: Yes, No, No and No (with Kaysie the fainting more than made up for it lol)

What were your craving: Cherry Drop sweets with Morgan, and with the girls it was doritios and jacket potato cheese and beans

What books did you read when you were pregnant: Loads but mainly magazines

How did you feel about your first ultrasound:Excited with all of them except Kaysie I was so scared

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Yes with Morgan, Naomi-Mae and Kaysie. No with Honey

Did you excersize when you were pregnant: With Morgan yes lots including swimming, Naomi-Mae and with the other three walking plus chasing after the older siblings.

How much weight did you gain: 2 stone (had ore eclampsia), 1 stone, nothing, and 1 stone.

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: With Morgan 1, theo thers no

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: I was induced with Morgan due to pre eclampsia, with Naomi-Mae it was when my contractions were every 2 minutes, with Honey I didnt until mw examined me and could see head, and Kaysie I was induced due to my history.

Where did your water break: On the bed at hospital with Morgan, with Naomi-Mae in the middle of the ward at the hospital moments after mw told me I looked too comfortable to be in labour, Honey my waters went on the sofa eight weeks before she was born so no waters when in labour, and Kaysie my hind waters went whilst out walking one day, and my fore water were broken on the bed.

Did you have an epidural: Yes, No, No, and Yes (due to c section)

What were your contractions like: With Morgan sooooo painful and intense never felt anything like it, with Naomi, Honey was okay, nothing remarkable.

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal, Vaginal, Vaginal and C Section

Who was in the delivery room with you: Morgan = My OH, Mum, mw, and paediatrician, Naomi = OH, Mum, and MW, Honey = OH, Mum, 2 mw's and Kaysie was OH, 2 mw's 2 theatre hands, a registra and 3 consultants

How long were you in labour for: 27 hours with Morgan, and 3 hours with Kaysie Active labour? 3 hours with Morgan, 1 hour 30 with Naomi-Mae, 45 minutes with Honey

Did you cry during labor: Yes, No, Yes and Yes

About the baby

Babys name: Morgan William, Naomi-Mae, Honey and Kaysie Blossom

Gender: Male, Female, Female, Female

Weight: 7lb 5 ozs, 7lb 14 ozs, 5lb 11 ozs, and 6lb 13 ozs

Length:48 cm, 49 cm, 38 cm, and unknown (the dont measure any more here)

Color of hair: Blonde, Golden Blonde, Auburn, and Light Brown

Birthmark: None, None, None and One on her eyelid and one on back of neck

Did you breastfeed straight away: No, No, No and as soon as I was out of theatre

When did you go home: 4 days, 2 days, Next day, and 3 days

Present time

How old is your baby now: 4 years, 3 years, she is angel but should be 14 months, and 11 weeks and2 days

Do you still breastfeed: No

Do you give your baby formula: No, No, No and Yes

What formula do you feed your baby: SMA Gold

What diapers does your baby use: Huggies or Pampers

Who does your baby look like: Morgan looks like Daddy, all three of our girls look like Mummy

Are you still with the father: Yes.

Has the baby been babtized: No, No, Blessed and No

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Ride his bike, Play with her dollys, Morgan says Honey jumps on rain clouds to mae it rain lol, and milk time as well as try to roll over

What is it like being a parent: Amazing, exciting, fun, hard work most of all fufilling

Ready for another one: Yes NOW
Your name: Kari

Age when you got pregnant: 19

Planned pregnancy with the father: Yes

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: 7 weeks 4 days

What was your first reaction: Shocked, Excited and anxious

How did the father react: Happy

Did you get morning sickness: nausea

What were your craving: steak, dill pickles, black olives

What books did you read when you were pregnant: Forget what it was called but something like babys best or something- also lots of magazines and websites!

How did you feel about your first ultrasound:at first scared that there was not going to be anything there, but then very happy and amazed

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Yes at my 22 week u/s

Did you excersize when you were pregnant: lots of swimming
How much weight did you gain: 35 pounds

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: no

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: well my water was broken and the contractions started painfully right away at every 2 minutes

Where did your water break: Hospital

Did you have an epidural: yes

What were your contractions like: awful!!

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal

Who was in the delivery room with you: Michael

How long were you in labour for: 4 hours

Did you cry during labor: yes-didn't think I could bear the pain!!

About the baby

Babys name: Alexa Lynn

Gender: Female
Weight: 9 lb 1 oz

Length: 21 in

Color of hair: Brown

Birthmark: on her butt, and a pink one between her eye brows

Did you breastfeed straight away: yes

When did you go home: less than 48 hrs after birth

Present time

How old is your baby now: 11 weeks

Do you still breastfeed: yes

Do you give your baby formula: occasionally

What formula do you feed your baby: Simalac

What diapers does your baby use: Pampers

Who does your baby look like: both-but a lot like daddy

Are you still with the father: Yes

Has the baby been babtized: No

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: talk, sleep eat try to crawl and spend time with Mommy and Daddy

What is it like being a parent: The most amazing thing in the world!!

Ready for another one: Alexa is going to be an only child!!
Your name: Leanne.

Age when you got pregnant: 25.

Planned pregnancy with the father: No.

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: About 6 weeks.

What was your first reaction: Hmm ok. AG was with me when I got my test.

How did the father react: He was happy.

Did you get morning sickness: Hell yeah.

What were your craving: Chocolate, ice poles, empire biscuits.

What books did you read when you were pregnant: I read magazines, checked on websites etc.

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Hopiung there was just 1 in there lol. that jelly stuff is cold and horrible.

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: No.

Did you excersize when you were pregnant: Walking.

How much weight did you gain: I have no idea.

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: No.

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: I was induced.

Where did your water break: In the hospital.

Did you have an epidural: No.

What were your contractions like: Pretty painful (thank goodness for gas n air lol)

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal.

Who was in the delivery room with you: Ray and the midwife (she was about as bright as a 2 watt bulb in a black out)

How long were you in labour for: About 2 hours.

Did you cry during labor: Yes so did Ray which thanks to gas n air I found amusing.

About the baby

Babys name: Alyssa Kim Lauren.

Gender: Female.

Weight: 6lb 6oz (6 days late) 666 see a sign there lol.

Length: They never measured her.

Color of hair: Dark brown.

Birthmark: None.

Did you breastfeed straight away: No stupid midwife didnt even let us do skin contact.

When did you go home: She was born on the Saturday we went home on the Monday.

Present time

How old is your baby now: 3 years old.

Do you still breastfeed: No. never did.

Do you give your baby formula: Not any more.

What formula do you feed your baby: None.

What diapers does your baby use: Pampers pull ups.

Who does your baby look like: Both of us.

Are you still with the father: Yes.

Has the baby been babtized: No.

Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Paint, draw, jump, dance, swing, slide etc.

What is it like being a parent: It has its good days and its bad but the first time that little person calls you mummy is when it really really sinks in.

Ready for another one: No way lol.
Your name: Sammi

Age when you got pregnant: 20

Planned pregnancy with the father: No.

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: about 7weeks

What was your first reaction: Shock!

How did the father react: Errm he wasnt happy to start with (dickhead)

Did you get morning sickness: Nope, nill hehe

What were your cravings : Raw Carrots, milky bar, sour strawbs (harribo sweets lol), gingerbread men, lager.

What books did you read when you were pregnant : Any mag and leaflet or website i could get hold of

How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Really excited, my heart was racing, i had butterflied, i cried..very emotional, but also very scared incase anything was wrong.

Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Yes at 24 weeks

Did you excersice when you were pregnant: I walked loads and used a gym ball.

How much weight did you gain: 1 stone

Did you attend any pregnancy classes: No, but i really wanted to, but none in my area.

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: I just knew he was gonna come, even before i stated my contractions i said to the MW, he's gonna be here tomorrow..wierd hur.

Where did your water break: In the delievery suit bed

Did you have an epidural : Nope

What were your contractions like : I wasnt even aware i was having them, nor the doctor! So they where shocked when i said i needed to push..the doc was like, u cant possibly! U havent even asked for pain relief or moaned about painful contractions!

Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal

Who was in the delivery room with you: Babies dad, midwife and student midwife, consultant.

How long were you in labor for: 48hrs bugga noticed

Did you cry during labor: No i shouted my head off during pushing him out

About the baby

Babys name: Oliver Findlay Carmichael

Gender: Male

Weight:6lbs 8oz

Length:Nevr measured him! :(

Color of hair: Black

Birthmark: None.

Did you breastfeed straight away: yes

When did you go home: 3DAYS

Present time

How old is your baby now: 9 months

Do you still breastfeed:No

Do you give your baby formula: Yes

What formula do you feed your baby: SMA

What diapers does your baby use: Pampers

Who does your baby look like: Me

Are you still with the father: Hell no

Has the baby been babtized: No

Whats your babys favorite thing to do:Crawl around and open all the cupboards!

What is it like being a parent : Amazing!!! A feeling you cannot put into words , it is like all your dreams and wishes rolled into one !!!! <-------what she said!

Ready for another one: No..perhaps wait for mr right next time!
Your name: Kirsty
Age when you got pregnant: 17 & 20.
Planned pregnancy with the father: The second one
How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant: 6 weeks
What was your first reaction: First one was oh no, second was oh not again :rofl:
How did the father react: Very happy for both
Did you get morning sickness: Not once
What were your cravings : Pickled onion crisps and creme eggs and ice cream all at 3am
What books did you read when you were pregnant : Lots, anything to keep me occupied!
How did you feel about your first ultrasound: Excited, i cried
Did you find out about the sex of your baby: Nopes for neither
Did you excersice when you were pregnant: Yups for both pregnanices, walking, swimming, yoga & a little dance
How much weight did you gain: 46lbs.
Did you attend any pregnancy classes: for the first one

About the delivery

How did you know you where in labor: Waters broke
Where did your water break: Both i was in bed
Did you have an epidural : No
What were your contractions like : I thought i was dieing to put it lightly
Vaginal or Cesarean: Vaginal.
Who was in the delivery room with you: Fiancee & midwife & doctor
How long were you in labor for: 18 hours for Lauren & 15 hours for Harley
Did you cry during labor: Yes

About the baby

Babys name: Lauren & Harley
Gender: Female & male
Weight: 7lbs, 60z. & 6lb 70z
Length: 21 inches & 18 inches.
Color of hair: Dark brown for both.
Birthmark: None.
Did you breastfeed straight away: Yes.
When did you go home: 2 days & next day

Present time

How old is your baby now: 2 & 3 weeks
Do you still breastfeed: Still breastfeed Harley.
Do you give your baby formula: Sometimes
What formula do you feed your baby: SMA
What diapers does your baby use: Pampers.
Who does your baby look like: A little bit of both, Lauren is more like me & Harley is more like his daddy
Are you still with the father: Yes.
Has the baby been babtized: Not yet.
Whats your babys favorite thing to do: Sleep
What is it like being a parent: Only one word for it... AMAZING!
Ready for another one: No thanks... maybe another time

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